Magne Nordang Skårn
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Katherine Ann Gredvig Nielsen Magne Nordang Skårn Venche Talgø Martin Pettersson Inger Sundheim Fløistad Gunn Strømeng May Bente Brurberg Arne StensvandSammendrag
Gray mold, caused by Botrytis spp., is a serious problem in Norway spruce seedling production in forest nurseries. From 2013 to 2019, 125 isolates of Botrytis were obtained from eight forest nurseries in Norway: 53 from Norway spruce seedlings, 16 from indoor air, 52 from indoor surfaces, and four from weeds growing close to seedlings. The majority of isolates were identified as B. cinerea, and over 60% of these were characterized as Botrytis group S. B. pseudocinerea isolates were obtained along with isolates with DNA sequence similarities to B. prunorum. Fungicide resistance was assessed with a mycelial growth assay, and resistance was found for the following: boscalid (8.8%), fenhexamid (33.6%), fludioxonil (17.6%), pyraclostrobin (36.0%), pyrimethanil (13.6%), and thiophanate-methyl (50.4%). Many isolates (38.4%) were resistant to two to six different fungicides. A selection of isolates was analyzed for the presence of known resistance-conferring mutations in the cytb, erg27, mrr1, sdhB, and tubA genes, and mutations leading to G143A, F412S, ΔL497, H272R, and E198A/F200Y were detected, respectively. Detection of fungicide resistance in Botrytis from Norway spruce and forest nursery facilities reinforces the necessity of employing resistance management strategies to improve control and delay development of fungicide resistance in the gray mold pathogens.
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Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
FABANOVA- Climate ready faba beans for the Nordic and Baltic region
The project will lead to improved faba bean lines and knowledge that can lead to higher and more stable protein yields in our challenging environment. NIBIO will develop forecasting tools for chocolate spot epidemics, enabling farmers to protect their crops.

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
FABANOVA - Klimatilpassa åkerbønner for Norden og Baltikum
Prosjektet vil føre til bedre sorter og foredlingslinjer av åkerbønner og gi kunnskap som kan bidra til høyere og mer stabile planteprotein-avlinger i et stadig mer utfordrende klima. NIBIO skal starte utviklingen av varslingstjenester for sjokoladeflekk der målet er å kunne hjelpe produsenter til mer effektiv sjukdomsbekjempelse.