Annbjørg Kristoffersen
(+47) 406 30 331
Nylinna 226, 2849 Kapp
Margit Oami Kollstrøm Ulrike Böcker Anne Kjersti Uhlen Annbjørg Kristoffersen Jon Arne Dieseth Erik Tengstrand Shiori KogaSammendrag
The gluten-viscoelastic properties are essential for breadmaking quality and are affected by both genotypes and environments, such as weather conditions. However, it is still not clear how weather conditions cause variation in gluten quality and at which stage of the grain filling they are critical. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between weather parameters during grain filling and the viscoelastic properties of gluten. The gluten of spring wheat varieties grown over 17 seasons, resulting in a total of 70 different environments, was analyzed with the Kieffer extensibility rig. The variation in viscoelastic properties of gluten was mainly explained by environment, followed by genotype, while the genotype*environment interaction was small. The results also indicated that the periods around heading and physical maturity were the most critical when weather conditions affected the gluten quality. Our results also revealed that factors other than weather conditions are responsible for the variation in gluten quality.
Annbjørg KristoffersenSammendrag
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Annbjørg KristoffersenSammendrag
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Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Climate resilient and market adapted Norwegian winter wheat production
Interest in winter wheat is growing in Norway. Climate change is expected to expand the wheat producing regions, yet warmer, wetter conditions in autumn and winter will increase soil erosion and nutrient loss risks.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Prohøst - Norsk klimatilpasset høsthveteproduksjon tilpasset markedet

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Fremtidssatsning - Raffinering av husdyrgjødsel
I områder med mye husdyr oppstår det miljøproblemer i forbindelse med lagring og spredning av gjødsel, og oppsamling av næringsstoffer i jord. Disse problemene må løses raskt. Vi trenger derfor mer kunnskap om miljømessig og økonomisk bærekraftige systemer for gjødselraffinering og -bruk.