Gunnhild Søgaard


(+47) 917 27 960

Ås - Bygg H8

Høgskoleveien 8, 1433 Ås


Doktorgrad fra NMBU fokusert på klimatilpasning hos trær (2008), og har siden 2009 jobbet med ulike klimarelaterte prosjekt ved NIBIO. Prosjektene har hatt spennvidde fra bioenergi til klimaresponser hos trær. Siden 2012 har hovedfokus vært på klimagassregnskap for arealbrukssektoren (LULUCF) og klimatiltak i skog- og arealbruk.

Har siden 2012 ledet og vært ansvarlig for gruppen som arbeider med det nasjonale klimagassregnskapet for arealbrukssektoren (LULUCF) under FNs klimakonvensjon. Har gjennom årene ledet eller bidratt inn i arbeid relatert til klimagassregnskapet for arealbrukssektoren i flere ulike sammenhenger, som framskrivninger for sektoren, utvikling av nye beregningsmetodikker, utvikling av kommunevise klimagassregnskap, betydning for nasjonal politikk, implikasjoner av EUs grønne giv, mv.

Har fagbakgrunn primært innen skogfaglige problemstillinger, og har også jobbet mye med klimatiltak i skogbruket. Har ledet arbeidet med flere utredninger, blant annet til Klimakur2030, hvor både effekter på CO2-opptak og karbonlagring av ulike tiltak, samt tiltakskostnader og effekter på naturmangfold, har blitt vurdert.

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Intensification of forest management is seen as one important measure to increase carbon sequestration and contribute to balance CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change. Potential measures for forest management intensification include increasing the percentage of the area that is actively reforested after felling, planting at higher densities and with genetically improved material, nitrogen fertilization, and pre-commercial thinning. Here we assessed the mitigation potential of these practices in Norwegian forests from 2018 until the end of the 21st century. As a result, when these management practices were intensified, separately and simultaneously, carbon sequestration over the 80-year simulation period was larger than under current practices. Pre-commercial thinning gave the largest additional 80-year carbon dioxide removal increment and fertilization the smallest. The largest accumulated carbon dioxide removal potential occurred when intensifying all the proposed measures in one scenario and was estimated to be around 329.9 Tg CO2 by the end of the century, corresponding to offset more than six times Norway's total GHG emissions in 2022. If the intensification of these practices is considered separately, our results suggested that pre-commercial thinning and active reforestation after felling, in that order, should be prioritized as climate change mitigation measures, followed by genetic improvement, planting density and fertilization.


Divisjon for skog og utmark

DEAL - Governing under turbulence: The European Green Deal and implications for Norway

In DEAL, we want to find out whether the comprehensive strategy, the EU's Green Deal, is causing turbulence in the political processes taking place in the EU, and possibly how. We will also see if turbulence outside the EU affects decisions around the EU's Green Deal, as well as investigate how this affects both member states and non-member states.

Active Updated: 04.03.2024
End: aug 2026
Start: aug 2023

Divisjon for skog og utmark

EU Climate Policy Implications for Land Use in Norway: Managing Trade-offs and Achieving Policy Coherence (ClimaLand)

The ClimaLand project will investigate trade-offs between policy goals, governance levels, and sector interests, and seek to identify how to design more coherent climate and land-use policies. An important objective is to investigate how conflicting policy goals can be handled and various considerations and land-use interests balanced.

Active Updated: 30.09.2024
End: aug 2027
Start: sep 2023