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Historically, the autumn dynamics of deciduous forest trees have not been investigated in detail. However, autumn phenological events, like onset of loss of canopy greenness (OLCG), onset of foliar senescence (OFS) and cessation of wood growth (CWG), have an important impact on tree radial growth and the entire ecosystem's seasonal dynamics. Here, we monitored the leaf and wood phenological events of silver birch (Betula pendula) at four different sites in Ås, southeastern Norway: (a) a natural mature stand, (b) a plantation on former agricultural ground, (c) young natural trees, and (d) young trees in pots under different fertilization levels. The study took place over four consecutive years (from 2017 to 2020), with a particular focus on 2018, a year in which there was a severe summer drought, and the next year, 2019, which featured more normal conditions. First, we provided a description of birch phenology within its mid-north distributional. Second, we showed that drought advanced CWG by about 5 to 6 weeks and it delayed OLCG and OFS up to 30 days. Third, we observed an unexpected advance in OLCG in 2019 compared to 2018 (30 days) and 2020 (14 days). OFS presented similar dynamics as OLCG, whereas CWG was advanced only in 2018. These findings might indicate lag-effects of severe drought on the next year autumn leaf phenology but not on wood growth. On the other hand, the comparison between the natural stand and the plantation showed that, under drought conditions, wood growth is more sensitive to site fertility than autumn leaf phenology. In summary, our study elucidated the autumn dynamics of an important deciduous forest species in the northern temperate zone and showed unexpected impacts of a severely dry and warm summer on the current and next year leaf phenology.


In a fertiliser experiment in a Norway spruce forest in SE Norway, four treatments were applied in a block design with three replicates per treatment. Treatments included 3 t wood ash ha−1 (Ash), 150 kg nitrogen ha−1 (N), wood ash and nitrogen combined (Ash + N), and unfertilised control (Ctrl). Treatment effects on understory plant species numbers, single abundances of species and (summarised) cover of main species groups were studied. Two years after treatment there were no significant changes for species numbers or abundances of woody species, dwarf shrubs or pteridophytes, nor for Sphagnum spp. in the bottom layer. The cover of graminoids decreased in Ctrl plots. Herb cover increased significantly in Ash + N and N plots due to the increase of Melampyrum sylvaticum. In Ash + N plots, mosses decreased significantly in species number, while their cover increased. Moss cover also decreased significantly in N plots. The species number and cover of hepatics decreased significantly in Ash and Ash + N plots. Hepatics cover also decreased in Ctrl plots. Both the lichen number and cover decreased in Ash + N plots. Single species abundances decreased for many bryophytes in fertilised plots. To conclude, fertilisation had modest effects on vascular plants, while bryophytes were more strongly affected, especially by Ash + N.


Rapporten gir en oversikt over skogressurser og skogtilstand i Møre og Romsdal for referanseåret 2018 (data innsamlet i løpet av femårsperioden 2016-2020). Nye resultater settes også sammen med resultat fra tidligere takster, for å vise historisk utvikling. Resultatene er basert på data registrert i Landsskogtakseringens permanente prøveflatenett, supplementært med temporære prøveflater for å oppnå tilfredsstillende nøyaktighet på fylkesnivå.


I 2016-2020 gjennomførte Landsskogtakseringen detaljerte registreringer av grøftede arealer på alle prøveflater i skog og på all myrlendt snaumark, inkludert myrlendt snaumark over skoggrensa, med et samlet representativt areal på 140 215 km2. Der hvor grøfter forekom ble det registrert grøftetype, grøftens tilstand, grøftelengde og gjennomsnittlig grøftebredde. Til sammen er det registrert et grøftet areal på 6064 km2, hvorav 1554 km2 på organisk jord (torvjord med minst 40 cm torvdybde) og 4510 km2 på mineraljord. Grøftenes funksjon kan grovt deles i to hovedgrupper: 1) for økt skogtilvekst og 2) andre formål, slik som drenering langs veier, dyrka mark, bebygde områder, etc. Organisk jord er primært grøftet for økt skogtilvekst (1062 km2). Mineraljord er primært grøftet for andre formål, og i mindre grad for økt skogtilvekst (1748 km2). Kapittel 3 gir detaljer oversikt over hvor stor andel av forskjellige arealer som er grøftet. Her gis slike statistikker for ulike skog- og myrtyper, skoglig produktivitet (bonitet), dominerende treslag og vegetasjonstyper på myr og i skog. I de fleste tilfeller er statistikkene videre oppdelt på geografiske regioner. Kapittel 4 omhandler grøftetyper og grøftenes tilstand. På arealer som er grøftet for økt skogtilvekst kan grøftetilstanden mange steder være utilfredsstillende sett fra et skogproduksjons-perspektiv. Dette gjelder særlig sidegrøfter hvor omtrent 65 % av grøftene har svak eller dårlig tilstand. For avløpsgrøfter er tilstanden svak eller dårlig på 47-54 % av grøftene (mest utilfredsstillende på mineraljord). Kapittel 5 fokuserer på skogarealer som er drenert for skogbruksformål og som kan være aktuelle for grøfterensk. Her viser vi hvordan det grøftede arealet fordeler seg i forhold til hogstklasse, bonitet og driftsveilengde, samt hvor mange kilometer grøft som forekommer på disse arealene. Videre viser vi hvordan disse arealene fordeler seg i forhold til geografiske regioner og antall kilometer grøft som er i ulike grøftetilstander, samt hvor mye av dette som er i ung skog (hogstklasse 1-3) og eldre skog (hogstklasse 4-5). Landsskogtakseringen har også registrert endringer i vegetasjonsdekket på de drenerte arealene. Kapittel 6 fokuserer på organisk jord, og viser påvirkning på vegetasjon for ulike typer grøfter og antall meter med grøft.


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Background Equatorward, rear-edge tree populations are natural monitors to estimate species vulnerability to climate change. According to biogeographical theory, exposition to drought events increases with increasing aridity towards the equator and the growth of southern tree populations will be more vulnerable to drought than in central populations. However, the ecological and biogeographical margins can mismatch due to the impact of ecological factors (topography, soils) or tree-species acclimation that can blur large-scale geographical imprints in trees responses to drought making northern populations more drought limited. Methods We tested these ideas in six tree species, three angiosperms (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Quercus petraea) and three gymnosperms (Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus uncinata) by comparing rear-edge tree populations subjected to different degrees of aridity. We used dendrochronology to compare the radial-growth patterns of these species in northern, intermediate, and southern tree populations at the continental rear edge. Results and conclusions We found marked variations in growth variability between species with coherent patterns of stronger drought signals in the tree-ring series of the southern populations of F. sylvatica, P. sylvestris, and A. alba. This was also observed in species from cool-wet sites (P. uncinata and Q. robur), despite their limited responsiveness to drought. However, in the case of Q. petraea the intermediate population showed the strongest relationship to drought. For drought-sensitive species as F. sylvatica and P. sylvestris, southern populations presented more variable growth which was enhanced by cool-wet conditions from late spring to summer. We found a trend of enhanced vulnerability to drought in these two species. The response of tree growth to drought has a marked biogeographical component characterized by increased drought sensitivity in southern populations even within the species distribution rear edge. Nevertheless, the relationship between tree growth and drought varied between species suggesting that biogeographical and ecological limits do not always overlap as in the case of Q. petraea. In widespread species showing enhanced vulnerability to drought, as F. sylvatica and P. sylvestris, increased vulnerability to climate warming in their rear edges is forecasted. Therefore, we encourage the monitoring and conservation of such marginal tree populations.