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The scope of this study was to provide an update on fluoride (F) emission effects on vegetation around three aluminium smelters. We visited Årdal and Sunndal smelters in 2019-2020 and Mosjøen in 2020, assessed and documented the visual symptoms of F-damage on vegetation and related these to detected values of F in plant tissue. Three plant species showed qualities as useful indicators: Rowan, pine and St. John’s wort. Because male-fern accumulated extreme F-values and showed clear grazing damage, the monitoring of this species may be warranted because of the potential health hazard for the grazing animals. In Årdal and Sunndal, during 2019 and 2020, we detected the highest F-values in male-fern, ranging from 94 to 925 mg F/kg. In rowan, the highest F-concentration was detected in trees growing within the Årdal smelter (1161 mg F/kg) but on all other locations the F-concentrations in rowan ranged from 4 to 327 mg F/kg. In pine, the F-concentrations ranged from 6-351 mg F/kg for all needle ages, but older needles always accumulated more F than younger ones. In St. John’s wort the accumulated F-values ranged from 10-84 mg F/kg. At all smelters there was a gradient of decreasing F-concentration in vegetation with increasing distance from the smelter. F-emissions in Årdal (12 and 11 kg F/hour in 2019 and 2020, respectively) and in Sunndal during 2019 (12 kg F/hour) were only slightly higher than the recommended limits (10 kg F/hour) for damage on vegetation, while in Mosjøen the F-emissions were 7 kg F/hour in 2020. The presence of F-damage on vegetation was consistent with the reported emission-levels. On basis of this evaluation, reductions in emissions are still advisable in Årdal and Sunndal, while the situation is acceptable in Mosjøen.


Lys ringråte på potet, forårsaket av bakterien Clavibacter sepedonicus (Cs), har gjort mye skade i norsk potetproduksjon siden første påvisning i landet i 1964. Den er også grunnen til at man ikke kan eksportere poteter fra Norge. Siden 1965 har Norge hatt sitt eget, nasjonale regelverk for bekjempelse av bakterien. Man har tidligere ( før 1980) flere ganger uten hell forsøkt å utrydde sykdommen fra flere deler av landet. Dette fordi mangelen på en påvisningsmetode med tilstrekkelig sensitivitet den gangen gjorde det vanskelig å skaffe de nødvendige mengder sykdomsfrie settepoteter til utskiftingen...


Resultatmål for prosjektet har vært å finne fram til et optimalt biofilter til oppsamling og rensing av avrenningsvann fra arealer hvor det håndteres plantevernmidler og parkeres/vaskes sprøyteutstyr. Et biofilteranlegg bestående av stablebare kassetter fylt med en blanding av jord (25 %), kompost (25 %) og halm (50 %), og en betongplate (vaskeplatting) med oppsamlingssystem ble anlagt i 2017 med midler fra Forskningmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri. Biofilteret er undersøkt for (1) Effektivitet for rensing av plantevernmidler, (2) Kapasitet gjennom flere års drift, og (3) Nedbrytning og binding av plantevernmidler i biomiksen i biofilterkasettene. Denne utprøvingen er gjennomført i 2018–2020 med midler tildelt fra Landbruksdirektoratet over Handlingsplan for bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler (2016–2020).


Occasionally, high mycotoxin levels are observed in Norwegian oat grain lots. The development of oat varieties with improved resistance to Fusarium and mycotoxins is therefore highly valued in order to increase the share of high quality grain into the food and feed industry. The Norwegian project “SafeOats” (2016-2020) aimed to develop resistance-screening methods to facilitate the phase-out of Fusarium-susceptible oat germplasm, as well as to give new insight into the biology of Fusarium langsethiae and HT2+T2 accumulation in oats. In naturally infested as well as in inoculated field trials, the relative ranking of oat varieties according to Fusarium graminearum/DON content did not resemble the ranking according to F. langsethiae/HT2+T2 content. One variety regarded as moderate resistant to Fusarium according to studies of DON content, was susceptible to F. langsethiae and thus at high risk for HT2+T2 contamination. Screening of resistance to F. langsethiae/HT2-T2 should therefore be routinely applied in breeding programs in addition to the already established screening of resistance to F. graminearum/DON. The incidence of F. langsethiae in a selection of oat seed lots used for commercial sowing showed a similar ranking of varieties as in the field trials. On average, the fungus was observed on 5% of the kernels in 168 seed lots tested during 2016-2018. No indication of transmission of F. langsethiae from germinating seed to seedling was found in a study with germination of naturally infected seeds. We investigated whether removing of small kernels by size sorting could be a method to reduce the content of mycotoxins in oat grain. For several of the mycotoxins including HT2+T2, the concentrations were considerably higher in the small kernel fraction compared to unsorted grain. Our results demonstrate that the level of mycotoxins in unprocessed oat grain can be reduced by removing small kernels. The results from SafeOats will benefit consumers nationally and internationally by providing tools to increase the share of high quality grain into the food and feed industry. The project was financed by The Agriculture and Food Industry Research Funds /Research Council of Norway with support from the industry partners Graminor, Lantmännen, Felleskjøpet Agri, Felleskjøpet Rogaland & Agder, Fiskå Mølle Moss, Norgesmøllene, Strand Unikorn/Norgesfôr and Kimen Seed Laboratory.


Aquaculture has undergone rapid development in the past decades. It provides a large part of high-quality protein food for humans, and thus, a sustainable aquaculture industry is of great importance for the worldwide food supply and economy. Along with the quick expansion of aquaculture, the high fish densities employed in fish farming increase the risks of outbreaks of a variety of aquatic diseases. Such diseases not only cause huge economic losses, but also lead to ecological hazards in terms of pathogen spread to marine ecosystems causing infection of wild fish and polluting the environment. Thus, fish health is essential for the aquaculture industry to be environmentally sustainable and a prerequisite for intensive aquaculture production globally. The wide use of antibiotics and drug residues has caused intensive pollution along with risks for food safety and increasing antimicrobial resistance. Vaccination is the most effective and environmentally friendly approach to battle infectious diseases in aquaculture with minimal ecological impact and is applicable to most species of farmed fish. However, there are only 34 fish vaccines commercially available globally to date, showing the urgent need for further development of fish vaccines to manage fish health and ensure food safety. Plant genetic engineering has been utilized to produce genetically modified crops with desirable characteristics and has also been used for vaccine production, with several advantages including cost-effectiveness, safety when compared with live virus vaccines, and plants being capable of carrying out posttranslational modifications that are similar to naturally occurring systems. So far, plant-derived vaccines, antibodies, and therapeutic proteins have been produced for human and animal health. However, the development of plant-made vaccines for animals, especially fish, is still lagging behind the development of human vaccines. The present review summarizes the development of fish vaccines currently utilized and the suitability of the plant-production platform for fish vaccine and then addresses considerations regarding fish vaccine production in plants. Developing fish vaccines by way of plant biotechnology are significant for the aquaculture industry, fish health management, food safety, and human health.