Marianne Bechmann


(+47) 412 19 506

Ås - Bygg O43

Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås (Varelevering: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 23)


Jeg jobber med:
  • Effekter av landbruk på vannkvalitet
  • Næringsstofftap fra landbruksarealer
  • Effekter av tiltak som reduserer erosjon og næringsstofftap
  • Effekter av jordarbeiding på vannkvalitet
  • Overvåking av arealavrenning fra små jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt
  • Kartlegging av risikoområder for næringsstoffavrenning, bl.a. fosforindeks
  • Vurdering av kostnadseffektivitet av tiltak

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This report describes the development of models to calculate losses of soil particles, phosphorus, nitrogen and organic carbon from agricultural land to first order streams. The results from the models serve as input data to the TEOTIL model which estimates the net losses from agriculture and all other sources. The agricultural models (AGRITIL) were calibrated for catchments in the Agricultural Environmental monitoring programme and are limited by the availability of data for different regions in Norway.

Til dokument


In agricultural areas dominated by subsurface drainage, leaching of phosphorus (P) from soils is a concern for downstream water quality. Still, the role of chemical processes in subsoils and organic soils in influencing dissolved P leaching needs to be clarified for better predicting the P leaching. In ten mineral and organic soils, we examined a wide range of chemical characteristics including various P pools and sorption–desorption properties at different soil depths and related those characteristics to leaching of dissolved P at the drain depth in an indoor lysimeter experiment. Results showed significant correlations between different P pools (R2-adj = 0.61 to 0.98, p < 0.001) and between sorption capacity measurements (R2-adj = 0.60 to 0.95, p < 0.001). Some organic soils followed the same patterns in P sorption capacity and P lability as sandy soils but some did not, suggesting organic soils differ among themselves possibly due to differences in origin and/or management. Flow-weighted mean concentrations of dissolved reactive P and dissolved organic P depended on both the labile P pools (labile inorganic and organic P pools, respectively) in the topsoil and P sorption and desorption characteristics in the subsoils. Mass-weighted whole-profile degree of P saturation based on the ammonium lactate extraction method (DPS-AL) was an excellent indicator of flow-weighted mean concentration of total dissolved P (FWMC-TDP) (R2-adj = 0.93, p < 0.001). Two profiles, one with organic soils overlaying on sand and the other with sandy soils in all layers, had the greatest FWMC-TDP among all profiles (316 and 230 µg/L versus 33–84 µg/L) due to the same reason, i.e., large labile P pools in the topsoils, low P sorption capacity in the subsoils, and high whole-profile DPS-AL. All results point to the need to include subsoil characteristics for assessing the risks of dissolved P leaching from both mineral and organic soils. Also, the study suggests the need to investigate further the roles of the origin and management of organic matter and organic P in influencing P lability and dissolved organic P (DOP) leaching, as well as the bioavailability of DOP in recipient waters.

Project image

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Næringsstoff balanserer og brukseffektivitet for Timebekken nedbørfelt

Grasbasert husdyrproduksjon er viktig for økonomien i Rogaland, men bekymringene øker over jordas næringsoverskudd som bidrar til forringet vannkvalitet i nedstrøms vannforekomster. I dette prosjektet skal vi forbedre forståelsen av næringsbalanser og brukseffektivitet i Rogaland ved å måle gressavling, næringsinnhold i gress og totalt næringsstoff-fjerning gjennom avlingsregistrering og næringsstoffanalyser i 15 representative felt over to år i Timebekken nedbørfelt. Avlingsdataene vil bli analysert sammen med jorddata og gjødseldata som er samlet inn fra JOVA-overvåkingsprogrammet for foretaket.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 12.04.2024
Slutt: des 2025
Start: jan 2024
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Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Nutrient balances and use efficiencies for the Timebekken catchment

Grass-based livestock production is important for economy in Rogaland, but concerns are increasingover soil nutrient surplus that contribute to degraded water quality in downstream water bodies. Inthis project, we will improve the understanding of nutrient balances and use efficiencies in Rogalandby measuring grass yield, nutrient contents in grass and total nutrient removal through cropregistration and nutrient analyses in 15 representative fields over two years in the Timebekkencatchment.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 12.04.2024
Slutt: des 2025
Start: jan 2024
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Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Mitigation measures for phosphorus and nitrogen under changing climate: conflicts and synergies

Nutrient concentrations, loads and stoichiometry (i.e., N:P ratio) in agricultural runoff affect the quality of surface waters. In Norway, the reduction of nutrient runoff is challenged by the sloped landscape, variable weather and changing climate with an increasing number of extreme hydrological events. Mitigation measures for reducing nutrient losses are pressingly needed but they do not always work simultaneously or equally for both N and P, due to the differences in their agronomic and biogeochemical characteristics and dominant transport pathways.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 12.04.2024
Slutt: juni 2025
Start: jan 2024
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Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Tiltak mot fosfor- og nitrogenavrenning i et endret klima: konflikter og synergier

Næringsstoffkonsentrasjoner, tilførselsmengder og støkiometri (dvs. N:P-forhold) i jordbruksavrenningen påvirker vannkvaliteten i vassdragene. I Norge utfordres tiltakene for reduksjon i næringsstoffavrenning av hellende terreng, varierende vær og skiftende klima med et økende antall ekstreme hydrologiske hendelser. Tiltak for å redusere tap av næringsstoffer er nødvendig, men de virker ikke alltid samtidig eller likt for både N og P, på grunn av forskjellene i deres agronomiske og biogeokjemiske egenskaper og dominerende transportveier.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 12.04.2024
Slutt: juni 2025
Start: jan 2024