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An important goal across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and globally, is to foster a healthy nutrition. A strengthening of the diversity, sustainability, resilience and connectivity of food systems is increasingly seen as a key leverage point. Governance arrangements play a central role in connecting sustainable, resilient farming with healthy nutrition. In this article, we elaborate a framework for assessing, monitoring and improving the governance of food systems. Our focus is on food chains in six peri-urban and urban regions in SSA. A literature review on food chain governance and a mapping of current agri-food chains in the six regions provide the basis for the elaboration of an indicator-based assessment framework. The framework is adapted to the specific conditions of SSA and related goals. The assessment framework is then used to identify the challenges and opportunities in food chain governance in the six regions. The first testing of the framework indicates that the approach can help to identify disconnects, conflicting goals and tensions in food systems, and to formulate strategies for empowering agri-food chain actors in transitioning toward more efficient, equitable and sustainable agri-food systems. The article is concluded with a brief reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the framework and suggests further testing and refinement.

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Soil erosion is generally recognized as the dominant process of land degradation. The formation and expansion of gullies is often a highly significant process of soil erosion. However, our ability to assess and simulate gully erosion and its impacts remains very limited. This is especially so at regional to continental scales. As a result, gullying is often overlooked in policies and land and catchment management strategies. Nevertheless, significant progress has been made over the past decades. Based on a review of >590 scientific articles and policy documents, we provide a state-of-the-art on our ability to monitor, model and manage gully erosion at regional to continental scales. In this review we discuss the relevance and need of assessing gully erosion at regional to continental scales (Section 1); current methods to monitor gully erosion as well as pitfalls and opportunities to apply them at larger scales (section 2); field-based gully erosion research conducted in Europe and European Russia (section 3); model approaches to simulate gully erosion and its contribution to catchment sediment yields at large scales (section 4); data products that can be used for such simulations (section 5); and currently existing policy tools and needs to address the problem of gully erosion (section 6). Section 7 formulates a series of recommendations for further research and policy development, based on this review. While several of these sections have a strong focus on Europe, most of our findings and recommendations are of global significance.

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Surface water runoff can export pesticides from agricultural fields into adjacent aquatic ecosystems, where they may pose adverse effects to organisms. Constructed wetlands (CWs) are widely used to treat agricultural runoff contaminated by pesticides, but the removal of hydrophilic pesticides is usually low. In this study, we suggest superabsorbent polymer (SAP), a cross-linked hydrophilic polymer, as a supplement to substrates of CWs and tested the hypothesis that SAP results in an enhanced removal of hydrophilic pesticides. Therefore, batch experiments were conducted to study the retention capacity of water-saturated SAP (w-SAP) for several hydrophilic pesticides. Retention of the pesticides on w-SAP was related to the ionization state and water solubility of the pesticides. The retention of neutral pesticides, imidacloprid, metalaxyl and propiconazole, was about 20% higher than that measured for anionic pesticides, bentazone, glyphosate and MCPA. The retention of the pesticides by w-SAP mainly resulted from their distribution in the gel-water phase of w-SAP, while less water soluble pesticides might have also been adsorbed on the molecular backbone of SAP. Furthermore, we tested the efficacy of w-SAP for treatment of runoff water contaminated by pesticides in lab-scale horizontal subsurface flow CWs. SAP in CWs improved the removal of the pesticides, including the recalcitrant ones. The removal enhancement was owing to the increase of hydraulic retention time and improvement of biodegradation. The removal of the pesticides in SAP containing CWs was > 93% for MCPA, glyphosate, and propiconazole, 62 – 99% for imidacloprid, 50 – 84% for metalaxyl, and 38 – 73% for bentazone. In the control gravel CWs, the removal was > 98% for glyphosate, generally > 83% for MCPA and propiconazole, 46 – 98% for imidacloprid, 32 – 97% for metalaxyl, and 9 – 96% for bentazone.

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In agricultural catchments, hydrological processes are highly linked to particle and nutrient loss and can lead to a degradation of the ecological status of the water. Global warming and land use changes influence the hydrological regime. This effect is especially strong in cold regions. In this study, we used long-term hydrological monitoring data (22–26 years) from small agricultural catchments in Norway. We applied a Mann–Kendall trend and wavelet coherence analysis to detect annual and seasonal changes and to evaluate the coupling between runoff, climate, and water sources. The trend analysis showed a significant increase in the annual and seasonal mean air temperature. In all sites, hydrological changes were more difficult to detect. Discharge increased in autumn and winter, but this trend did not hold for all catchments. We found a strong coherence between discharge and precipitation, between discharge and snow water equivalent and discharge and soil water storage capacity. We detected different hydrological regimes of rain and snow-dominated catchments. The catchments responded differently to changes due to their location and inherent characteristics. Our results highlight the importance of studying local annual and seasonal changes in hydrological regimes to understand the effect of climate and the importance for site-specific management plans.

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Rana kommune er med i et pilotprosjekt som omhandler landbruket og vannforskriften. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med Norsk Landbruksrådgivning (NLR) i Nord-Norge med mål om å utvikle verktøy for, samt kapasitet til, å utarbeide og utføre tiltaksplaner for landbrukspåvirkede vannforekomster i regionen. Denne rapporten er skrevet av NIBIO på oppdrag fra Rana kommune for å øke kunnskapsgrunnlaget om tilstanden i Daloselva basert på vannprøver fra perioden 10.06.2021-09.11.2021. Undersøkelsen inkluderte kjemiske analyser av totalnitrogen (TN) og totalfosfor (TP), samt mikrobiologiske analyser av koliforme bakterier og Escherichia coli (E. coli). Resultatene fra undersøkelsen viser at Daloselva i stor grad er påvirket av jordbruksdrift i området, med høye konsentrasjoner av særlig fosfor og fekal forurensning.

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Dette prosjektet, om karakterisering av vaskevann fra fjørfeproduksjon, bygger på et forprosjekt som ble gjennomført i 2019 med en spørreundersøkelse vedrørende rengjøring og avløpsløsning for vaskevann i fjørfeproduksjon og vurdering av risiko for forurensing. I prosjektet har det vært kontakt med 42 fjørfeprodusenter og vi har innledet samarbeid for prøvetaking i 18 fjørfehus, hvorav tre verpehøns-produsenter etter hvert valgte å rengjøre uten vann slik at det til slutt ble gjennomført prøvetaking av vaskevann fra 15 fjørfehus. Fjørfehusenes størrelse tilsvarer omtrent gjennomsnittlig størrelse for produksjoner av slaktekylling, livkylling og egg (verpehøns). Rengjøringsrutinene, slik de er oppgitt for produsentene som deltok i denne undersøkelsen, er representative for normal drift. Vannforbruket er noe høyere i denne undersøkelsen enn det som ble funnet i spørreundersøkelsen, og for flere går avløpsvannet til tett tank og offentlig avløp enn det som ble funnet i spørreundersøkelsen. Prøvetakingen ble gjenomført for avløpsvann direkte fra fjørfehuset før en eventuell avløpsløsning. Årlig avløp av totalfosfor, totalnitrogen og totalt organisk karbon med vaskevann fra fjørfehus med verpehøns ble i undersøkelsen målt til hhv. 0,9, 4,8 og 21 kg. Det tilsvarer direkteutslipp fra 1-2 personekvivalanter (p.e.) for totalfosfor, 1 p.e. for totalnitrogen og 2-3 p.e. for totalt organisk karbon. For fjørfehus med slaktekylling ble årlige avløp av totalfosfor, totalnitrogen og totalt organisk karbon med vaskevann målt til hhv. 6,8; 25 og 181 kg. Det tilsvarer direkteutslipp fra 11 p.e. for totalfosfor, seks p.e. for totalnitrogen og 25 p.e. for totalt organisk karbon. Omregnet til antall husstander á 2,2 personer, svarer årlig avløp med vaskevann fra ett gjennomsnittlig fjørfehus til kloakk (direkteutslipp med slamavskiller) fra mellom 0,5 og 11 husstander. Gjennomsnittstallene dekker over stor variasjon mellom vaskinger i ulike fjørfehus. De høyeste døgn-konsentrasjonene som ble målt var på 130 mg totalfosfor/L, 750 mg totalnitrogen/L og 2600 mg totalt organisk karbon/L. De høyeste konsentrasjonene kan ha betydning både ved overføring til kommunale renseanlegg og for tilstanden i vassdragene. Betydningen av vaskevann fra fjørfehus for vannkvaliteten i nærliggende vannforekomst avhenger av type avløpsløsning, øvrige tilførsler av næringsstoffer til vassdraget, resipientens størrelse, tidspunkt for tilførslene og vannkvalitetsproblemene. De negative konsekvensene av utslipp må vurderes lokalt for hvert enkelt tilfelle.