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Increased nutrient and soil losses from agricultural areas into water bodies constitute a global problem. Phosphorus is one of the main nutrients causing eutrophication in surface waters. In arable land, phosphorus losses are closely linked to sediment losses. Therefore, a better understanding of the sediment-runoff processes in agricultural areas is a key to reduce the eutrophication impacts and to implement mitigation measures. The objectives of this study were to identify dominant sediment runoff processes in cultivated grain-dominated catchments in a cold climate. We assessed continuous high-resolution turbidity data, temporal and spatial catchment properties and agricultural management data to describe and get a better understanding of the cause-relationship of sediment transfer in two small agricultural dominated catchments in southern Norway. The concentration-discharge pattern, index of connectivity and agricultural activities were considered with the wider aim to establish a link between field and catchment scale. The results showed that the dominant concentration-discharge pattern was a clockwise concentration-discharge (c-q) hysteresis in both catchments indicating that areas close to or in the stream gave the highest contribution to turbidity. The main driver for turbidity was discharge, though soil water storage capacity, rain intensity and former discharge events also played a role. Intensity of soil tillage and index of connectivity (likelihood of water and particles to be transported to the stream) impacted the c-q hysteresis index. Little vegetation cover and high intensity of soil tillage led to a high hysteresis index, which indicates a quick increase in turbidity following increased discharge. Other links between agricultural management and in stream data were difficult to interpret. The findings of this study provide information about discharge, field operations and vegetational status as drivers for turbidity and about the spatial distribution of sediment sources in two agricultural catchments in a cold climate. The understanding of sediment runoff processes is important, when implementing management actions to combat agricultural emissions to water most efficiently.


A large proportion of the soils in Norway require artificial drainage to improve the conditions for crop growth and field operations, but also to reduce the risk of soil compaction, surface runoff and erosion. The need for artificial drainage depends on climate, topography, soil type, groundwater conditions, and also the crop. At present, about 60-70 % of the agricultural land in Norway is artificially drained. Future climate change is expected to lead to higher temperatures, more precipitation and more frequent extreme events in Norway. This poses a challenge with respect to the drainage systems as more intensive drainage than present today may be required in some areas, although it is unclear whether this will be an efficient solution. In this study we aimed to evaluate the possible future changes in subsurface runoff and water balance elements at the Kvithamar experimental site. We set up the and calibrated the DrainMod model for the experimental data from poorly and optimally drained experimental fields. The calibrated model was further used to evaluate changes in subsurface runoff and the water cycle as a whole under changing conditions. We tested the effect of different drainage system designs (drain depth and spacing) on water regime under present and future climate conditions. It was quite difficult to calibrate the DrainMod model for surface runoff and drain flow measured from the Kvithamar lysimeter plots and to find a parameter set that could give a reasonable partitioning of the water. We concluded that due to the complexity of the hydrological regime of a drained field the effect of drains can be masked by other factors, like land use and spatio-temporal variability of soil properties. Our simulation results indicate that drainage system design has a big effect on surface and subsurface runoff as well as on evapotranspiration. Concerning future changes in the hydrological regime, the results varied depending on the future climate scenarios selected.

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Bicarbonate was evaluated as an alternative carbon source for a green microalga, Tetradesmus wisconsinensis, isolated from Lake Norsjø in Norway. Photosynthesis, growth, and lipid production were studied using four inorganic carbon regimes: (1) aeration only, (2) 20 mM NaHCO3, (3) 5% (v/v) CO2 gas, and (4) combination of 20 mM NaHCO3 and 5% CO2. Variable chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis revealed that the bicarbonate treatment supported effective photosynthesis, while the CO2 treatment led to inefficient photosynthetic activity with a PSII maximum quantum yield as low as 0.31. Conversely, bicarbonate and CO2 treatments gave similar biomass and fatty acid production. The maximum growth rate, the final cell dry weight, and total fatty acids under the bicarbonate-only treatment were 0.33 (± 0.06) day−1, 673 (± 124) mg L−1 and 75 (± 5) mg g−1 dry biomass, respectively. The most abundant fatty acid components were α-linolenic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids constituting 69% of the total fatty acids. The fatty acid profile eventuated in unsuitable biodiesel fuel properties such as high degree of unsaturation and low cetane number; however, it would be relevant for food and feed applications. We concluded that bicarbonate could give healthy growth and comparative product yields as CO2.


Til tross for betydelig bedring siden 1970- og 80-tallet, er økologisk tilstand mht. eutrofiering fortsatt klassifisert som moderat i nedre deler av flere av Mjøsas tilløpselver samtidig som Mjøsa de fleste årene har god økologisk tilstand. De siste årene har tilstanden imidlertid nærmet seg grensen til moderat i deler av Mjøsa, og vært moderat i Furnesfjorden. En oppblomstring av blågrønnalger i 2019 kan tyde på forverring av tilstanden. Fosfortilførsler er den vesentligste årsaken til eutrofiering. I de ni nedbørfeltene som er sammenstilt her, har det vært en økning i husdyrtallene over de siste 20 årene med tilsvarende økning i spredning av fosfor med husdyrgjødsel i jordbruket. Fosforinnholdet i jordbruksjorda har økt i samme periode. Det fører til økt risiko for fosfor-avrenning. Samtidig er det betydelige tilførsler av fosfor med høy biotilgjengelighet fra spredte avløpsanlegg. Med klimaendringer som fører til økt avrenning er det en risiko for at fosfortilførslene kan øke og overskride grensen for den belastningen innsjøen tåler. Dersom det ikke settes inn tiltak kan tilstanden i innsjøen forverres. Tiltakene omfatter opprydding i avløpsløsninger, redusert tilførsel av fosfor til jordbruksarealene blant annet ved bruk av fosforfri mineralgjødsel sammen med utnyttelse av alt spredeareal, og overvintring i stubb med grasdekte vannveier og kantsoner på kornarealene. Etablering av fangdammer vil også bidra til å redusere fosfortilførslene til Mjøsa.


Hunnselva har vært betydelig påvirket av både avløp, husdyrhold og arealavrenning fra jordbruket. Vannkvaliteten har blitt bedre sammenliknet med 1970, 1980 og 1990-tallet, men tilstanden med hensyn til eutrofiering er fortsatt moderat i nedre og midtre deler av elva. Avløp er den største kilden til biotilgjengelig fosfor. Fortsatt opprydding i spredt avløp er derfor det viktigste tiltaket for å bedre vannkvaliteten i elva. Beregninger fra 2016 viser at hovedkildene til det menneskeskapte fosfortapet er jordbruk og avløp. Jordbruksproduksjonen har endret seg lite i nedbørfeltet til Hunnselva over de siste 20 årene, og består av husdyr-, gras- og kornproduksjon. Fosforstatus i jorda er høy, og viser en svak økning i løpet av perioden. Dette medfører økt risiko for fosforavrenning. Redusert fosforgjødsling, grasdekte vannveier i forsenkninger, og ‘ingen jordarbeiding om høsten’ vil derfor være viktige tiltak for å redusere fosfortilførslene til elva fra jordbruksarealene. Miljøovervåkingen av Mjøsa, samt algeoppblomstringen i 2019, indikerer at innsjøen ikke tåler særlig større næringsstoffbelastning. Opprettholdelse av god vannkvalitet i Mjøsa er avhengig av målrettede tiltak i de ulike vassdragene som har utløp i Mjøsa. Dette faktaarket omhandler årsaksforhold,kilder og tiltak for redusert fosforavrenning fra nedbørfeltet til Hunnselva.