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Short-term trials on cultivated soil were planted with families of Norway spruce that had shown epigenetic memory effects in early tests up to age two years. Measurements and assessments were made of phenology traits, tree heights and stem defects until age 16 years in these trials. The memory effects of the temperature conditions during embryo development and seed maturation were confirmed for the timing of bud flush and for start and cessation of shoot elongation at age six years. The mean differences in timing of these events caused by temperature treatments were on average less than two days. They were considerably larger for families with strong effects on terminal bud set at the end of the first growing season. The memory effects did not result in a prolonged shoot growth period, nor did they affect height growth. Interaction effects expressed in adaptive traits between factorial treatments of temperature and daylength during seed production were large in the short-term trial and were still present at age nine years. The results presented demonstrate that strong memory effects observed in early tests may also be expressed in phenology traits for at least the next five growing seasons.

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Visste du at det finnes en viltvoksende art av eple i Norge? En av landets største populasjoner av villeple finnes på Jomfruland i Kragerø kommune. Villeple hybridiserer lett med hageeple, men på øya Jomfruland er det lite slik hybridisering og vi finner mange rene villepletrær. Jomfruland er derfor valgt ut som nasjonalt bevaringsområde for genetiske ressurser i villeple.

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Historically, the autumn dynamics of deciduous forest trees have not been investigated in detail. However, autumn phenological events, like onset of loss of canopy greenness (OLCG), onset of foliar senescence (OFS) and cessation of wood growth (CWG), have an important impact on tree radial growth and the entire ecosystem's seasonal dynamics. Here, we monitored the leaf and wood phenological events of silver birch (Betula pendula) at four different sites in Ås, southeastern Norway: (a) a natural mature stand, (b) a plantation on former agricultural ground, (c) young natural trees, and (d) young trees in pots under different fertilization levels. The study took place over four consecutive years (from 2017 to 2020), with a particular focus on 2018, a year in which there was a severe summer drought, and the next year, 2019, which featured more normal conditions. First, we provided a description of birch phenology within its mid-north distributional. Second, we showed that drought advanced CWG by about 5 to 6 weeks and it delayed OLCG and OFS up to 30 days. Third, we observed an unexpected advance in OLCG in 2019 compared to 2018 (30 days) and 2020 (14 days). OFS presented similar dynamics as OLCG, whereas CWG was advanced only in 2018. These findings might indicate lag-effects of severe drought on the next year autumn leaf phenology but not on wood growth. On the other hand, the comparison between the natural stand and the plantation showed that, under drought conditions, wood growth is more sensitive to site fertility than autumn leaf phenology. In summary, our study elucidated the autumn dynamics of an important deciduous forest species in the northern temperate zone and showed unexpected impacts of a severely dry and warm summer on the current and next year leaf phenology.

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We determined the mitogenome of Cyclopterus lumpus using a hybrid sequencing approach, and another four closely related species in the Liparidae based on available next-generation sequence data. We found that the mitogenome of C. lumpus was 17,266 bp in length, where the length and organisation were comparable to those reported for cottoids. However, we found a GC-homopolymer region in the intergenic space between tRNALeu2 and ND1 in liparids and cyclopterids. Phylogenetic reconstruction confirmed the monophyly of infraorders and firmly supported a sister-group relationship between Cyclopteridae and Liparidae. Purifying selection was the predominant force in the evolution of cottoid mitogenomes. There was significant evidence of relaxed selective pressures along the lineage of deep-sea fish, while selection was intensified in the freshwater lineage. Overall, our analysis provides a necessary expansion in the availability of mitogenomic sequences and sheds light on mitogenomic adaptation in Cottoidei fish inhabiting different aquatic environments.