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Plants with roots and soil clumps transported over long distances in plant trading can harbor plant pathogenic oomycetes, facilitating disease outbreaks that threaten ecosystems, biodiversity, and food security. Tools to detect the presence of such oomycetes with a sufficiently high throughput and broad scope are currently not part of international phytosanitary testing regimes. In this work, DNA metabarcoding targeting the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was employed to broadly detect and identify oomycetes present in soil from internationally shipped plants. This method was compared to traditional isolation-based detection and identification after an enrichment step. DNA metabarcoding showed widespread presence of potentially plant pathogenic Phytophthora and Pythium species in internationally transported rhizospheric soil with Pythium being the overall most abundant genus observed. Baiting, a commonly employed enrichment method for Phytophthora species, led to an increase of golden-brown algae in the soil samples, but did not increase the relative or absolute abundance of potentially plant pathogenic oomycetes. Metabarcoding of rhizospheric soil yielded DNA sequences corresponding to oomycete isolates obtained after enrichment and identified them correctly but did not always detect the isolated oomycetes in the same samples. This work provides a proof of concept and outlines necessary improvements for the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding as a standalone phytosanitary assessment tool for broad detection and identification of plant pathogenic oomycetes.



Våronna kom tidlig i gang som følge av en varm og tørr april på Østlandet. Mye regn i april og kjølig maivær bremset imidlertid starten på våronna mange steder i landet, og beregnet vekststart varierte fra månedsskiftet mars/april i sør, til slutten av mai i nord. En varm juni med mange varmerekorder ble etterfulgt av en kald juli. Juli var også våt, spesielt sør og sørvest i landet, mens det var varmere og tørrere enn normalt i Nord-Norge. Fint vær i august ga optimale høsteforhold på Østlandet, mens det var dårlig vær og svært vått i vest og i nord. Samlet sett var temperaturen gjennom vekstsesongen 2020 noe over normalen i det meste av landet, mens nedbørmengdene var svært varierende.

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European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is threatened by the invasive ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus originating from Asia. Ash leaf tissues serve as a route for shoot infection but also as a sporulation substrate for this pathogen. Knowledge of the leaf niche partitioning by indigenous fungi and H. fraxineus is needed to understand the fungal community receptiveness to the invasion. We subjected DNA extracted from unwashed and washed leaflets of healthy and diseased European ash to PacBio sequencing of the fungal ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region. Leaflets from co-inhabiting rowan trees (Sorbus aucuparia) served as a reference. The overlap in leaflet mycobiomes between ash and rowan was remarkably high, but unlike in rowan, in ash leaflets the sequence read proportion, and the qPCR-based DNA amount estimates of H. fraxineus increased vigorously towards autumn, concomitant with a significant decline in overall fungal richness. The niche of ash and rowan leaves was dominated by epiphytic propagules (Vishniacozyma yeasts, the dimorphic fungus Aureobasidion pullulans and the dematiaceous hyphomycete Cladosporium ramotenellum and H. fraxineus), and endophytic thalli of biotrophs (Phyllactinia and Taphrina species), the indigenous necrotroph Venturia fraxini and H. fraxineus. Mycobiome comparison between healthy and symptomatic European ash leaflets revealed no significant differences in relative abundance of H. fraxineus, but A. pullulans was more prevalent in symptomatic trees. The impacts of host specificity, spatiotemporal niche partitioning, species carbon utilization profiles and life cycle traits are discussed to understand the ecological success of H. fraxineus in Europe. Further, the inherent limitations of different experimental approaches in the profiling of foliicolous fungi are addressed.


I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra biologisk veiledningsprøving av soppmidler i bygg, hvete, setteløk, gulrot og solbær. Det er også presentert et forsøk med skadedyrmidler mot kålmøll i kinakål. I tillegg er det rapportert et forsøk mot bringebærbarkgallmygg og ferskenbladlus, et forsøk med kairomonfeller mot skadedyr i eple, og et forsøk med vekstregulering av juletrær.


Soppen Diplodia sapinea er en nylig oppdaget skadegjører på furu i Norge og andre nordiske land. Soppen kan skade både frø, småplanter og større trær. Soppen er relativt varmekjær og har tidligere stort sett gjort skade på furu lenger sør i Europa, samt på andre kontinenter. Her i nord ser oppblomstringen av soppen ut til å sammenfalle med de pågående klimaendringene.