
Jeg jobber hovedsakelig med prosjekter innen soppsjukdommer i gras og korn, med fokus på Fusarium og mykotoksiner i korn (epidemiologi, varsling og bekjempelse). Jeg har jobbet i NIBIO (tidligere Planteforsk, Bioforsk) siden 1997. I 1995 ble jeg Cand. scient. i plantefysiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo. I 2003, tok jeg doktorgrad innen plantepatologi ved NIBIO og Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU). Jeg har jobbet på flere prosjekter med tema Fusarium og mykotoksiner, ofte med rollen som prosjektleder eller arbeidspakkeleder for NIBIOs aktiviteter. Siden 2012 har jeg koordinert aktiviteter innen forskning på Fusarium og mykotoksiner i NIBIO. Jeg er nestleder ved Avdeling soppsjukdommer i Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse i NIBIO.

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High concentrations of the mycotoxins HT-2 and T-2 (HT2 + T2), primarily produced by Fusarium langsethiae, have occasionally been detected in Norwegian oat grains. In this study, we identified weather variables influencing accumulation of HT2 + T2 in Norwegian oat grains. Oat grain samples from farmers’ fields were collected together with weather data (2004–2013). Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated between the HT2 + T2 contamination in oats at harvest and a range of weather summarisations within estimated phenological windows of growth stages in oats (tillering, flowering etc.). Furthermore, we developed a mathematical model to predict the risk of HT2 + T2 in oat grains. Our data show that adequate predictions of the risk of HT2 + T2 in oat grains at harvest can be achieved, based upon weather data observed during the growing season. Humid and cool conditions, in addition to moderate temperatures during booting, were associated with increased HT2 + T2 accumulation in harvested oat grains, whereas warm and humid weather during stem elongation and inflorescence emergence, or cool weather and absence of rain during booting reduced the risk of HT2 + T2 accumulation. Warm and humid weather immediately after flowering increased the risk, while moderate to warm temperatures and absence of rain during dough development, reduced the risk of HT2 + T2 accumulation in oat grains. Our data indicated that HT2 + T2 contamination in oats is influenced by weather conditions both pre- and post-flowering. These findings are in contrast with a previous study examining the risk of deoxynivalenol contamination in oat reporting that toxin accumulation was mostly influenced by weather conditions from flowering onwards.

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During the last ten years, Norwegian cereal grain industry has experienced large challenges due to Fusarium spp. and Fusarium mycotoxin contamination of small-grained cereals. To prevent severely contaminated grain lots from entering the grain supply chain, it is important to establish surveys for the most prevalent Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins. The objective of our study was to quantify and calculate the associations between Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins prevalent in oats and spring wheat. In a 6-year period from 2004-2009, 178 grain samples of spring wheat and 289 samples of oats were collected from farmers’ fields in South East Norway. The grains were analysed for 18 different Fusarium-mycotoxins by liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry. Generally, the median mycotoxin levels were higher than reported in Norwegian studies covering previous years. The DNA content of Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium langsethiae, Fusarium poae and Fusarium avenaceum were determined by quantitative PCR. We identified F. graminearum as the main deoxynivalenol (DON) producer in oats and spring wheat, and F. langsethiae as the main HT-2 and T-2-toxins producer in oats. No association was observed between quantity of F. graminearum DNA and quantity of F. langsethiae DNA nor for their respective mycotoxins, in oats. F. avenaceum was one of the most prevalent Fusarium species in both oats and spring wheat. The following ranking of Fusarium species was made based on the DNA concentrations of the Fusarium spp. analysed in this survey (from high to low): F. graminearum = F. langsethiae = F. avenaceum > F. poae > F. culmorum (oats); F. graminearum = F. avenaceum > F. culmorum > F. poae = F. langsethiae (spring wheat). Our results are in agreement with recently published data indicating a shift in the relative prevalence of Fusarium species towards more F. graminearum versus F. culmorum in Norwegian oats and spring wheat.


High concentrations of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON), produced by Fusarium graminearum have occurred frequently in Norwegian oats recently. Early prediction of DON levels is important for farmers, authorities and the Cereal Industry. In this study, the main weather factors influencing mycotoxin accumulation were identified and two models to predict the risk of DON in oat grains in Norway were developed: (1) as a warning system for farmers to decide if and when to treat with fungicide, and (2) for authorities and industry to use at harvest to identify potential food safety problems. Oat grain samples from farmers’ fields were collected together with weather data (2004–2013). A mathematical model was developed and used to estimate phenology windows of growth stages in oats (tillering, flowering etc.). Weather summarisations were then calculated within these windows, and the Spearman rank correlation factor calculated between DON-contamination in oats at harvest and the weather summarisations for each phenological window. DON contamination was most clearly associated with the weather conditions around flowering and close to harvest. Warm, rainy and humid weather during and around flowering increased the risk of DON accumulation in oats, as did dry periods during germination/seedling growth and tillering. Prior to harvest, warm and humid weather conditions followed by cool and dry conditions were associated with a decreased risk of DON accumulation. A prediction model, including only pre-flowering weather conditions, adequately forecasted risk of DON contamination in oat, and can aid in decisions about fungicide treatments.

Prosjekt REKORN - Underkultur

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

REKORN: Can regenerative cultivation methods contribute to reduce the risk of fungal diseases in cereals?

Regenerative agriculture is referred to as a bridge between organic and conventional agriculture and has received increased attention in recent years. Regenerative agriculture focuses on soil health and cultivation measures that can stimulate soil life and plant growth. An improvement in soil health is visualized, among other things, in increased carbon storage in the soil, limited soil compaction and increased microbiological diversity. The methods used to improve soil health within cereal cultivation may include crop rotation, reduced tillage, intercropping, use of catch crops and surface composting where plant residues are mixed into the top-soil layer.

Active Updated: 23.05.2024
End: des 2026
Start: jan 2024
Prosjekt REKORN - Underkultur

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

REKORN: Kan regenerative dyrkingsmetoder bidra til å redusere risiko for soppsjukdommer i korn?

Regenerativt landbruk er omtalt som en bro mellom økologisk og konvensjonelt landbruk og har i de senere åra fått økt oppmerksomhet. Regenerativt landbruk har fokus på jordhelse og dyrkingstiltak som kan stimulere jordliv og plantevekst. En forbedring av jordhelsa gjenspeiles blant annet ved økt karbonlagring i jorda, begrenset jordpakking og økt mikrobiologisk mangfold. Metodene som benyttes for å oppå dette i korndyrkinga kan blant annet være vekstskifte, redusert jordarbeiding, samdyrking, bruk av underkultur og overflatekompostering der planter freses inn i øverste jordlag.

Active Updated: 07.09.2024
End: des 2026
Start: jan 2024

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

Green crop protection: Cruciferous plants as a green alternative to chemical pesticides in cereals

Cereal plants infested with plant pathogenic fungi or nematodes may have reduced grain quality and yield. These diseases can partly be controlled by using chemical pesticides. The purpose of this project is to identify "green" methods to mitigate plant pathogenic fungi and nematodes in cereals, as an alternative to chemical pesticides.

Active Updated: 08.05.2024
End: des 2025
Start: jan 2023

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

Grønt plantevern: Korsblomstra vekster som et grønt alternativ til kjemiske plantevernmidler i korn

Angrep av plantepatogene sopp og nematoder kan redusere avling og kvalitet av norskdyrket korn. Disse skadegjørerne kan til dels bekjempes ved bruk av kjemiske plantevernmidler. Formålet med dette prosjektet er å identifisere «grønne» metoder for å bekjempe plantepatogene sopper og nematoder i korn, som et alternativ til kjemiske plantevernmidler.

Active Updated: 19.06.2024
End: des 2025
Start: jan 2023