
Utdanning: Naturforvalter fra Norges landbrukshøgskole (nå NMBU) 1993. Doktorgrad fra Institutt for skogfag, NLH 2002.
Forskningsfelt: Skogskjøtsel, særlig knyttet til ulike hogstmetoder, foryngelse av skog, gjødsling og næringsstoffer.

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3D_gjengivelse av skog_Foto Stefano Puliti NIBIO

Divisjon for skog og utmark

SFI SmartForest: Bringing Industry 4.0 to the Norwegian forest sector

SmartForest will position the Norwegian forest sector at the forefront of digitalization resulting in large efficiency gains in the forest sector, increased production, reduced environmental impacts, and significant climate benefits. SmartForest will result in a series of innovations and be the catalyst for an internationally competitive forest-tech sector in Norway. The fundamental components for achieving this are in place; a unified and committed forest sector, a leading R&D environment, and a series of progressive data and technology companies. 

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 21.10.2024
Slutt: sep 2028
Start: okt 2020