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Rapporten gir en oversikt over resultater fra overvåking av bekker, elver og innsjøer i Vannområde Morsa i perioden 1. november 2021 – 31. oktober 2022. Resultatene inkluderer oversikt over konsentrasjoner av næringsstoffer og suspendert sediment i alle stasjoner, samt tarmbakterier i elver og bekker, og klorofyll og algetellinger i innsjøer. I 2022 ble alle innsjøene i nedbørfeltet undersøkt. Årsperioden var svært tørr, og tilførslene av næringsstoff var derfor lave. Et faktaark oppsummerer resultatene (Vedlegg 7).

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The objective of SCANGREEN 2019-22 was to find species, varieties and seed blends/mixtures of Agrostis, Festuca, Poa and Lolium that are suited for pesticide-free management of putting greens in the two major climatic zones of the Nordic countries and in the northern USA. The four test sites in the Nordic countries were Reykjavik GC, Iceland and NIBIO Apelsvoll in the the northern zone, and NIBIO Landvik, Norway and Smørum GC, Denmark in the southern zone. The two US test sites were located at Troll Turfgrass Research Facility in Massachusetts and at University of Minnesota. The trials included 30 candidate varieties representing eight different species and subspecies from 13 different seed companies/representatives, and three seed mixtures of red fescue and colonial and creeping bentgrass, a seed mixture of creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass and a seed blend of red fescue. Monthly evaluations of overall impression, tiller density, winter hardiness, disease and weed coverage etc., were done from three weeks after sowing in June-September 2019 until October 2022. The trial at Smørum GC was established in May 2021. The trials were established according to a split-plot design with three blocks (replicates), species on main plots and varieties on subplots. The experimental greens were mown three times per week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and deficit-irrigated to 80% of field capacity three to four times per week in periods without sufficient natural rainfall. Fertilizer (mean N–P–K ratio, 100–22–74) was given as completely balanced compound fertilizers every second week. Each experimental green was divided in different management levels: High and low fertilizer rate and high and low mowing. The two fertilizer rates were 10 and 17 g N m−2 yr−1 and the two mowing heights were 3 and 5 mm. Mixtures were managed at both regimes. There was no use of pesticides or plant growth regulators in any of the trials.

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Studies on host–parasite systems that have experienced distributional shifts, range fragmentation, and population declines in the past can provide information regarding how parasite community richness and genetic diversity will change as a result of anthropogenic environmental changes in the future. Here, we studied how sequential postglacial colonization, shifts in habitat, and reduced host population sizes have influenced species richness and genetic diversity of Corynosoma (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) parasites in northern European marine, brackish, and freshwater seal populations. We collected Corynosoma population samples from Arctic, Baltic, Ladoga, and Saimaa ringed seal subspecies and Baltic gray seals, and then applied COI barcoding and triple-enzyme restriction-site associated DNA (3RAD) sequencing to delimit species, clarify their distributions and community structures, and elucidate patterns of intraspecific gene flow and genetic diversity. Our results showed that Corynosoma species diversity reflected host colonization histories and population sizes, with four species being present in the Arctic, three in the Baltic Sea, two in Lake Ladoga, and only one in Lake Saimaa. We found statistically significant population-genetic differentiation within all three Corynosoma species that occur in more than one seal (sub)species. Genetic diversity tended to be high in Corynosoma populations originating from Arctic ringed seals and low in the landlocked populations. Our results indicate that acanthocephalan communities in landlocked seal populations are impoverished with respect to both species and intraspecific genetic diversity. Interestingly, the loss of genetic diversity within Corynosoma species seems to have been less drastic than in their seal hosts, possibly due to their large local effective population sizes resulting from high infection intensities and effective intra-host population mixing. Our study highlights the utility of genomic methods in investigations of community composition and genetic diversity of understudied parasites.


Rapporten sammenstiller skogbrukets påvirkning på vannressursene basert på et begrenset litteratursøk. I tillegg gis informasjon om relevant lovverk, tilskuddsordninger og aktuelle bestemmelser i skogbrukets egen sertifiseringsordning. Målgruppen for rapporten er først og fremst vannforvaltningen i Norge, men den kan ha interesse også for skogbrukssektoren. En foreløpig konklusjon basert på den litteraturen som er gjennomgått er at skogbruket kan påvirke vassdragenes hydrologi, løpsmønster, sedimenttransport, vannkvalitet og økologi. Virkningen av skogbruk er tydeligst på lokalt nivå, i små nedbørfelt, og blir ofte mindre synlig lenger nedstrøms i vassdraget, men vi vet lite om langtidsvirkninger både lokalt og i nedstrøms resipienter. Det er generelt lite av både data og litteratur om konsekvenser av skogsdrift på vannressursene i Norge, og det anbefales derfor å igangsette flere undersøkelser.