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Bjørn Egil FløSammendrag
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Bjørn Egil FløSammendrag
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Denne rapporten oppsummerer resultatene fra analyser av elgens forflytnings- og trekkmønster og leveområder for 12 GPS merka elger i Stabbursdalen nasjonalpark i Porsanger kommune i 2018. Ut fra GPS-elgenes posisjoner ble det analysert forflytningsmønster, trekkdistanser, trekkruter og tidspunkt for vår- og høsttrekket, leveområdestørrelse i løpet av året og i jakttida og bruken av ulike habitatkategorier i løpet av året. I tillegg ble elgens forflytningsmønstre i forhold til inndelingen i bestandsplanområder og jaktfelt i regionen analysert. Totalt sett gir studien viktig innsikt i elgens arealbruk og kan bidra til bedre forvaltning og bevaring av elgbestanden og å sikre furuskogen i Stabbursdalen.
Alois Bilavčík Stacy Denise Hammond Hammond Jana Fránová Igor Koloniuk Zhibo Hamborg Dag-Ragnar Blystad Milos Faltus Jiri ZamencnikSammendrag
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Jason Lee Anders Marie Louise Davey Bram Van Moorter Frode Fossøy Sanne Boessenkool Erling Johan Solberg Erling Meisingset Atle Mysterud Christer Moe RolandsenSammendrag
Parasitic nematodes are ubiquitous and can negatively impact their host by reducing fecundity or increasing mortality, yet the driver of variation in the parasite community across a wildlife host's geographic distribution remains elusive for most species. Based on an extensive collection of fecal samples (n = 264) from GPS marked moose (Alces alces), we used DNA metabarcoding to characterize the individual (sex, age class) and seasonal parasitic nematode community in relation to habitat use and migration behavior in five populations distributed across a wide latitudinal gradient (59.6°N to 70.5°N) in Norway. We detected 21 distinct nematode taxa with the six most common being Ostertagia spp., Nematodirella spp., Trichostongylus spp., T. axei, Elaphostrongylus alces, and an unclassified Strongylida. There was higher prevalence of livestock parasites in areas with larger sheep populations indicating a higher risk of spillover events. The individual level nematode richness was mostly consistent across study areas, while the number and type of nematode taxa detected at each study area varied considerably but did not follow a latitudinal gradient. While migration distance affected nematode beta-diversity across all sites, it had a positive effect on richness at only two of the five study areas suggesting population specific effects. Unexpectedly, nematode richness was higher in winter than summer when very few nematodes were detected. Here we provide the first extensive description of the parasitic nematode community of moose across a wide latitudinal range. Overall, the population-specific impact of migration on parasitism across the distribution range and variation in sympatry with other ruminants suggest local characteristics affect host-parasite relationships.
Michel VerheulSammendrag
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Michel VerheulSammendrag
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