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Over hele verden har sjøgrasenger minsket dramatisk og blant de berørte artene er ålegras (Zostera spp.). Ålegrasenger er av stor betydning som oppvekststed for mange marine arter, blant dem torskeyngel. Ålegrasenger skades av mudring og andre fysiske inngrep i strandsoner, men ålegras er også utsatt for sjukdomsorganismer og andre biotiske skadegjørere. Vi rapporterer her funn av flere potensielt sjukdomsfremkallende arter av Phytophthora og Halophytophthora på ålegras langs norskekysten. Hvor mye disse artene bidrar til tilbakegangen av ålegras er usikkert, så videre forskning er nødvendig.

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Cattle production is constantly threatened by diseases like East Coast fever, also known as theileriosis, caused by the protozoan parasite Theileria parva which is transmitted by ticks such as the brown ear tick, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. To reduce the extensive use of chemical acaricides, fungal-based microbial control agents such as Metarhizium anisopliae have been tested and show promising results against R. appendiculatus both in field and in semi-field experiments in Africa. However, no known endeavors to link the spatial distribution of R. appendiculatus to climatic variables important for the successful application of M. anisopliae in selected East African countries exists. This work therefore aims to improve the successful application of M. anisopliae against R. appendiculatus by designing a temperature-dependent model for the efficacy of M. anisopliae against three developmental stages (larvae, nymphs, adults) of R. appendiculatus. Afterward a spatial prediction of potential areas where this entomopathogenic fungus might cause a significant epizootic in R. appendiculatus population in three selected countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) in Eastern Africa were generated. This can help to determine whether the temperature and rainfall at a local or regional scale might give good conditions for application of M. anisopliae and successful microbial control of R. appendiculatus.

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Microalgal biomass is widely studied for its possible application in food and human nutrition due to its multiple potential health benefits, and to address raising sustainability concerns. An interesting field whereby to further explore the application of microalgae is that of beer brewing, due to the capacity of some species to accumulate large amounts of starch under specific growth conditions. The marine species Tetraselmis chui is a well-known starch producer, and was selected in this study for the production of biomass to be explored as an active ingredient in beer brewing. Cultivation was performed under nitrogen deprivation in 250 L tubular photobioreactors, producing a biomass containing 50% starch. The properties of high-starch microalgal biomass in a traditional mashing process were then assessed to identify critical steps and challenges, test the efficiency of fermentable sugar release, and develop a protocol for small-scale brewing trials. Finally, T. chui was successfully integrated at a small scale into the brewing process as an active ingredient, producing microalgae-enriched beer containing up to 20% algal biomass. The addition of microalgae had a noticeable effect on the beer properties, resulting in a product with distinct sensory properties. Regulation of pH proved to be a key parameter in the process.

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Giant panda could have bamboo as their exclusive diet for about 2 million years because of the contribution of numerous enzymes produced by their gut bacteria, for instance laccases. Laccases are blue multi-copper oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of a broad spectrum of phenolic and aromatic compounds with water as the only byproduct. As a “green enzyme,” laccases have potential in industrial applications, for example, when dealing with degradation of recalcitrant biopolymers, such as lignin. In the current study, a bacterial laccase, Lac51, originating from Pseudomonas putida and identified in the gut microbiome of the giant panda’s gut was transiently expressed in the non-food plant Nicotiana benthamiana and characterized. Our results show that recombinant Lac51 exhibits bacterial laccase properties, with optimal pH and temperature at 7–8 and 40°C, respectively, when using syringaldazine as substrate. Moreover, we demonstrate the functional capability of the plant expressed Lac51 to oxidize lignin using selected lignin monomers that serve as substrates of Lac51. In summary, our study demonstrates the potential of green and non-food plants as a viable enzyme production platform for bacterial laccases. This result enriches our understanding of plant-made enzymes, as, to our knowledge, Lac51 is the first functional recombinant laccase produced in plants.