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Naturtypen artsrik slåttemark er sterkt truga i følgje «Norsk rødliste for naturtyper», og vart i 2011 utvald naturtype (UN) med eit visst vern gjennom «Naturmangfaldlova». I 2021 fekk Norsk Landbruksrådgiving Rogaland v/Birgitt Harstad i oppdrag frå Statsforvaltaren i Rogaland å revidere skjøtselsplanen frå 2010, inkl. NIN-kartlegging og registrering i Naturbase, for den 16 dekar store slåttemarka Bakkane, Sogndalstrand i Sokndal kommune. Slåttemarka ligg innanfor det freda kulturmiljøet Sogndalstrand som blei freda i 2005 (Forskrift om freding av Sogndalstrand kulturmiljø 2005). Området blei registrert i 2009 av Trond Magne Storstad, og ligg som naturtype slåttemark i naturbase med svært viktig verdi, ID BN00069216. NLR Rogaland v/B. Harstad gjorde avtale med NIBIO v/Sven Emil Hinderaker om NIN-kartlegging av slåttemarka, innlegging i Naturbase og bistand med faglege innspel til skjøtselsplanen. Under feltarbeidet 15. juli 2022 blei det gjort ein oppsummering av 12 års skjøtsel frå førige skjøtselsplan i 2010, og tilstanden til engarealet. Den revidera skjøtselsplanen oppsummerar dette og gjev vidare restaurerings skjøtselråd for åra framover. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeidd i samarbeid med grunneigar Bent Arvid Ræg.


Soil organic carbon (SOC) was studied at 0–45 cm depth after 28 years of cropping with arable and mixed dairy rotations on a soil with an initial SOC level of 2.6% at 0–30 cm. Measurements included both carbon concentration (SOC%) and soil bulk density (BD). Gross C input was calculated from yields. Averaged over all systems, topsoil SOC% declined significantly (−0.20% at 0–15 cm, p = 0.04, −0.39% at 15–30 cm, p = 0.05), but changed little at 30–45 cm (+0.11%, p = 0.15). Declines in topsoil SOC% tended to be greater in arable systems than in mixed dairy systems. Changes in BD were negatively related to those in SOC%, emphasizing the need to measure both when assessing SOC stocks. The overall SOC mass at 0–45 cm declined significantly from 98 to 89 Mg ha−1, representing a loss of 0.3% yr−1 of the initial SOC. Variability within systems was high, but arable cropping showed tendencies of high SOC losses, whilst SOC stocks appeared to be little changed in conventional mixed dairy with 50% ley and organic mixed dairy with 75% ley. The changes were related to the level of C input. Mean C input was 22% higher in mixed dairy than in arable systems.


The impact of weather, soil and management on yield and nutritive value of grassland can be evaluated using process-based simulation models. These models may be calibrated using data on biomass, leaf area and other characteristics acquired from drones, hand-held devices, and satellites. The objective of this study was to compare the prediction accuracy of the BASGRA model calibrated with grassland data from Northern Norway obtained in 2016 and 2017. The data were acquired either from: (1) ground registrations; or (2) a hand-held spectrometer and satellites. Data on crude protein and fibre content from NIRS analyses were used in both calibrations. Daily air temperature, precipitation, relative air humidity, wind speed and solar radiation that were input to the BASGRA simulations were taken from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute and The Agrometeorology Norway network. Information about soil texture, cutting regime and N fertilization was obtained from farmers and advisers. The differences between simulated and observed biomass, and crude protein and fibre content were similar after the two calibrations. Observed crude protein and fibre content were simulated with a higher accuracy than biomass for both types of calibration data.