Marie Vestergaard Henriksen
(+47) 907 60 178
Klæbuveien 153, bygg C 1.etasje, 7030 Trondheim
Mélanie Spedener Jenny Larsen Valaker Juliette Helbert Franziska Veronika Schubert Karen Marie Mathisen Marie Vestergaard Henriksen Anders Nielsen Gunnar Austrheim Barbara ZimmermannSammendrag
Livestock summer grazing in mountains and forests in Norway is generally considered beneficial to biodiversity. In this study we investigated if this is the case for cattle in boreal production forest. We collected biodiversity data on field layer vegetation, floral resources and flower-visiting insects in young spruce plantations that were planted 2–10 years ago. We picked young spruce plantations inside and outside well-established cattle grazing areas. On each plantation, we sampled fenced and unfenced plots (20 * 20 m each). This study design allowed us to investigate long-term effects of cattle grazing as well as short-term effects of excluding cervids only and short-term effects of excluding cervids and cattle. Long-term cattle grazing reduced the abundance of woody plants and reduced the abundance of flowers. Excluding cervids for two summers led to reduced height of woody plants (shrubs and heather) and to increased flower abundance. In contrast, excluding cervids and cattle for two summers led to increased height of graminoids, herbs and woody plants, to higher abundance of graminoids, higher flower abundance and higher abundance of flower-visiting insects. In conclusion, cattle affected the studied system in different ways and to a larger extent than native cervids. Our study shows that we must be careful when inferring results from cattle grazing studies on grasslands to forest ecosystems. As this study documents a negative effect of cattle on floral resources and flower-visiting insects, and we currently are facing a global pollination crisis, a careful consideration of the current practice of cattle grazing in boreal forest might be needed.
Marie Vestergaard Henriksen Eduardo Arlé Arman Pili David A. Clarke Emili Garcia-Berthou Quentin Groom Bernd Lenzner Carsten Meyer Hanno Seebens Reid Tingley Marten Winter Melodie A. McGeochSammendrag
Monitoring the extent to which invasive alien species (IAS) negatively impact the environment is crucial for understanding and mitigating biological invasions. Indeed, such information is vital for achieving Target 6 of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. However, to-date indicators for tracking the environmental impacts of IAS have been either lacking or insufficient. Capitalizing on advances in data availability and impact assessment protocols, we developed environmental impact indicators to track realized and potential impacts of IAS. We also developed an information status indicator to assess the adequacy of the data underlying the impact indicators. We used data on 75 naturalized amphibians from 82 countries to demonstrate the indicators at a global scale. The information status indicator shows variation in the reliability of the data and highlights areas where absence of impact should be interpreted with caution. Impact indicators show that growth in potential impacts are dominated by predatory species, while potential impacts from both predation and disease transmission are distributed worldwide. Using open access data, the indicators are reproducible and adaptable across scales and taxa and can be used to assess global trends and distributions of IAS, assisting authorities in prioritizing control efforts and identifying areas at risk of future invasions.
Marie Vestergaard HenriksenSammendrag
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Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
RESTORE: Restaurering av økosystemfunksjoner og biodiversitet i semi-naturlige naturtyper under sterkt arealpress
I RESTORE skal vi utvikle nye løsninger for restaurering av semi-naturlige natur som er i fare for tap og forringelse på grunn av endringer i arealbruk. Resultatene skal gi grunnlag for en bedre ivaretagelse av det biologiske mangfoldet og de økologiske funksjonene som finnes i semi-naturlig natur.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
WINGS - Pollinatorvennlige kulturlandskap: Løsninger for forvaltning av leveområder under press
Pollinatorene er truet. Dette får konsekvenser både for det biologiske mangfoldet og matsikkerheten vår. I WINGS skal vi utvikle løsninger for å etablere mer pollinatorvennlige kulturlandskap.