
Belachew Asalf, opprinnelige kommer fra Etiopia. Jeg tok BSc. i hagebruk i 2004 fra jimma universitet i Etiopia. I 2005, fikk jeg stipendiat fra NORAD til å studere master grad Norge. I 2007, tok jeg master grad i plantvitenskap fra Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU), og i januar 2013, tok jeg doktorgrad innen plantepatologi ved NMBU. Jeg også jobbet som post doktor fra 2014-2016 i NIBIO. Jeg jobbet som utvekslingsforsker i Cornell Universitet i USA i 2010. Jeg har jobbet på flere prosjekter i NIBIO (tidligere, Bioforsk) og involvert i undervisning av plant patologi og veideling av MSc. og PhD studenter siden 2008.  

Jeg er forsker i plantepatologi i divisjon for bioteknologi og plante helse i NIBIO. Jeg er ansvar for sopp- og alge-sjukdommer for felt grønnsaker som dyrkes i Norge (gulrot, hodekål, rosenkål, blomkål, brokkoli, kinakål, kålrot, nepe, grønnkål, reddik, sukkerert, Bønne, frilandsagurk, squash, gresskar, pastinakk, persillerot, bladpersille, stangselleri, knollselleri, salat, ruccola, spinat, rødbete, sukkermais, løk, purre, vårløk, hvitløk, gressløk, asparges, dill, og så videre) og lagrings sjukdommer av grønnsakene.

Mitt forsøks område er diagnostikk, biologi, økologi, epidemiologi, varsling, integrert plantevern, fungicid resistans, og finne alternative bekjempelse av sopp sjukdommer. Jeg har jobbet på flere prosjekter ofte med rollen som forsker, prosjektleder eller arbeidspakkeleder.

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Powdery mildew, caused by the ascomycete Podosphaera aphanis, is an important disease of strawberry. A slightly modified version of a method using steam thermotherapy to rid diseases and pests from strawberry transplants was tested against strawberry powdery mildew. Experiments took place in Norway and Florida, with potted strawberry plants heavily infected with the fungus. Aerated steam treatments of the plants were carried out as follows: a pre-treatment with steaming at 37 °C for 1 h was followed by 1 h at ambient temperature before plants were exposed to steaming at 40, 42, or 44 °C for 2 or 4 h in Norway and 44 °C for 4 h in Florida. Following steaming, plants from the different treatments and the untreated control were kept apart and protected from outside contamination of powdery mildew by growing them in closed containers with over-pressure. On steamed plants, hyphae of P. aphanis were dead and without any new spore formation after treatments, independent of temperature or exposure time; however, up to 99% of the area infected with powdery mildew prior to treatments contained actively sporulating lesions on non-steamed plants. None of the new leaves formed after steaming had powdery mildew, whereas more than half of the new leaves on non-treated plants were infected by P. aphanis. This investigation clearly indicates that steam thermotherapy can eradicate powdery mildew from strawberry transplants, and this can be achieved at lower temperatures and exposure times than previously reported for other pathogens.


Det er utført forsøk med soppmidler i bygg, løk, gulrot og eple. I bygg er det testet ulike varslingsmodeller i VIPS mot byggbrunflekk. I løk er det testet ulike beisemidler for å forebygge soppsjukdommer og sikre god løkkvalitet fra starten. I gulrot er det utført forsøk mot gropflekk og ulike lager- og bladflekksjukdommer både i felt og på lager. I eple er det gjort forsøk for å finne nye midler mot lagersjukdommer.


Temperature and humidity were measured in 28 vegetable stores and corelated to quality of stored vegetable through two storage seasons. The vegetables swede, carrot and celeriac were grown at one site within each of the four regions in Norway ROG, MID, INN and OSL, respectively. After harvesting, the vegetables were weighed and visually assessed for any injuries or diseases and stored in different stores within the same region as grown. Four bags dug down in four storage bins in each store. Temperature and humidity were logged in each bag as well as on the top of each bin and on wall of the storage. In general, we found significant differences in the storage quality between the different storages as well as between regions. Correlating data on quality with temperature data shows for carrot a tendency to an increase in the proportion of fresh roots and reduction in incidence of tip-rot by an increased average temperature during the first two weeks of storage. This corresponds to results from tested various wound healing treatments. An increase in accumulated temperature during the storage period showed a tendency to increase the emergence of tip-rot and reduce the proportion of fresh roots. For celeriac, the effect of temperature varied between years, possibly due to a large difference in quality in the two test years, and it was difficult to draw any conclusion. In swede, the results suggest that a decrease in temperature in the first two weeks of storage increased the risk of the symptom shown as black veins in the phloem. Nutrient status was found to be a possibly predisposing factor for reduced storage quality in celeriac. Balance of boron (B) to calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) were studied in two sites. Highest incidence of brown spots and lowest proportion of fresh roots following storage was found in celeriac with the lowest Ca/B ratio in leaves, lowest content of Zn in the leaves and roots and lowest soil pH.


Carrot is the main field vegetable in Norway and is stored at 0-1°C for up to 8 months. In long-stored carrots, postharvest diseases are problematic. Better knowledge of the causal agents of postharvest diseases can help producers apply appropriate control measures to reduce carrot loss and waste. The objectives of this study were to determine the extent of the tip rot problem and the prevalence of other storage diseases of carrots in different regions in Norway. The study was conducted from 2019 to 2021 by collecting carrots from 16 commercial cold storages, representing four regions. From each storage, representative carrots were randomly sampled, washed, and sorted into different disease categories and healthy carrots. Representative samples from each category were further analyzed in the NIBIO laboratory to identify the causal agent(s) and confirm the disease. Causal agent(s) were identified by symptom and sign description, microscopy and when necessary, DNA sequencing. One or more pathogens were identified from each symptomatic carrot. The incidence of postharvest diseases significantly varied among regions. Taking all years and regions together, only 42% of the carrots were healthy. In other words, 58% of the carrots were with one or more diseases, representing a waste due to diseases alone. Tip rot alone contributed to about 30% of the postharvest loss. Our results indicate that the burden of postharvest diseases of carrots is increasing. This includes diseases like tip rot disease complex, Cylindrocarpon root rot and cavity spot. The results are useful to direct research investigation of the most problematic diseases. Most of the post-harvest diseases of carrots are the result of latent infections that occur in the field, and stress during handling, storage, and processing operations. Hence, postharvest disease control measures should consider the pre-and postharvest predisposing factors of carrots for storage rot.


Skadedyr: I 2021 er det utført forsøk med skadedyrmidler i eple, pære, plomme, prydrogn og jordbær. Her er det testet ulike midler mot blodlus, teger, plommevikler, rognebærmøll og bladlus. I tillegg er det utført forsøk for å vurdere om feromon-forvirring kan brukes som planteverntiltak mot viklere i eple. Det er også undersøkt forekomst av sviskade på epleblad etter bruk av vegetabilsk olje. Sjukdommer: Det er utført forsøk med soppmidler i bygg, løk, gulrot og eple. I bygg er det testet ulike varslingsmodeller i VIPS mot byggbrunflekk. I løk er det testet ulike beisemidler. I gulrot er det utført forsøk mot gropflekk og mot ulike lager- og bladflekksjukdommer. I eple er det gjort forsøk for å finne nye midler mot lagersjukdommer.


Plants and fungi emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are either constitutively produced or are produced in response to changes in their physico-chemical status. We hypothesized that these chemical signals could be utilized as diagnostic tools for plant diseases. VOCs from several common wheat pathogens in pure culture (Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium poae, and Parastagonospora nodorum) were collected and compared among isolates of the same fungus, between pathogens from different species, and between pathogens causing different disease groups [Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB)]. In addition, we inoculated two wheat varieties with either F. graminearum or P. nodorum, while one variety was also inoculated with Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (powdery mildew, PM). VOCs were collected 7, 14, and 21 days after inoculation. Each fungal species in pure culture emitted a different VOC blend, and each isolate could be classified into its respective disease group based on VOCs with an accuracy of 71.4 and 84.2% for FHB and SNB, respectively. When all collection times were combined, the classification of the tested diseases was correct in 84 and 86% of all cases evaluated. Germacrene D and sativene, which were associated with FHB infection, and mellein and heptadecanone, which were associated with SNB infection, were consistently emitted by both wheat varieties. Wheat plants infected with PM emitted significant amounts of 1-octen-3-ol and 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-hexene. Our study suggests that VOC blends could be used to classify wheat diseases. This is the first step toward a real-time disease detection in the field based on chemical signatures of wheat diseases.


Det ble i 2020 utført forsøk mot soppsjukdommer i grønnsaker, potet, plomme, bringebær og korn. I potet ble det gjort forsøk mot tørråte, i plomme mot plommepung og i bringebær mot rust. I korn ble det testet nye sprøytestrategier mot bladflekksjukdommer i bygg og vårhvete, og i grønnsaker ble det gjort forsøk mot lagringssjukdommer i gulrot og løk. Det er utført et forsøk med biologiske og kjemiske skadedyrmidler mot kålmøll i kinakål og et forsøk med pluggbehandling av kålplanter (hodekål) før utplanting for beskyttelse mot kålflueangrep. Det er også utført forsøk med kjemiske middel mot bringebærbille i bringebær, kirsebærmøll i kirsebær og mot plommevikler i plomme. I tillegg har NIBIO utført forsøk for å vurdere om feromonforvirring kan brukes som planteverntiltak mot eplevikler og sju andre viklerarter i økologisk epleproduksjon.

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In developing countries, over 50% of horticultural crops are lost after harvesting due to absense of or poor postharvest cold storage facilities. Cold storage facility is a critical component of the food supply chain and food security because it can extend the storage period of the perishable products; avoid glut and post-harvest losses, reducing transport bottlenecks. The objective of the study was to design and construct an evaporative cooling system to store horticultural products in a wide range of climatic conditions in Ethiopia. The design integrates direct evaporative cooling system and indirect evaporative cooling system with technical improvements and re-arrangements for continuous operation and handling purpose. After the design and construction work of the cooler was completed, its performance was tested and evaluated without product load at maximum mean annual temperature for five days. Finally, the performance and effect of the cooler on tomato shelf life and quality was evaluated by storing fresh tomatoes inside the cooler shelves. For comparison (control group), randomly selected fresh tomatoes were stored in a basket, which is a standard method that retailer display tomatoes in the market in the study area. A portable evaporative cooler was constructed from locally available and used materials and integrated with new temperature and relative humidity sensors. It had a capacity of 260 Kg (573.2 lb). The evaporative cooler resulted in a reduction in the maximum ambient temperature from 32.8°C (91.6°F) to 23.5°C (74.3°F) in the cooler. As the ambient temperature drops to 21.8°C (71.4°F), the temperature in the cooler reduced to 15°C (59°F). The cooler stabilized the relative humidity between 77- 88%. The newly designed and constructed evaporative cooler reduced the postharvest loss of tomato from 80 % in a traditional basket to 5% in the evaporative cooler. The cooler reduced the postharvest loss of tomato by 94%. It maintained the quality of the fresh tomatoes. In conclusion what we showed in this study was that we have refined the design and constructed a low cost and effective cooling system that can be used by poor retailers of vegetables and fruits. Evaporative cooler is an old and forgotten technology, if the design and construction are refined, it can be used to regulate temperature and relative humidity and used in different purposes especially for those who cannot afford to buy modern thermal regulation technologies.

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Meldugg, forårsaket av soppen Oidium anacardii, er en viktig sykdom ved produksjon av cashewnøtter. I dette arbeidet er det sett på effekten av ‘bio-spray’ (en blanding av utvalgte mikoorganismer og sirup fra casheweple og/eller sukkerrør) mot meldugg og for å finne den optimale konsentrasjonen av middelet mot sykdommen. To forsøk ble gjennomført; i et skygge-hus med småplanter av cashew og på friland i en ordinær planting. Det var fire behandlinger med ulike konsentrasjoner av bio-spray (10%, 15%, 20% and 25%), i tillegg til behandlinger med sirup (uten mikroorganismer tilsatt) i 5% konsentrasjon eller standard fungicider. Et kontroll-ledd var helt ubehandlet, mens et annet var behandlet med vann. I skyggehuset ble plantene inokulert med smitte fra andre planter, mens forsøkene på friland ble lagt i et felt som tidligere hadde hatt mye meldugg. I skyggehuset ble det foretatt to behandlinger med 15 dagers mellomrom bortsett fra fungicid som ble brukt en gang. På friland ble det foretatt fem behandlinger med enten bio-spray, sirup eller vann med 15 dagers mellomrom, mens standard fungicidbehandling ble utført tre ganger med 21 dagers mellomrom. Prosent blad med angrep og angrepsgrad ble registrert i skyggehuset. På friland ble i tillegg fenologisk stadium og avlingseffekter undersøkt. I skyggehuset ble det lite angrep av meldugg, mens det var betydelig angrep på friland. Det såkalte arealet under sykdomskurven (AUDPC) viste at de ulike konsentrasjonene av bio-spray ikke reduserte meldugg sammenlignet med kontroll-leddene. Det var noe bedre effekt av 15% konsentrasjon sammenlignet med 25%. Behandling med fungicider var signifikant bedre enn de andre behandlingene og var det eneste forsøksleddet som gav god kontroll av meldugg.


Simple Summary The bird cherry-oat aphid and the fungal plant pathogen causing stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) are common pests of wheat. Plants are under constant attack by multiple pests and diseases but there are limited studies on the interaction between several pests on wheat. We therefore conducted controlled greenhouse and laboratory experiments to determine how these pests affected each other on a wheat plant. We found that aphid feeding predisposed wheat to fungal disease, but that aphids preferred and reproduced better on leaves that had not been infected by the fungal pathogen. These results are important to understand the interactions between multiple pests on wheat and how to develop new control strategies in future integrated pest management (IPM). Abstract Wheat plants are under constant attack by multiple pests and diseases. Until now, there are no studies on the interaction between the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and the plant pathogenic fungus Parastagonospora nodorum causal agent of septoria nodorum blotch (SNB) on wheat. Controlled experiments were conducted to determine: (i) The preference and reproduction of aphids on P. nodorum inoculated and non-inoculated wheat plants and (ii) the effect of prior aphid infestation of wheat plants on SNB development. The preference and reproduction of aphids was determined by releasing female aphids on P. nodorum inoculated (SNB+) and non-inoculated (SNB−) wheat leaves. The effect of prior aphid infestation of wheat plants on SNB development was determined by inoculating P. nodorum on aphid-infested (Aphid+) and aphid free (Aphid−) wheat plants. Higher numbers of aphids moved to and settled on the healthy (SNB−) leaves than inoculated (SNB+) leaves, and reproduction was significantly higher on SNB− leaves than on SNB+ leaves. Aphid infestation of wheat plants predisposed the plants to P. nodorum infection and colonization. These results are important to understand the interactions between multiple pests in wheat and hence how to develop new strategies in future integrated pest management (IPM).


I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra biologisk veiledningsprøving av soppmidler i bygg, hvete, setteløk, gulrot og solbær. Det er også presentert et forsøk med skadedyrmidler mot kålmøll i kinakål. I tillegg er det rapportert et forsøk mot bringebærbarkgallmygg og ferskenbladlus, et forsøk med kairomonfeller mot skadedyr i eple, og et forsøk med vekstregulering av juletrær.

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In a number of pathosystems involving the powdery mildews (Erysiphales), plant stress is associated with decreased disease susceptibility and is detrimental to pathogen growth and reproduction. However, in strawberry, anecdotal observations associate severe powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) with water stress. In a 2017 survey of 42 strawberry growers in Norway and California, 40 growers agreed with a statement that water-stressed strawberry plants were more susceptible to powdery mildew compared with nonstressed plants. In repeated in vitro and in vivo experiments, we found that water stress was consistently and significantly unfavorable to conidial germination, infection, and increases in disease severity. Deleterious effects on the pathogen were observed from both preinoculation and postinoculation water stress in the host. Soil moisture content in the range from 0 to 50% was correlated (R2 = 0.897) with germinability of conidia harvested from extant colonies that developed on plants growing at different levels of water stress. These studies confirm that P. aphanis fits the norm for biotrophic powdery mildews and hosts under stress. Mild water stress, compared with a state of optimal hydration, is likely to decrease rather than increase susceptibility of strawberry to P. aphanis. We believe it is possible that foliar symptoms of leaf curling due to diffuse and inconspicuous infection of the lower leaf surfaces by P. aphanis could easily be mistakenly attributed to water stress, which we observed as having a nearly identical leaf curling symptom in strawberry.

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I prosjekt OPTIROT samarbeider 26 produsenter, to kjøleteknologiselskaper, en sensorutvikler, en biopesticidutvikler, to emballasjeprodusenter, fire regioner under NLR, Gartnerhallen og fem forskningsinstitutter (Nofima, Sintef, NMBU, Århus universitet og NIBIO) i gjennomføring av undersøkelser for å redusere svinn under lagring av gulrot, kålrot og sellerirot. Sammendrag av arbeidspakkene: i) Optimal gjødsling med bor og kalsium for bedre lagringskvalitet. Det er testet ut 6 ulike metoder /tidspunkter for tildeling av bor. Vi så liten effekt av de ulike metodene og tidspunktene for tildeling av bor til knollselleri (felter LI & ST) og kålrot (felter APP & INN). Symptomene bormangel og brune flekker ses inne i røtten og bedømmes ved deling av roten. I begge kulturer var det stor variasjon mellom felt. For knollselleri var det størst forekomst av brune flekker og lavest andel friske røtter i ST, som hadde lavest Ca/B-forhold i blader, lavest innhold av Zn i blader og røtter og lavest pH. I kålrot var det symptomer på bormangel i begge felt i 2017, sterkest i INN. For begge felt var symptomene sterkest i behandlingr uten tilførsel av B. Andel friske røtter var lavest i INN. Vi anbefaler flere undersøkelser for å konkludere ytterligere....

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After harvesting, the Norwegian root vegetables are normally stored at refrigerated temperatures for 5 to 7 months. During this period, up to 30% of the products are lost. The goal is to reduce the diseases, the product loss and energy consumption, in addition to increase shelf-life and storage period. Twenty-eight commercial root vegetable cold-stores were instrumented to measure air temperature, relative humidity and product temperature. The study was done over two years. The cold-stores were located in four different regions of Norway. The three focus-products carrot, swede and celeriac were harvested from one field in each region in open wire nets. The nets were placed in the various cold-stores in the respective regions and put in the wooden bins together with the producer's own products. The quality and yield of the products were determined and correlated to the storage condition. The various storage condition negatively affects the respiration and quality of the root vegetables, storage-life, and influence on the cooling capacity of the refrigeration systems.


Dette forsøket hadde som primærformål å undersøke produksjonshastighet og energiutbyttet av en blanding av storfegjødsel og løk ved to ulike temperaturer, 41 og 55 grader. Det var liten forskjell på metanutbyttet ved de to temperaturer som betyr at energiutbyttet var høyest ved 41 grader. Hvis belastningen kan økes ved 55 grader kan dette forholdet endres, men høyt svovelinnhold kan gjøre det nødvendig å ta noen forbehold. Et annet, og minst like viktig formål var å gjøre et innledende forsøk med en planteskadegjører. Løkhvitråte, forårsaket av Stromatinia cepivora syn. Sclerotium cepivorum, er en karanteneskadegjører i Norge, og løkhvitråte er funnet hos flere løkprodusenter i landet. Vi fant ingen spiring av soppen på syntetisk og spesielt ved 41 grader var soppsporene sterkt angrepet av andre mikroorganismer. Det syntetiske mediet inneholder ikke nødvendigvis alle faktorer som kan trigge vekst til skadet sopp så vi kan ikke garantere biogassprosessens effektivitet på overlevelse av soppsporer før effekt på overlevelse av løkhvitråte er undersøkt i potteforsøk med løk.


I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra biologisk veiledningsprøving av soppmidler i jordbær, bringebær, hvete, setteløk, gulrot og gran i skogplanteskoler. Det er også presentert et forsøk med skadedyrmidler mot bladlus i erter til konserves. I tillegg er det rapportert et forsøk med kairomonfeller mot skadedyr i eple.

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Ten elite maize inbred lines were selected based on all over per se performance and gray leaf spot disease reaction. Crosses were made in a 10×10 half-diallel mating design to produce 45 F1 single cross hybrids. The experiment was conducted at Bako national maize research center in 2015 and evaluation of the crosses were made at Bako and Jimma research centers in 2016 by using alpha lattice design with three replications including three commercial checks. All the necessary yield, agronomic and GLS disease data were recorded. In all the studied traits highly significant genotypic differences were observed indicating the existence of genetic variability among the crosses. Analysis of variance for the combining ability indicated GCA and SCA mean squares were significant at (P < 0.001) for all traits except for anthesis-silking interval, ear per plant, ear diameter, lesion length and width. The ratios of GCA/SCA variances for agronomic parameters and all disease parameters were greater than unity except for that of first disease appearance implying the predominance of additive gene actions. Among all inbred lines, P1, P4, P7, P8 and P9 were identified as desirable sources of resistant genes for GLS disease resistance with positive days of first disease appearance and negative disease incidence, severity and AUDPC values for GCA effects. From the analysis of epidemiological data and disease progress curves the Logistic model (R2=96.5) better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model (R2=92.5) indicating the presence of delayance in epidemics and the inflection point of the GLS. P1, P7 and P8 were identified as a good general combiners for yield, yield related traits and GLS disease parameters. Thus, these parents were recommended to be used in breeding programs with a purpose of developing high yielder and GLS resistant single cross hybrids. In conclusion this study identified potential high yielding and GLS resistant single cross hybrids (CML-395/CML-383, CML-395/Sc-22, CML-395/CML-197 and CML-383/CML-197). Therefore, it is recommended that these hybrids can be used for direct production where this disease is the most prevalent and/or for further breeding programs in generating novel hybrids for future use.

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Fourteen advanced maize inbred lines and locally adapted hybrid maize (BH-540) as a check were used to investigate their reaction to GLS disease. Field experiments were conducted at Bako National Maize Research Centre in 2015 and 2016 main plan ng seasons arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Artificial inoculation with Cercospora zeae-maydis was conducted by applying dry, ground, infected maize leaves into the whorls of younger maize plants. Data on agronomic and disease parameters (latent period, disease severity, disease incidence and lesion type) were recorded from the middle two rows. From the combined analysis of variance, maize genotypes showed significant differences with reaction to GLS indicating the existence of genetic variability among the selected genotypes. Highly significant differences were also observed among entries for all agronomic parameters in both seasons. Gray leaf spot incidence and severity varied among genotypes and between years. The mean GLS incidence and severity were higher in 2016 than 2015. GLS disease incidence in two years ranged from 35% on Sc22 to 95% on CML-387 and severity ranged from 15% on A-7016 to 75% on CKL05003. Significant differences in epidemic variability were also observed among genotypes and seasons. From the analysis of disease progress curves Logistic model (R2=94.55) better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model (R2=91.50). Parents; P6 and P8 had the most desirable quality for the most of agronomic traits whereas P2, P7 and P9 were the best parents for grain yield. Among all inbred lines, P6, P7 and P14 were iden fied as the most desirable sources of genes for GLS disease resistance. But P6, P7, P8 and P14 were iden fied as the best genotypes in yield, yield related traits and GLS disease parameters. Thus, these parents were recommended to be used in breeding programs with a purpose of developing high yielder and GLS disease resistant open pollinated varieties. In conclusion this study identified potential and promising high yielding and GLS resistant open pollinated genotypes (CKL05017-B-B, CML-395, CML-387, A-7016, Gu o and Sc22). Therefore, it is recommended that these OPVs can be used by resource poor farmers for direct production where this disease is the most prevalent and/or for further breeding programs in generating novel hybrids for future use.


Optimization of produce quality and storage conditions to reduce loss during long-term storage of root vegetables in Norway (OPTIROOT, 2016-2019) Authors: Thomsen, M.G., Indergaard, E., Asalf, B., Heltoft, P., Wold, A.B., Nordskog, B., Guren, G, Dyste, J. & Larsen, H. Author’s affiliation: Key words: carrot, swede, celeriac, storage technology, diseases, physiological disorder, packaging, nutrition Reducing yield loss along the supply chains is important for resource sustainability in vegetable production. Norwegian root vegetables are typically stored 6 to 8 months before consumption, often resulting in 20-30% loss post harvest. In OptiRoot 26 producers, refrigeration-technology companies, sensor developer, grower’s organisation, agricultural advisory service, and four research institutes are cooperating and conducting research to improve storage quality of carrot, swede and celeriac. The research focuses on: i) Fertilizer/Boron deficiency affects the storage quality of root vegetables and amount, methods of application, and timing of boron are studied in swede and celeriac. ii) Interaction between storage conditions/functions and produce quality of the root vegetables through mapping of technical features of 27 storages. The storage conditions recorded are relative humidity, air movement, temperature in boxes and storages, and physical features of storages. In addition, the physiological and health status of the produces are assessed one week before harvest, postharvest and post-storage. The prevalence of fungal diseases or disorders varied from region to region and between storages. iii) Effects of pre-storage wound healing are tested using seven different temperature strategies (direct to 0° C vs. down 0.2° C per day vs. 1° C per day) and low/high humidity in carrot (2016/17/18), celeriac and swede (2017/18/19). Preliminary results show that wound healing reduced loss due to fungal infections in carrot iv) CO2 concentration, temperature and relative humidity were recorded over time inside carrot storage bin liners with different numbers of perforations. An initial screening indicated a positive correlation between number of holes and number of fresh roots. As a post storage method, coating of swede with chitosan oligomers will be tested to inhibit growth of post-harvest pathogens. In conclusion, OptiRoot have gained good progress and promising preliminary results by connecting data on biology and technology for reduction of loss during long-term storage.

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Det er per i dag påvist resistens eller nedsatt følsomhet mot kjemiske plantevernmidler hos flere skadedyr, plantepatogener og ugras i norske jord- og hagebrukskulturer. Hos skadedyr er resistens mot pyretroider og nedsatt følsomhet for tiakloprid vanlig hos rapsglansbille i oljevekster. Resistens mot pyretroider er påvist hos ferskenbladlus og potetsikade fra potet, gulrotsuger fra gulrot, ferskenbladlus fra persille, kålmøll og ferskenbladlus fra kålvekster, jordbærsnutebille fra jordbær, og ferskenbladlus, bomullsmellus, veksthusmellus og sør-amerikansk minerflue fra veksthus. Det er også funnet resistens mot pirimikarb hos ferskenbladlus og nedsatt følsomhet for imidakloprid hos ferskenbladlus og bomullsmellus. I jordbær og bringebær er det indikasjoner på begynnende resistensutvikling mot flere av middmidlene. Hos plantepatogener er resistens mot QoI-fungicider påvist hos gråskimmel fra jordbær, bringebær og gran i skogplanteskoler, hos mjøldoggsopper i jordbær og veksthusagurk, og hos bladflekksopper i hvete. Resistens mot triazoler er funnet i flere bladflekksopper i hvete. Resistens mot hydroksyanilid- og SDHI-er utbredt hos gråskimmel fra jordbær og bringebær, og i skogplanteskoler er det påvist resistens mot tiofanater.....


Researchers in plant pathology and entomology often study the interaction between a host plant and its pathogen or an insect pest separately. Although studying single pathogen or insect interactions with a host plant is critical to understand the basic infection processes and to model each disease or pest attack separately, this is an extreme simplification of nature’s complexity, where multiple pests and pathogens often appear in parallel and interact with each other and their host plant. Effective management of pests and diseases require understanding of the complex interaction beteween diseases and pests on the host. Under natural conditions, wheat plants are subjected to attack by several insects and pathogens simultaneously or sequentially. The Bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) and the necrotrophic pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum (syn. Stagonospora nodorum) the causal agent of Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) are economically important pests of wheat in Norway. Since they colonize a common host, they may interact directly through competition for resources or indirectly by affecting the host response either positively (induced resistance) or negatively (induced susceptibility or biopredisposition). The effect of aphid infestation on P. nodorum infection and development of the disease could be an important factor in predicting SNB epidemics. However, studies on this multitrophic interactions are scarce. We conducted controlled greenhouse experiments to study the effect of aphid infestation on subsequent SNB development. The wheat cultivar ‘Bjarne’ was treated as follows:1) Aphid infested + insecticide sprayed + P. nodorum inoculated; 2) Insecticide sprayed + P. nodorum inoculated; 3) Water sprayed + P. nodorum inoculated; 4) Control plants (without aphid, insecticide or P. nodorum). When plants were at ca. BBCH 37, 18 adult female aphids (R. padi) were released per pot (treatment 1). Aphid inoculated plants were kept in an insect proof cage in a greenhouse compartment at 20°C, 70% RH, and 16 h photoperiod. Plants for the other treatments were kept in separate insect proof cages in the same greenhouse. Ten days after aphid release, plants infested with aphids (treatment 1) were sprayed with the insecticide BISCAYA (a.i. thiacloprid) at recommended concentration to remove aphids. Plants in treatment 2 and 3 were sprayed with the insecticide and water, respectively. Twenty-four hours after application of the insecticide or water, plants in treatment 1, 2, and 3 were inoculated with P. nodorum spore suspension (106 spores ml-1). The experiment included three replicates and was repeated two times. SNB incidence and severity were recorded. SNB incidence and severity were significantly higher on aphid infested plants than on non-infested plants (P < 0.05). Ten days after P. nodorum inoculation, disease severity were about 3-fold higher on aphid infested plants (treatment 1) than on non-infested plants (treatment 2 and 3). Plants in the blank control (treatment 4) were free of aphids and showed no symptoms of SNB . Infestation of wheat plants by the bird cherry-oat aphid prior to fungal inoculation enhanced the severity of SNB. P. nodorum is a necrotrophic pathogen that lives on nutrients from disintegrated plant cells. The increase in severity of SNB on aphid infested plants could be due to the increased number of dead or dying cells around the aphids feeding sites. However, whether aphids activity induced local or systemic susceptbility to plants is not yet known and needs to be studied further.


Development of ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) on strawberry leaves has been reported, however, the components of resistance have not been elucidated. Five developmental stages of strawberry leaves were identified and assigned numerical values from newly emerged and unexpanded (S1) to fully expanded and dark green (S5) of cvs. Korona and Senga Sengana. The upper and lower surface of the leaves were inoculated from each of the five leaf developmental stages and incubated under controlled conditions. The effect of leaf age on germination, infection efficiency, latency period, and sporulation were later evaluated. All responses were significantly (p = 0.05) affected by leaf age. Germination percentage, infection efficiency, and sporulation were highest, and latent periods were shortest on S1 leaves of both cultivars. On Senga Sengana, germinating conidia produced fewer secondary hyphae during infection. Conidia produced very few secondary hyphae and did not sporulate on S3 leaves, and no infections established on S4 or S5 leaves. The high success of infection and colonization of P. aphanis on S1 leaves indicates that disease is established preferentially on emergent and expanding leaves and these should be the target of management strategies.

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A collection of four clonal isolates of Podosphaera aphanis was heterothallic and was composed of two mutually exclusive mating types. Cleistothecial initials approximate to 20 to 30 mu m in diameter were observed within 7 to 14 days after pairing of compatible isolates and developed into morphologically mature ascocarps within 4 weeks after initiation on both potted plants maintained in isolation and in field plantings in New York State and southern Norway. Ascospores progressed through a lengthy maturation process over winter, during which (i) the conspicuous epiplasm of the ascus was absorbed; (ii) the osmotic potential of the ascospore cytoplasm increased, resulting in bursting of prematurely freed spores in water; and, finally, (iii) resulting in the development of physiologically mature, germinable, and infectious ascospores. Release of overwintered ascospores from field collections was coincident with renewed plant growth in spring. Overwintered cleistothecia readily dehisced when wetted and released ascospores onto glass slides, detached strawberry leaves, and leaves of potted plants. Plant material exposed to discharged ascospores developed macroscopically visible mildew colonies within 7 to 10 days while noninoculated controls remained mildew free. Scanning electron and light microscopy revealed that cleistothecia of P. aphanis were enmeshed within a dense mat of hyphae on the persistent leaves of field-grown strawberry plants and were highly resistant to removal by rain while these leaves remained alive. In contrast, morphologically mature cleistothecia on leaves of nine deciduous perennial plant species were readily detached by simulated rain and seemed adapted for passive dispersal by rain to other substrates. Contrary to many previous reports, cleistothecia appear to be a functional source of primary inoculum for strawberry powdery mildew. Furthermore, they differ substantially from cleistothecia of powdery mildews of many deciduous perennial plants in their propensity to remain attached to the persistent leaves of their host during the intercrop period.


Several non-chemical control agents are now registered and available for control of powdery mildews. However, there is little or no information about their efficacy against strawberry powdery mildew, caused by Podosphera aphanis. Trials were conducted to compare the performance of non-chemical control agents to chemical fungicides under laboratory, greenhouse and high plastic tunnel conditions. The treatments included: AQ10 (active ingredient is Ampelomyces quisqualis, a hyperparasite on powdery mildew), AQ10 + Silwet Gold (organosilicon adjuvant, enhances distribution and wetting), Vacciplant (active ingredient is laminarin, an extract from brown algae), JMS Stylet oil (mineral oil), Rape seed oil + detergent, Thiovit (wettable sulphur), Topas 100 EC (penconazole) + Candit (kresoximmethyl) and water as control. In the greenhouse, one quarter of the recommended dose was used either daily in one experiment or three times per week in another. In the field, half of recommended rates were applied twice weekly. Both in the greenhouse and tunnel experiments, the chemical control Topas + Candit and AQ10 + Silwet Gold significantly reduced disease severity. AQ10,Vacciplant and Thiovit were moderately effective when applied daily in the greenhouse trial, but not significantly different from the water control when applied three time per week in the greenhouse and twice a week in the tunnel experiment. In the plastic tunnel, the JMS stylet oil and Rape seed oil + detergent treatments caused severe phytotoxic reaction (necrosis). AQ10 used alone had the poorest performance in the tunnel. This indicated that the spreader either enhances the effect of AQ10 and/or the spreader itself had an effect. In laboratory experiments with powdery mildew grown on strawberry leaflets in Petri dishes, spore germination after treatments with water, Stylet oil, Candit and Thiovit were 74, 53, 8 and 7%, respectively. The effect of Thiovit found in the laboratory was not reflected in the greenhouse and plastic tunnel trials. We will further explore the protectant, curative and eradicative effects of the compounds included here.


Mjøldogg (Podosphaera macularis) er ein viktig sjukdom i jordbær og ser ut til å verta eit aukande problem med meir dyrking i plasttunnelar. Denne artikkelen omhandlar nokre resultat frå eit 4-årig prosjekt om jordbærmjøldogg finansiert av Forskingsrådet.


Development of ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) in strawberry fruit has not been quantified, and thus cannot be exploited in disease management programs. Four commercially-relevant strawberry cultivars were evaluated for ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew. Fruits were inoculated at one of the four growth stages: flowering, green, white and early pink fruit. There was a significant difference between and within cultivars at the bloom and green stage of inoculations (P <0.05) for both disease incidence and severity. On average 16.4, 39.5, 48.7, and 60.3 % of the fruits inoculated at bloom developed powdery mildew in cultivars Elan, Korona, Frida and Inga, respectively. None of the cultivars developed powdery mildew when inoculated at the pink stage. It may be concluded that flowers and green fruits of strawberry were much more susceptible to powdery mildew infection than white and pink fruits. The high susceptibility of cultivars at the flower and early green stages seemed coincident with the succulent nature of the fruits at these stages, making it easy for penetration and establishment of mildew. Control measures targeting at these critical windows of fruit susceptibility are likely to reduce yield loss.

Onion with pest

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

Strategies and methods to manage major pests and diseases of onion (‘QualityOnion’)

Onion fly and Fusarium basal rot represent major threats for sustainable Norwegian onion production. There are substantial gaps in our knowledge regarding these pests such as which Fusarium species infect onions in Norway, what are the main sources of Fusarium inoculum, and how onion fly prevalence is changing through the growing season.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 04.07.2024
Slutt: nov 2027
Start: jan 2024

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse

RessursRetur – Ny vanndampteknologi omdanner biologisk forurensede jordmasser og planteavfall til nye ressurser

Ved utbygging av veier, jernbane og eiendommer flyttes store mengder matjord. Dersom jorda inneholder ugras, plantesjukdommer eller skadedyr (nematoder) som er forbudt å spre, må jorda deponeres som avfall og går tapt som ressurs for produksjon av mat. Planteavfall fra produksjon og import av grønnsaker er en annen ressurs som ikke utnyttes i dag på grunn av risiko for spredning av planteskadegjørere.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 03.05.2024
Slutt: mars 2025
Start: apr 2021