Volkmar Timmermann
(+47) 971 59 901
Ås - Bygg H8
Høgskoleveien 8, 1433 Ås
Stress on tree vitality is expected to increase due to climatic extremes in European forests. The decline in vitality of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) that has been reported recently, makes it necessary to rethink its future adaptive potential under ongoing climate change. Here we performed a pan European assessment of defoliation chronologies on 414 ICP Forests Level I beech plots, between 1995 and 2022. We investigated the temporal trends, spatial variation, tree-specific patterns as well as climate sensitivity of defoliation at plot level. Various trends emerged and we delineated the plots accordingly: 1) increasing defoliation trends indicating declining vitality (categorized as t1 plots); 2) no trends indicating stable crown condition (t2 plots); 3) decreasing defoliation trends indicating increase in vitality (t3 plots). Spatial variation was found among these plots but no regional grouping or clustering. Tree-specific patterns on 14 % plots were observed, characterized by an expressed population signal of < 0.85, indicating high inter-tree variability. Defoliation was found to be sensitive to climatic variables, mainly to temperature but also precipitation, albeit only for a small percentage of plots. Sensitivity was indicated by statistically significant (p<0.05) Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Moreover, this response depended on month of the year. Climate sensitivity of defoliation also varied across space and plots of different trend categories. It also differed along monthly water balance gradient, further indicating the role of site-specific water availability in mediating the responses to climatic variables. Our study provided basis for long-term defoliation studies, and is a crucial building block to assess beech vitality under potentially changing future climate. Furthermore, such studies will provide more insights into changes in sensitivity and adequate future sites for beech.
Mark A. Anthony Leho Tedersoo Bruno De Vos Luc Croisé Henning Meesenburg Markus Wagner Henning Andreae Frank Jacob Paweł Lech Anna Kowalska Martin Greve Genoveva Popova Beat Frey Arthur Gessler Marcus Schaub Marco Ferretti Peter Waldner Vicent Calatayud Roberto Canullo Giancarlo Papitto Aleksander Marinšek Morten Ingerslev Lars Vesterdal Pasi Rautio Helge Meissner Volkmar Timmermann Mike Dettwiler Nadine Eickenscheidt Andreas Schmitz Nina Van Tiel Thomas W. Crowther Colin AverillSammendrag
Forest soils harbor hyper-diverse microbial communities which fundamentally regulate carbon and nutrient cycling across the globe. Directly testing hypotheses on how microbiome diversity is linked to forest carbon storage has been difficult, due to a lack of paired data on microbiome diversity and in situ observations of forest carbon accumulation and storage. Here, we investigated the relationship between soil microbiomes and forest carbon across 238 forest inventory plots spanning 15 European countries. We show that the composition and diversity of fungal, but not bacterial, species is tightly coupled to both forest biotic conditions and a seven-fold variation in tree growth rates and biomass carbon stocks when controlling for the effects of dominant tree type, climate, and other environmental factors. This linkage is particularly strong for symbiotic endophytic and ectomycorrhizal fungi known to directly facilitate tree growth. Since tree growth rates in this system are closely and positively correlated with belowground soil carbon stocks, we conclude that fungal composition is a strong predictor of overall forest carbon storage across the European continent.
Marco Ferretti Arthur Gessler Nathalie Cools Stefan Fleck Rossella Guerrieri Tamara Jakovljević Manuel Nicolas Tiina M. Nieminen Diana Pitar Nenad Potočić Stephan Raspe Marcus Schaub Kai Schwärzel Volkmar Timmermann Monika Vejpustková Lars Vesterdal Petteri Vanninen Peter Waldner Lothar Zimmermann Tanja GM SandersSammendrag
Forests are increasingly affected by global change. Building resilient forests requires – amongst others - leveraging the wealth of knowledge from existing ground-based, field inventory and monitoring programs as well as Earth Observation systems to better assess the status, detect changes, understand processes, predict future dynamics, and guide forest management. A proposal from the European Commission for a new forest monitoring framework at the European level aims in this direction but lacks the integration of some crucial and readily available resources and infrastructures. For this reason, the proposal risks to be a missed opportunity rather than a step forward. Here we provide suggestions to help reconciling the proposal with its objectives and a more comprehensive monitoring vision.