Nina Trandem
Planter er levested for mange mikroorganismer. Fytoplasmaer er små bakterier som mangler cellevegg, og de kan dermed ikke leve utenfor en plante eller en insektvektor. Mer enn hundre fytoplasma-arter er kjent, hvorav seks er påvist i Norge. De tre mest kjente her til lands fører til heksekost på eple, dvergsjuke i bringebær og pærevisnesjuke.
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Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is susceptible to aphid-borne viruses. We studied the incidence of four of them – black raspberry necrosis virus (BRNV), raspberry leaf mottle virus (RLMV), raspberry vein chlorosis virus (RVCV), and Rubus yellow net virus (RYNV) – in raspberry plants and aphids in and around Norwegian raspberry crops for three years (2019, 2021, and 2022). Most of the samples were from symptomatic plants. Applying RT-PCR, 274 leaf samples and 107 aphid samples were analyzed. All four viruses were found, but BRNV dominated: it was detected in 93% of the 178 leaf samples with virus and was the only virus that occurred more frequently as a single infection than in co-infections with the other viruses. The old cv. Veten had the highest virus incidence (97%) among the sampled plants, followed by uncultivated raspberry in the boundary vegetation (82%). All aphids identified were Amphorophora idaei and Aphis idaei. BRNV and/or RLMV was detected in 27% of the aphid samples. Notably, BRNV was detected in 30% of A. idaei samples, a species not known as a BRNV vector. In subsequent transmission experiments we found that although A. idaei can acquire BRNV within one hour, it did not transmit the virus to healthy raspberry plants. In contrast, Am. idaei, a known BRNV vector, was able to acquire the virus within one minute and transmit it within one hour of inoculation. Our study will improve the identification and management of BRNV.
Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
IPM strategies for future fruit production
Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
IPM-Fruit: IPM Strategies for future fruit production
I IPM fruit skal undersøke hvordan man kan bruke preventive og alternative tiltak for å oppnå et mer bærekraftig plantevern i frukt. Prosjektet legger opp til å undersøke både naturlige fiender i og utenfor frukthager, fysiske tiltak som preventive tiltak, biologiske plantevernmidler og hvordan best kombinere ulike tiltak under norske forhold. Prosjektet vil bli utført i samarbeid med NMBU, NLR, NIAB East Malling (UK), IRTA (Spania) og i nært samarbeid med fruktnæringen.
Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
RobustRubus - En optimalisert og klimatilpassa produksjon av bringebær og bjørnebær i en forlenget sesong