Torfinn Torp
Seniorrådgiver (pensjonistavtale)
Weed harrowing is commonly used to manage weeds in organic farming but is also applied in conventional farming to replace herbicides. Due to its whole-field application, weed harrowing after crop emergence has relatively poor selectivity and may cause crop damage. Weediness generally varies within a field. Therefore, there is a potential to improve the selectivity and consider the within-field variation in weediness. This paper describes a decision model for precision post-emergence weed harrowing in cereals based on experimental data in spring barley and nonlinear regression analysis. The model predicts the optimal weed harrowing intensity in terms of the tine angle of the harrow for a given weediness (in terms of percentage weed cover), a given draft force of tines, and the biological weed damage threshold (in terms of percentage weed cover). Weed cover was measured with near-ground RGB images analyzed with a machine vision algorithm based on deep learning techniques. The draft force of tines was estimated with an electronic load cell. The proposed model is the first that uses a weed damage threshold in addition to site-specific values of weed cover and soil hardness to predict the site-specific optimal weed harrow tine angle. Future field trials should validate the suggested model.
Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet JOVA (Program for jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket) overvåker nedbørfelt som er representative for de ulike jordbruksproduksjonene og –regionene i Norge og er valgt ut mht. klima, jordsmonn, driftspraksis og -intensitet. Det er i dette prosjektet analysert overvåkingsdata for et utvalg vannløselige og mobile plantevernmidler (MCPA, bentazon, metribuzin, metalaksyl) som har vært godkjent i mange år og som gjenfinnes ofte i vannmiljø og dermed utgjør et størst mulig datagrunnlag for å finne eventuelle sammenhenger mellom funn, værforhold og driftspraksis. De gjennomførte analysene viste imidlertid at dataene ikke er av et slikt format eller omfang at det er mulig å hente ut informasjon som kan benyttes direkte til praktisk veiledning for en mer bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler. Dette vil kreve mye mer detaljerte og tidkrevende analyser, eventuelt modellutvikling og modellsimuleringer, som ikke er forenlige med formålet med og ressursene tilgjengelig for dagens overvåking.
Weeds may reduce crop yields significantly if managed improperly. However, excessive herbicide use increases risk of unwanted effects on ecosystems, humans and herbicide resistance development. Weed harrowing is a traditional method to manage weeds mechanically in organic cereals but could also be used in conventional production. The weed control efficacy of weed harrowing can be adjusted by e.g. the angle of the tines. Due to its broadcast nature (both crop and weed plants are disturbed), weed harrowing may have relatively poor selectivity (i.e. small ratio between weed control and crop injury). To improve selectivity, a sensor-based model which takes into account the intra-field variation in weediness and “soil density” in the upper soil layer (draft force of tines), is proposed. The suggested model is a non-linear regression model with three parameters and was based on five field trials in spring barley in SE Norway. The model predicts the optimal weed harrowing intensity (in terms of the tine angle) from the estimated total weed cover and SD per sub-field management unit, as well as a pre-set biological weed threshold (defined as the acceptable total weed cover left untreated). Weed cover and SD were estimated with RGB images (analysed with custom-made machine vision) and an electronic load cell, respectively. With current parameter values, the model should be valid for precision weed harrowing in spring barley in SE Norway. The next step is to test the model, and if successful, adjust it to more cereal species. Weeds may reduce crop yields significantly if managed improperly. However, excessive herbicide use increases risk of unwanted effects on ecosystems, humans and herbicide resistance development. Weed harrowing is a traditional method to manage weeds mechanically in organic cereals but could also be used in conventional production. The weed control efficacy of weed harrowing can be adjusted by e.g. the angle of the tines. Due to its broadcast nature (both crop and weed plants are disturbed), weed harrowing may have relatively poor selectivity (i.e. small ratio between weed control and crop injury). To improve selectivity, a sensor-based model which takes into account the intra-field variation in weediness and “soil density” in the upper soil layer (draft force of tines), is proposed. The suggested model is a non-linear regression model with three parameters and was based on five field trials in spring barley in SE Norway. The model predicts the optimal weed harrowing intensity (in terms of the tine angle) from the estimated total weed cover and SD per sub-field management unit, as well as a pre-set biological weed threshold (defined as the acceptable total weed cover left untreated). Weed cover and SD were estimated with RGB images (analysed with custom-made machine vision) and an electronic load cell, respectively. With current parameter values, the model should be valid for precision weed harrowing in spring barley in SE Norway. The next step is to test the model, and if successful, adjust it to more cereal species.