Eva Skarbøvik
(+47) 416 28 622
Ås - Bygg O43
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås (Varelevering: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 23)
Erfaring og kompetanse:
- Vannovervåking og tiltaksgjennomføring i henhold til vannforskriften
- Integrert vannressursforvaltning
- Erosjon og transport av forurensing i vann; kanterosjon og utforming av kantsoner langs vassdrag
- Effekter av klimaendring på vassdragssystemer
- Miljøeffekter av vannkraftutbygging (hydrologi, vannkjemi, sediment)
Maja Stade Aarønæs Matthew Grainger Gunnhild Søgaard Ulrika Jansson Heleen de Wit Christian Lindemann Ann Kristin Schartau Eva Skarbøvik Øyvind Handberg Henrik Lindhjem Lillian Hansen Sindre Langaas Amanda Elizabeth Poste Ken Olaf Storaunet Eivind Lekve BjelleSammendrag
- Norge - Framskrivinger (Business as usual) - Scenarioer - Direkte og indirekte drivere - Modellering - Økologisk tilstand
Effekten av skogbruk på eutrofibelastningen i Oslofjorden er anslått basert på tilførsler av løst uorganisk nitrogen (DIN). Dette anslaget er beheftet med en rekke usikkerheter som kan forbedres ved å bl.a. samle inn flere data om effekten av skogsdrift på vann, samt forbedre anslag over årlig hogstareal. Våre anslag antyder at tap av nitrogen fra skogsdrift til Oslofjorden ligger på nivå med tapet fra spredt avløp og bebyggelse. På side 6 finnes et utvidet sammendrag. The effect of forestry on the eutrophic pressure of the Oslo Fjord has been estimated based on fluxes of DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen). This estimate is subject to many uncertainties that can be improved by, among other things, collecting more data on the effect of forestry on water, as well as improving estimates of annual logging area. Our estimate suggests that losses of nitrogen to the Oslo Fjord from forestry are in the same range as losses from households not connected to sewage treatment plants and from settlements.
This report presents the results of monitoring undertaken by OSPAR Contracting Parties for the Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges Programme (RID) during 2022. The purpose of the RID Programme is to assess, as accurately as possible, all riverine inputs and direct discharges of selected pollutants to Convention waters on an annual basis, and to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP). The OSPAR Convention area is divided into five main regions: the Arctic Waters, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Seas, the Bay of Biscay, and the Wider Atlantic. Determinands monitored on a mandatory basis include nutrients, heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, copper, zinc, and lead), suspended particulate matter, and salinity (in saline waters). Several more determinands can be monitored on a voluntary basis. Direct discharge sources can include sewage treatment plants, industry, and aquaculture; some Contracting Parties also report urban runoff. Not all Contracting Parties report their direct discharges. Since the programme started in 1990, many Contracting Parties report an overall reduction in flow normalized riverine loads of nutrients and metals, although there are large variations from year to year. Direct discharges of nutrients and metals are also declining in many areas, with some exceptions. For 2022, increase in direct discharges was reported in some areas, but these have no effect on the general trends, since the reported direct discharges are smaller than the riverine inputs in almost all the cases. Only direct discharges from unmonitored areas, including areas downstream of sampling points and discharges directly to the sea are included. The direct discharges upstream of the sampling points are included in the riverine inputs. The report also gives an overview of the different efforts carried out by both CPs and the RID Data Centre to improve the data quality of the programme. Despite these efforts, the long-term data series still have some gaps and inconsistencies, which is unfortunate. Hence, the Report also gives recommendations on how to handle incomplete or missing datasets. The CPs are asked to scrutinize the historical RID data series, and correct them whenever needed, to improve the data quality in the RID database.

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges - RID
The Comprehensive Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges (RID) programme aims to monitor and assess all inputs and discharges of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and its regions that are carried via rivers into tidal waters, or are discharged directly into the sea, for example through sewage pipelines or activities like aquaculture inputting substances directly.

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
NORDBALT ECOSAFE: Nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction approach within safe ecological boundaries for the Nordic Baltic region
About the project

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
Hva er de mest effektive tiltakene for å holde tilbake vann, jord og næringsstoffer i små jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt? Og hvordan kan tiltakene forbedres slik at de blir mer kostnadseffektive? Det er det europeiske forskningsprosjektet OPTAIN i gang med å finne ut.

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
OPTAIN: Optimal strategies to retain and re-use water and nutrients in small agricultural catchments
OPTAIN proposes a social and scientific journey toward the increasing and better understanding of the multiple benefits of Natural/Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM). The Norwegian case study area, Kråkstadelva catchment, is located within the Hobølelva watershed 30 km S-SE of Oslo.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Agricultural mitigation measures and the value of water quality improvements
Agriculture is one of the main sources of water pollution in Norway, and an important contributor to GHG emissions.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Tiltak i landbruket og verdien av forbedret vannkvalitet
Landbruket er en av de viktigste kildene til vannforurensing i Norge, og samtidig en stor bidragsyter til klimautslipp.