
My work ranges from plant level ecophysiological processes to ecosystem level carbon, water and energy balance. I am particularly interested in the impact of climate change (including relevant extreme events, e.g., drought, flooding, snow storm, etc.) on these processes and their climate feedbacks. I use many state-of-the-art techniques in my research work, including eddy covariance for ecosystem level gas exchange observations, automatic static/dynamic chambers for plot-level or whole-plant-level gas exchange measurements and machine learning models for data analysis and prediction.   



Professional appointments

2019 – present  Research Scientist  Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

2016 – 2019  Postdoctoral associate  Florida International University (FIU)

2013 – 2015  Postdoctoral researcher  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)     



2013  Ph. D  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2011 – 2012  Visiting Ph.D student  Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany

2007  B. S.  Yunnan University, Kunming, China

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Study region: The Ailaoshan National Nature Reserve forest is a mountainous water catchment area for the Lancang River basin and a subtropical ecological conservation area in southwest China. Study focus: The study aimed to understand how water fluxes in a subtropical forest responds to extreme weather disturbances and their recoveries in the post-damage years. We used eddy covariance data (2010–2019) to investigate the evapotranspiration (ET), transpiration (T), evaporation (E), and canopy conductance (Gc) before and after an extreme snow event in 2015. New Hydrological Insights: In the snow damage year, the leaf area index (LAI) decreased by 49 % compared to the pre-damage levels. The severe vegetation damage caused a significant decrease in ET, T, E, and Gc by 35 %, 36 %, 23 %, and 33 %, respectively, compared to the pre-damage levels. T returned to its pre-damage level in 2016, one year after the snow damage. In contrast, LAI, ET, E and Gc recovered to their pre-damage levels in 2018, four years after the initial damage. Reduced ET caused a strong positive RFET, which diminished forest evaporative cooling and resilience. Our results suggest that the delayed E recovery enables water reserves in the ecosystems to be used through T to support rapid understory vegetation growth. This mechanism plays critical in bolstering ecosystem resilience as it facilitates swift recovery following disturbances in subtropical forests.

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Patchy global data on belowground litter decomposition dynamics limit our capacity to discern the drivers of carbon preservation and storage across inland and coastal wetlands. We performed a global, multiyear study in over 180 wetlands across 28 countries and 8 macroclimates using standardized litter as measures of “recalcitrant” (rooibos tea) and “labile” (green tea) organic matter (OM) decomposition. Freshwater wetlands and tidal marshes had the highest tea mass remaining, indicating a greater potential for carbon preservation in these ecosystems. Recalcitrant OM decomposition increased with elevated temperatures throughout the decay period, e.g., increase from 10 to 20 °C corresponded to a 1.46-fold increase in the recalcitrant OM decay rate constant. The effect of elevated temperature on labile OM breakdown was ecosystem-dependent, with tidally influenced wetlands showing limited effects of temperature compared with freshwater wetlands. Based on climatic projections, by 2050 wetland decay constants will increase by 1.8% for labile and 3.1% for recalcitrant OM. Our study highlights the potential for reduction in belowground OM in coastal and inland wetlands under increased warming, but the extent and direction of this effect at a large scale is dependent on ecosystem and OM characteristics. Understanding local versus global drivers is necessary to resolve ecosystem influences on carbon preservation in wetlands.