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Tip rot of carrot significantly reduces root quality and contributes to the high-level rejection during sorting and packaging in Norway. The rot can be dry, or wet, and vary in colour from light brown to dark brown. Diagnosis of a plant disease involves close examination of the symptoms, detection and identification of the causal agent(s), and confirmation of pathogenicity. The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent(s) of tip rot in carrot. Fungi and bacteria were isolated from multiple carrots with tip rot symptoms and used for inoculation of healthy carrots to determine pathogenicity and also for DNA extraction, sequencing of commonly used genes for identification and barcoding genes and DNA metabarcoding. For isolation and inoculation, we developed a method allowing individual carrots to remain upright without touching each other within an incubation box. For morphological identification of causal agents, we found that a combination of methods such as isolation on potato carrot agar, disinfection of infected tissue followed by moist incubation, and inoculation followed by incubation at room temperature for 24 h, and then at 0-6°C were optimal methods for the identification of tip rot pathogens of carrot. Based on the combination of molecular and morphological identification methods, we found that tip rot of carrots is a disease complex caused by several fungi but principally Mycocentrospora acerina and Cylindrocarpon destructans. Diagnosis of postharvest diseases is often a complex problem, and this research demonstrates that a combination of methods is a useful approach. Furthermore, the study indicated that the common approach of trying to associate a disease with a single causal agent does not work for all postharvest diseases. The possibility of multiple causal agents and predisposing factors must be considered, and we should be cautious not to jump to a hasty decision.
Guro BrodalSammendrag
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Melissa MagerøySammendrag
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Melissa MagerøySammendrag
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Mingkai Jiang Kristine Y. Crous Yolima Carrillo Catriona A. Macdonald Ian C. Anderson Matthias M. Boer Mark Farrell Andrew N. Gherlenda Laura Castañeda-Gómez Shun Hasegawa Klaus Jarosch Paul J. Milham Rául Ochoa-Hueso Varsha Pathare Johanna Pihlblad Juan Piñeiro Jeff R. Powell Sally A. Power Peter B. Reich Markus Riegler Sönke Zaehle Benjamin Smith Belinda E. Medlyn David S. EllsworthSammendrag
The capacity for terrestrial ecosystems to sequester additional carbon (C) with rising CO2 concentrations depends on soil nutrient availability1,2. Previous evidence suggested that mature forests growing on phosphorus (P)-deprived soils had limited capacity to sequester extra biomass under elevated CO2 (refs. 3,4,5,6), but uncertainty about ecosystem P cycling and its CO2 response represents a crucial bottleneck for mechanistic prediction of the land C sink under climate change7. Here, by compiling the first comprehensive P budget for a P-limited mature forest exposed to elevated CO2, we show a high likelihood that P captured by soil microorganisms constrains ecosystem P recycling and availability for plant uptake. Trees used P efficiently, but microbial pre-emption of mineralized soil P seemed to limit the capacity of trees for increased P uptake and assimilation under elevated CO2 and, therefore, their capacity to sequester extra C. Plant strategies to stimulate microbial P cycling and plant P uptake, such as increasing rhizosphere C release to soil, will probably be necessary for P-limited forests to increase C capture into new biomass. Our results identify the key mechanisms by which P availability limits CO2 fertilization of tree growth and will guide the development of Earth system models to predict future long-term C storage.
Carl Frisk Godfrey Philliam Apangu Geoffrey M. Petch Simon Creer Mary Hanson Beverley Adams-Groom Carsten Ambelas SkjøthSammendrag
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Rovebekken drenerer mye av Sandefjord lufthavn. Det ble ikke påvist glykol i ukeblandprøvene fra Rovebekken gjennom avisingssesongen 2023. Kravene i utslippstillatelsen er dermed overholdt. Det ble ikke påvist formiat i prøver fra Rovebekken prioritert for analyse av baneavisingsmidler. I overvann (St. N og S) mot Vårnes- og Unnebergbekken ble det påvist lave konsentrasjoner av glykol (PG) og formiat (Fo) i enkelte prøver. Ved fiskeundersøkelsen i juli 2023 ble det ikke registrert ørretunger på stasjonen (R 3-4), rett nedstrøms lufthavna. Antatt årsak var lekkasje av husdyrgjødsel til bekken. Rett nedstrøms, ved Stavnumveien, var det normal tetthet av ørretunger (72 fisk/100 m2).