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kommune (Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2023. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse. Studieområdet i Karasjok var likt som de fire siste årene. Gjennom de 16 rutene ble det samlet inn 109 hårprøver (i tillegg til 14 ekstra hårprøver som ble samlet inn utenfor disse rutene), og 88 av disse prøvene (81 %) var positive for brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 10 ulike bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 8 hunnbjørner), og av disse var 2 bjørner (1 hannbjørn og 1 hunnbjørn) nye i år. Utvidet DNA-familieanalyse med 11 genetiske markører påviste mulige lokale foreldre for de 2 nye bjørnene. Resultatene for årets hårfelleprosjekt viser at det ble påvist færre bjørner (10 ind./0,25 bjørn/10km2) enn i samme område og tidsrom i 2022 (12 ind.), men flere enn i 2019, 2020 og 2021 (hhv. 9, 8 og 6 ind.). Det ble påvist færre bjørner i første halvdel (juni-juli) enn i andre halvdel (juli-august) av prosjektet (hhv. 6 og 10 bjørner). Hårfellemetoden med DNA-analyse av hårrøtter har i dette arbeidet gitt unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn i det undersøkte området.

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Since 2005, the population of the trans-border brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Trilateral Park Pasvik-Inari (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored by using genetic analyses of hair and faeces collected randomly in the field. A more systematic method using hair traps every fourth year was initiated in 2007 to collect brown bear hairs for genetic analysis. The method consisted of 56 hair traps in Norway, Finland and Russia in a 5 x 5 km2 grid cell system (ca 1400 km2). The project was repeated in 2011, 2015, 2019 and now in 2023. This season’s sampling was carried out in Pasvik (Norway) - Inari (Finland) area (43 squares, 1075 km2), using the same methodology as in the previous studies. A total of 97 samples were collected, where 45 samples came from Finland and 52 samples from Norway. In the bear specific analysis, 71 (73 %) of the 97 hair samples were positive. A complete DNA profile could be determined for 63 of the positive samples. In total, 22 different bear individuals were detected (10 females and 12 males). Of these 22 bears, 12 bears were detected in previous years, while 10 were previously unknown bears. In total, 13 bears were detected in Finland and 11 bears in Norway. This year’s sampling has the 2nd highest success rate in number of individuals detected per grid square, with 0,51 individual per grid square compared to 0,81 individuals in 2019 (highest success rate), 0,49 in 2015, 0,35 in 2011 and 0,42 in 2009. Our results showed that even with a smaller study area, the hair trap project every 4th year provides valuable information on the brown bear individuals in addition to a random sampling in the field (The National Monitoring Program for brown bears in Norway).


Background The order Lepidoptera has an abundance of species, including both agriculturally beneficial and detrimental insects. Molecular data has been used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of major subdivisions in Lepidoptera, which has enhanced our understanding of the evolutionary relationships at the family and superfamily levels. However, the phylogenetic placement of many superfamilies and/or families in this order is still unknown. In this study, we determine the systematic status of the family Argyresthiidae within Lepidoptera and explore its phylogenetic affinities and implications for the evolution of the order. We describe the first mitochondrial (mt) genome from a member of Argyresthiidae, the apple fruit moth Argyresthia conjugella. The insect is an important pest on apples in Fennoscandia, as it switches hosts when the main host fails to produce crops. Results The mt genome of A. conjugella contains 16,044 bp and encodes all 37 genes commonly found in insect mt genomes, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and a large control region (1101 bp). The nucleotide composition was extremely AT-rich (82%). All detected PCGs (13) began with an ATN codon and terminated with a TAA stop codon, except the start codon in cox1 is ATT. All 22 tRNAs had cloverleaf secondary structures, except trnS1, where one of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arms is missing, reflecting potential differences in gene expression. When compared to the mt genomes of 507 other Lepidoptera representing 18 superfamilies and 42 families, phylogenomic analyses found that A. conjugella had the closest relationship with the Plutellidae family (Yponomeutoidea-super family). We also detected a sister relationship between Yponomeutoidea and the superfamily Tineidae. Conclusions Our results underline the potential importance of mt genomes in comparative genomic analyses of Lepidoptera species and provide valuable evolutionary insight across the tree of Lepidoptera species.

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Hår fra brunbjørn ble samlet inn i 20 hårfeller med luktstoff i et 500 km2 stort område i Tana kommune (Troms og Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2023. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse, i tillegg til en kjønnsbestemt markør. Totalt ble det samlet inn 48 hårprøver (i tillegg til 3 ekskrementprøver). Av de innsamlede hårprøvene var 27 (56 %) positive for brunbjørn. Ingen av ekskrementprøvene ga treff på DNA fra brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 4 ulike bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 2 hunnbjørner). Av disse 4 bjørnene var alle tidligere identifiserte individer, og gir en bjørnetetthet på 0,08 bjørn/10km2. Det ble påvist flere bjørner i første halvdel (juni-juli) enn i andre halvdel (juli-august) av prosjektet. Hårfellemetoden med DNA-analyse av hårrøtter har i dette arbeidet gitt unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn i det undersøkte området.

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Aims To investigate and compare antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) in faeces from cohabiting dogs and owners. Methods and Results DNA from faecal samples from 35 dogs and 35 owners was screened for the presence of 34 clinically relevant ARGs using high throughput qPCR. In total, 24 and 25 different ARGs were present in the dog and owner groups, respectively. The households had a mean of 9.9 ARGs present, with dogs and owners sharing on average 3.3 ARGs. ARGs were shared significantly more in households with dogs over 6 years old (3.5, interquartile range 2.75–5.0) than in households with younger dogs (2.5, interquartile range 2.0–3.0) (p = 0.02). Dogs possessed significantly more mecA and aminoglycoside resistance genes than owners. Conclusions Dogs and owners can act as reservoirs for a broad range of ARGs belonging to several antimicrobial resistance classes. A modest proportion of the same resistance genes were present in both dogs and owners simultaneously, indicating that ARG transmission between the dog and human gut is of minor concern in the absence of antimicrobial selection. Significance and Impact of the Study This study provides insight into the common dog and human gut resistomes, contributing to an improved knowledge base in risk assessments regarding ARG transmission between dogs and humans.

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Hår fra brunbjørn ble samlet inn i 48 hårfeller med luktstoff i et 1200 km2 stort område i Karasjok kommune (Troms og Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2022. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse. Studieområdet sentralt i Karasjok var likt som i fjor (16 feller), mens studieområdet i Váljohka er utvidet til totalt 32 hårfeller i år mot 27 feller i 2021. Totalt ble det samlet inn 149 hårprøver (i tillegg til 2 ekskrementprøver), og 99 av disse prøvene (66 %) var positive for brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 16 ulike bjørner (8 hannbjørner og 8 hunnbjørner) i det sammenhengende området Karasjok/Váljohka. Av disse 16 bjørnene var 5 bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 3 hunnbjørner) nye i år. Utvidet DNA-familieanalyse med 12 genetiske markører påviste mulige lokale foreldre for 4 av de 5 nye bjørnene. Sentralt i Karasjok (16 feller) viser resultatet i år flere bjørner (12 ind./0,30 bjørn pr.10km2) enn i samme område og tidsrom i de tre foregående årene (2019- 9 ind., 2020- 8 ind. og 2021 - 6 ind.). I de 32 hårfellene i Váljohka ble det påvist 6 individer (0,075 bjørn/10km2) som er det samme antallet som året før. Det ble påvist like mange bjørner i første halvdel (juni-juli) som i andre halvdel (juli-august) av prosjektet. Hårfellemetoden med DNA- analyse av hårrøtter har i dette arbeidet gitt unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn i det undersøkte området.

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Hår fra brunbjørn ble samlet inn i hårfeller med luktstoff i et 1075 km2 stort område i Karasjok kommune og i et 525 km2 stort område i indre Troms (Troms og Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2021. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører. I Karasjok var området utvidet med studieområdet i Valjohka til totalt 43 hårfeller i år mot 16 feller i tidligere år. Her ble det samlet inn 178 hårprøver (i tillegg til 5 ekskrementprøver), og 106 (60%) var positive for brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 11 ulike bjørner (6 hannbjørn og 5 hunnbjørn) i det sammenhengende området Karasjok/Valjohka. Av disse 11 bjørnene var kun 2 bjørner (en hann og en hunn) nye i år. Utvidet DNA-familieanalyse med 12 genetiske markører påviste mulige lokale foreldre for begge de nye bjørnene. Sentralt i Karasjok (16 feller) ble prosjektet utført i samme område og tidsrom som i 2019 (9 ind.) og 2020 (8 ind.), og viser i år en liten nedgang i antallet bjørn (6 ind.) og bjørnetetthet (0,15 bjørn/10km2 mot hhv 0.23 og 0.20 bjørn/10km2). Tidsmessig informasjon viste at flest bjørner ble påvist i begynnelsen av august, mens kun én bjørn ble påvist i juni. For første gang ble det satt ut hårfeller for brunbjørn i indre Troms, med 21 hårfeller i 3 mindre områder. DNA- analysen viste at 2 av de 16 innsamlede hårprøvene (13 %) og 2 av de 4 ekrementprøvene var positive for brunbjørn, og det ble påvist 2 ulike bjørner (bjørnetetthet på 0,04 bjørn/10 km2). Begge var tidligere kjente bjørner som kun er påvist i dette området i indre Troms. Hårfellemetoden med DNA- analyse av hårrøtter gir unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn, og fremtidige prosjekter bør derfor utføres i større sammenhengende områder i flere påfølgende år slik som i Karasjok for å oppnå sikre resultater.

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We determined the mitogenome of Cyclopterus lumpus using a hybrid sequencing approach, and another four closely related species in the Liparidae based on available next-generation sequence data. We found that the mitogenome of C. lumpus was 17,266 bp in length, where the length and organisation were comparable to those reported for cottoids. However, we found a GC-homopolymer region in the intergenic space between tRNALeu2 and ND1 in liparids and cyclopterids. Phylogenetic reconstruction confirmed the monophyly of infraorders and firmly supported a sister-group relationship between Cyclopteridae and Liparidae. Purifying selection was the predominant force in the evolution of cottoid mitogenomes. There was significant evidence of relaxed selective pressures along the lineage of deep-sea fish, while selection was intensified in the freshwater lineage. Overall, our analysis provides a necessary expansion in the availability of mitogenomic sequences and sheds light on mitogenomic adaptation in Cottoidei fish inhabiting different aquatic environments.


Gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge ble det i 2021 samlet inn prø-ver til DNA-analyse med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for trettende år på rad. Av 1519 innsamlede prøver i 2021, ble 1513 inkludert i den genetiske analysen (949 ekskrement-prøver, 547 hårprøver, 13 vevsprøver og 4 urinprøver) og 61 % var positive for brunbjørn. Totalt gav 777 prøver (51 %) en fullstendig DNA-profil, og det ble fra disse prøvene påvist 160 ulike brunbjørner: 67 hunnbjørner og 93 hannbjørner. Dette var en økning på 7 % (10 individer) sam-menlignet med 2020, og var det høyeste antallet brunbjørn registrert siden 2010. Forekomsten av brunbjørn var, som i foregående år, hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Troms og Finnmark (68), Innlandet (66) og Trøndelag (25). Innlandet hadde i 2021 det høyeste antallet påviste indi-vider siden overvåkingsprogrammet startet i 2009. Av det totale antallet brunbjørner påvist i 2021 var 69 % (110 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som er tilsvarende med 2020. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 116 indi-vider (73 %). Basert på prøver fra påviste hunnbjørner ble det estimert at det var 8,1 ynglinger i 2021, noe som er en reduksjon i forhold til året 2020. De estimerte ynglingene i 2021 fordeler seg med 3,6 i rovviltregion 5 (Hedmark), 1,6 i region 6 (Trøndelag) og 2,9 i region 8 (Troms og Finnmark).

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Giant panda could have bamboo as their exclusive diet for about 2 million years because of the contribution of numerous enzymes produced by their gut bacteria, for instance laccases. Laccases are blue multi-copper oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of a broad spectrum of phenolic and aromatic compounds with water as the only byproduct. As a “green enzyme,” laccases have potential in industrial applications, for example, when dealing with degradation of recalcitrant biopolymers, such as lignin. In the current study, a bacterial laccase, Lac51, originating from Pseudomonas putida and identified in the gut microbiome of the giant panda’s gut was transiently expressed in the non-food plant Nicotiana benthamiana and characterized. Our results show that recombinant Lac51 exhibits bacterial laccase properties, with optimal pH and temperature at 7–8 and 40°C, respectively, when using syringaldazine as substrate. Moreover, we demonstrate the functional capability of the plant expressed Lac51 to oxidize lignin using selected lignin monomers that serve as substrates of Lac51. In summary, our study demonstrates the potential of green and non-food plants as a viable enzyme production platform for bacterial laccases. This result enriches our understanding of plant-made enzymes, as, to our knowledge, Lac51 is the first functional recombinant laccase produced in plants.


Denne studien ble utført på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet for å kartlegge antibiotikaresistens i terrestriske miljø basert på ulik eksponering av resistensdrivere. Hensikten var å få en mer helhetlig forståelse av miljøets rolle i utvikling og spredning av antibiotikaresistens. Totalt 644 prøver fra jord, rødkløver, snegler, mus/spissmus og meitemark ble samlet inn fra ulike miljøer i løpet av 2019-20 og analysert for forekomst av antibiotikaresistens, samt potensielle drivere som antibiotika, pesticider og tungmetaller i jord.

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DNA-overvåking av brunbjørn i et totalt 650 km2 stort område i Karasjok kommune i Troms og Finnmark ble utført med hårfeller med luktstoff i 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2020. Overvåkingen ble utført i tre deler; et hårfelleprosjekt sentralt i Karasjok, et hårfelleprosjekt i Anàrjohka og et hårfelleprosjekt utført av et elgjaktlag i jaktfelt 28. Vi brukte et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med totalt 26 ruter med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter en måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. I tillegg var to hårfeller plassert på geografiske punkt av elgjaktlag i 2 uker. Det ble samlet inn til sammen 58 hårprøver fra hårfellene (i tillegg til 9 ekskrementprøver). For de 16 hårfellene sentralt plassert i Karasjok var 24 av de 48 innsamlede prøvene (50 %) positive for brunbjørn i DNA-analysen ved laboratoriet på NIBIO Svanhovd. Fra disse prøvene ga 22 prøver en fullstendig identifiserende DNA-profil som viste 8 ulike bjørner (3 hannbjørn og 5 hunnbjørn). Bjørnetettheten ble estimert til 0,20 bjørn/10km2 som er i samsvar med forrige år. Totalt ble det funnet 11 ulike bjørneindivider (5 hannbjørn og 6 hunnbjørn) for de 3 hårfelleprosjektene. Av disse 11 var 9 bjørner tidligere påvist, mens 2 av bjørnene (2 hannbjørner) var nye. Hårfelleprosjektetene bidrar med unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om bjørneaktivitenen i området, og 4 av de 11 påviste bjørnene var i 2020 kun påvist igjennom hårfelleprosjektene.

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Conservation and management of large carnivores requires knowledge of female and male dispersal. Such information is crucial to evaluate the population’s status and thus manage ment actions. This knowledge is challenging to obtain, often incomplete and contradictory at times. The size of the target population and the methods applied can bias the results. Also, population history and biological or environmental influences can affect dispersal on differ ent scales within a study area. We have genotyped Eurasian lynx (180 males and 102 females, collected 2003–2017) continuously distributed in southern Finland (~23,000 km2 ) using 21 short tandem repeats (STR) loci and compared statistical genetic tests to infer local and sex-specific dispersal patterns within and across genetic clusters as well as geo graphic regions. We tested for sex-specific substructure with individual-based Bayesian assignment tests and spatial autocorrelation analyses. Differences between the sexes in genetic differentiation, relatedness, inbreeding, and diversity were analysed using popula tion-based AMOVA, F-statistics, and assignment indices. Our results showed two different genetic clusters that were spatially structured for females but admixed for males. Similarly, spatial autocorrelation and relatedness was significantly higher in females than males. How ever, we found weaker sex-specific patterns for the Eurasian lynx when the data were sepa rated in three geographical regions than when divided in the two genetic clusters. Overall, our results suggest male-biased dispersal and female philopatry for the Eurasian lynx in Southern Finland. The female genetic structuring increased from west to east within our study area. In addition, detection of male-biased dispersal was dependent on analytical methods utilized, on whether subtle underlying genetic structuring was considered or not, and the choice of population delineation. Conclusively, we suggest using multiple genetic approaches to study sex-biased dispersal in a continuously distributed species in which pop ulation delineation is difficult.


Gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge ble det i 2020 samlet inn prøver til DNA-analyse med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for tolvte år på rad. Av 1361 innsamlede prøver i 2020, ble 1351 inkludert i den genetiske analysen (850 ekskrementprøver, 489 hårprøver, 10 vevsprøver og 2 urinprøver) og 67 % var positive for brunbjørn. Totalt gav 708 prøver (52 %) en godkjent DNA-profil, og det ble fra disse prøvene påvist 150 ulike brunbjørner; 65 hunnbjørner og 85 hannbjørner. Dette var en økning på 1,4 % (2 individer) sammenlignet med 2019. Dette er det høyeste antallet brunbjørn registrert siden 2011. Forekomsten av brunbjørn var, som i foregående år, hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Troms og Finnmark (66), Innlandet (52) og Trøndelag (29). Av det totale antallet brunbjørner påvist i 2020 var 70 % (105 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en økning i gjenfunn med 4 prosentpoeng i forhold til i fjor. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 112 individer (75 %). Basert på prøver fra påviste hunnbjørner ble det estimert 8,5 ynglinger i Norge i 2020. Dette er det høyeste estimatet på antall ynglinger siden overvå-kingen startet i 2009. De estimerte ynglingene i 2020 fordeler seg med 3,1 i rovviltregion 5 (Inn-landet), 2,9 i region 6 (Trøndelag) og 2,5 i region 8 (Troms og Finnmark).

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Loss of Arctic sea ice owing to climate change is predicted to reduce both genetic diversity and gene flow in ice-dependent species, with potentially negative consequences for their long-term viability. Here, we tested for the population-genetic impacts of reduced sea ice cover on the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) sampled across two decades (1995–2016) from the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway, an area that is affected by rapid sea ice loss in the Arctic Barents Sea. We analysed genetic variation at 22 microsatellite loci for 626 polar bears from four sampling areas within the archipelago. Our results revealed a 3–10% loss of genetic diversity across the study period, accompanied by a near 200% increase in genetic differentiation across regions. These effects may best be explained by a decrease in gene flow caused by habitat fragmentation owing to the loss of sea ice coverage, resulting in increased inbreeding of local polar bears within the focal sampling areas in the Svalbard Archipelago. This study illustrates the importance of genetic monitoring for developing adaptive management strategies for polar bears and other ice-dependent species.

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Wildlife managers conduct population inventories to monitor species, particularly those at-risk. Although costly and time consuming, grid-based DNA hair-snag sampling has been the standard protocol for grizzly bear inventories in North America, while opportunistic fecal DNA sampling is more commonly used in Europe. Our aim is to determine if low-cost, low-effort scat sampling along roads can replace the current standard. We compare two genetic non-invasive techniques using concurrent sampling within the same grid system and spatially explicit capture–recapture. We found that given our methodology and the present status of fecal genotyping for grizzly bears, scat sampling along roads cannot replace hair sampling to estimate population size in low-density areas. Hair sampling identified the majority of individual grizzly bears, with a higher success rate of individuals identified from grizzly bear samples (100%) compared to scat sampling (14%). Using scat DNA to supplement hair data did not change population estimates, but it did improve estimate precision. Scat samples had higher success identifying species (98%) compared with hair (80%). Scat sampling detected grizzly bears in grid cells where hair sampling showed non-detection, with almost twice the number of cells indicating grizzly bear presence. Based on our methods and projected expenses for future implementation, we estimated an approximate 30% cost reduction for sampling scat relative to hair. Our research explores the application of genetic non-invasive approaches to monitor bear populations. We recommend wildlife managers continue to use hair-snag sampling as the primary method for DNA inventories, while employing scat sampling as supplemental to increase estimate precision. Scat sampling may better indicate presence of bear species through greater numbers and spatial distribution of detections, if sampling is systematic across the entire area of interest. Our findings speak to the management of other species and regions, and contribute to ongoing advances of monitoring wildlife populations.

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DNA-overvåkning av brunbjørn i et 400 km2 stort område nær Karasjok i Finnmark ble utført med hårfeller med luktstoff i 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2019. Vi brukte et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med 16 ruter med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter en måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Det ble samlet inn 72 hårprøver fra hårfellene, og DNA-analysen i laboratoriet på Svanhovd viste at 54 av hårprøvene var positive (75 %) for brunbjørn. Av disse prøvene var det 45 prøver med en fullstendig identifiserende DNA-profil som viste totalt 9 ulike bjørner (0,23 bjørn/10 km2). Kjønnsfordelingen blant de 9 bjørneindividene viste 7 hannbjørner og 2 hunnbjørner. Av disse 9 bjørnene var 8 bjørner tidligere påvist, og en av de to hunnbjørnene var ny. Utvidet DNA-analyse med flere genetiske markører viste at 7 av bjørnene er nært beslektet, og der hunnbjørnen FI57 (påvist første gang i 2005) kan være mor til 5 hannbjørner med to ulike fedre. Bjørnene påvist i dette hårfelleprosjektet kan være viktig informasjon for lokalsammfunnet i Karasjok, da 7 av disse 9 bjørnene ikke ble påvist samme år igjennom det nasjonale vervåkningsprosjektet for brunbjørn i Norge.

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The lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus is commercially exploited in numerous areas of its range in the North Atlantic Ocean, and is important in salmonid aquaculture as a biological agent for controlling sea lice. Despite the economic importance, few genetic resources for downstream applications, such as linkage mapping, parentage analysis, marker-assisted selection (MAS), quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, and assessing adaptive genetic diversity are currently available for the species. Here, we identify both genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellites loci from C. lumpus to facilitate such applications. Across 2,346 genomic contigs, we detected a total of 3,067 microsatellite loci, of which 723 were the most suitable ones for primer design. From 116,555 transcriptomic unigenes, we identified a total of 231,556 microsatellite loci, which may indicate a high coverage of the available STRs. Out of these, primer pairs could only be designed for 6,203 loci. Dinucleotide repeats accounted for 89 percent and 52 percent of the genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellites, respectively. The genetic composition of the dominant repeat motif types showed differences from other investigated fish species. In the genome-derived microsatellites AC/GT (67.8 percent), followed by AG/CT (15.1 percent) and AT/AT (5.6 percent) were the major motifs. Transcriptome-derived microsatellites showed also most dominantly the AC/GT repeat motif (33 percent), followed by A/T (26.6 percent) and AG/CT (11 percent). Functional annotation of microsatellite-containing transcriptomic sequences showed that the majority of the expressed sequence tags encode proteins involved in cellular and metabolic processes, binding activity and catalytic reactions. Importantly, STRs linked to genes involved in immune system process, growth, locomotion and reproduction were discovered in the present study. The extensive genomic marker information reported here will facilitate molecular ecology studies, conservation initiatives and will benefit many aspects of the breeding programmes of C. lumpus.

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Harvest can disrupt wildlife populations by removing adults with naturally high survival. This can reshape sociospatial structure, genetic composition, fitness, and potentially affect evolution. Genetic tools can detect changes in local, fine-scale genetic structure (FGS) and assess the interplay between harvest-caused social and FGS in populations. We used data on 1614 brown bears, Ursus arctos, genotyped with 16 microsatellites, to investigate whether harvest intensity (mean low: 0.13 from 1990 to 2005, mean high: 0.28 from 2006 to 2011) caused changes in FGS among matrilines (8 matrilines; 109 females ≥4 years of age), sex-specific survival and putative dispersal distances, female spatial genetic autocorrelation, matriline persistence, and male mating patterns. Increased harvest decreased FGS of matrilines. Female dispersal distances decreased, and male reproductive success was redistributed more evenly. Adult males had lower survival during high harvest, suggesting that higher male turnover caused this redistribution and helped explain decreased structure among matrilines, despite shorter female dispersal distances. Adult female survival and survival probability of both mother and daughter were lower during high harvest, indicating that matriline persistence was also lower. Our findings indicate a crucial role of regulated harvest in shaping populations, decreasing differences among “groups,” even for solitary-living species, and potentially altering the evolutionary trajectory of wild populations. anthropogenic, dispersal, hunting, male mating, maternal, predator, survival


Knowledge about population genetic structure and dispersal capabilities is important for the development of targeted management strategies for agricultural pest species. The apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae), is a pre-dispersal seed predator. Larvae feed on rowanberries (Sorbus aucuparia), and when rowanberry seed production is low (i.e., inter-masting), the moth switches from laying eggs in rowanberries to apples (Malus domestica), resulting in devastating losses in apple crops. Using genetic methods, we investigated if this small moth expresses any local genetic structure, or alternatively if gene flow may be high within the Scandinavian Peninsula (~850.000 km2, 55o - 69o N). Genetic diversity was found to be high (n = 669, mean He = 0.71). For three out of ten tetranucleotide STRs, we detected heterozygote deficiency caused by null alleles, but tests showed little impact on the overall results. Genetic differentiation between the 28 sampling locations was very low (average FST = 0.016, P < 0.000). Surprisingly, we found that all individuals could be assigned to one of two non-geographic genetic clusters, and that a third, geographic cluster was found to be associated with 30% of the sampling locations, with weak but significant signals of isolation-by-distance. Conclusively, our findings suggest wind-aided dispersal and spatial synchrony of both sexes of the apple fruit moth over large areas and across very different climatic zones. We speculate that the species may recently have had two separate genetic origins caused by a genetic bottleneck after inter-masting, followed by rapid dispersal and homogenization of the gene pool across the landscape. We suggest further investigations of spatial genetic similarities and differences of the apple fruit moth at larger geographical scales, through life-stages, across inter-masting, and during attacks by the parasitoid wasp (Microgaster politus).

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Siden 2005 har populasjonen av grenseoverskridene brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) i Trilateral Park Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga (Norge-Finland-Russland) blitt overvåket ved å bruke genetiske analyser av hår og ekskrement-prøver samlet inn opportunistisk i felt. En mer systematiske metode med hårfeller hvert fjerde år ble i 2007 startet opp for å samle inn bjørnehår til genetisk analyse. Metoden består i å sette ut 56 hårfeller med luktstoff i Norge, Finland og Russland i et 5 x 5 km2 rutenett (totalt ca. 1400 km2). Dette prosjektet ble gjentatt i 2011, 2015 og nå i sesongen 2019 med 58 ruter og ved bruk av samme metode som i 2007. I 2019 sesongen ble det samlet inn 182 prøver, der 66 av disse var fra Finland, 59 fra Norge og 57 fra Russland. For 144 (79,1 %) av de 182 hårprøvene var det positivt resultat i den bjørne-spesifikke analysen, og en komplett DNA profil kunne bestemmes for 136 av de positive prøvene. Det ble totalt påvist 47 forskjellige bjørner (25 hunner og 22 hanner). Av disse 47 individene var 24 påvist i tidligere år, mens 23 var til nå ukjente bjørner. Totalt ble det påvist 20 bjørner i Finland, 14 bjørner i Norge og 16 bjørner i Russland...

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Gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge ble det i 2019 samlet inn prøver til DNA analyse med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for ellevte år på rad. Av de 1229 prøvene som ble samlet inn i 2019, ble 1207 prøver inkludert i den genetiske analysen (716 ekskrementprøver, 475 hårprøver, 15 vevsprøver og 1 urinprøve) og 60 % var positive for brunbjørn. Totalt gav 610 prøver (51 %) en full DNA-identitet, og det ble fra disse prøvene påvist 148 ulike bjørner; 57 hunnbjørner og 91 hannbjørner. Dette var en økning på 7 % (10 individer) sammenlignet med 2018. Dette er det høyeste antallet brunbjørn registrert siden 2013. Forekomsten av brunbjørn var hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Finnmark (61), Hedmark (42) og Trøndelag (34) som tidligere. Av det totale antallet bjørner påvist i 2019 var 66 % (98 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en økning i gjenfunn på 7 % i forhold til i fjor. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 104 individer (70 %). Estimatet på landsbasis for 2019 på 7,0 årlige ynglinger var det nest høyeste anslaget siden overvåkningen startet i 2009, men en liten nedgang fra 2018 hvor estimatet lå på 7,7 årlige ynglinger. De estimerte årlige ynglingene i 2019 fordeler seg med 2,5 i rovviltregion 5 (Hedmark), 1,9 i region 6 (Trøndelag) og 2,6 i region 8 (Troms og Finnmark).


Aquatic microbial diversity, composition, and dynamics play vital roles in sustaining water ecosystem functionality. Yet, there is still limited knowledge on bacterial seasonal dynamics in lotic environments. This study explores a temporal pattern of bacterial community structures in lotic freshwater over a 2-year period. The aquatic bacterial communities were assessed using Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Overall, the communities were dominated by α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteriia, and Sphingobacteriia. The bacterial compositions varied substantially in response to seasonal changes (cold vs. warm), but they were rather stable within the same season. Furthermore, higher diversity was observed in cold seasons compared to warm periods. The combined seasonal-environmental impact of different physico-chemical parameters was assessed statistically, and temperature, suspended solids, and nitrogen were determined to be the primary abiotic factors shaping the temporal bacterial assemblages. This study enriches particular knowledge on the seasonal succession of the lotic freshwater bacteria.


Faecal contamination is one of the major factors affecting biological water quality. In this study, we investigated microbial taxonomic diversity of faecally polluted lotic ecosystems in Norway. These ecosystems comprise tributaries of drinking water reservoirs with moderate and high faecal contamination levels, an urban creek exposed to extremely high faecal pollution and a rural creek that was the least faecally polluted. The faecal water contamination had both anthropogenic and zoogenic origins identified through quantitative microbial source tracking applying host‐specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers. The microbial community composition revealed that Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes (70–90% relative abundance) were the most dominant bacterial phyla, followed by Firmicutes, especially in waters exposed to anthropogenic faecal contamination. The core archaeal community consisted of Parvarchaeota (mainly in the tributaries of drinking water reservoirs) and Crenarchaeota (in the rural creek). The aquatic microbial diversity was substantially reduced in water with severe faecal contamination. In addition, the community compositions diverge between waters with dominant anthropogenic or zoogenic pollution origins. These findings present novel interpretations of the effect of anthropo‐zoogenic faecal water contamination on microbial diversity in lotic ecosystems.


The aquatic microbiota is known to be an important factor in the sustainability of the natural water ecosystems. However, the microbial community also might include pathogens, which result in very serious waterborne diseases in humans and animals. Faecal pollution is the major cause of these diseases. Therefore, it is of immense importance to assess the potential impact of faecal pollution, originating from both anthropogenic and zoogenic sources, on the profile of microbial communities in natural water environments. To this end, the microbial taxonomic diversity of lotic ecosystems in different regions of Norway, representing urban and rural areas, exposed to various levels of faecal pollution, was investigated over the course of a 1-year period. The highest microbial diversity was found in rural water that was the least faecally polluted, while the lowest was found in urban water with the highest faecal contamination. The overall diversity of the aquatic microbial community was significantly reduced in severely polluted water. In addition, the community compositions diverged between waters where the dominant pollution sources were of anthropogenic or zoogenic origin. The results provide new insight into the understanding of how faecal water contamination, specifically that of different origins, influences the microbial diversity of natural waters.

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Habitat discontinuity, anthropogenic disturbance, and overharvesting have led to population fragmentation and decline worldwide. Preservation of remaining natural genetic diversity is crucial to avoid continued genetic erosion. Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) is an ideal model species for studying anthropogenic influences on genetic integrity, as it has experienced significant genetic alterations throughout its natural distribution range due to habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, translocations, and stocking. The Pasvik River is a subarctic riverine system shared between Norway, Russia, and Finland, subdivided by seven hydroelectric power dams that destroyed about 70% of natural spawning and nursing areas. Stocking is applied in certain river parts to support the natural brown trout population. Adjacent river segments with different management strategies (stocked vs. not stocked) facilitated the simultaneous assessment of genetic impacts of dams and stocking based on analyses of 16 short tandem repeat loci. Dams were expected to increase genetic differentiation between and reduce genetic diversity within river sections. Contrastingly, stocking was predicted to promote genetic homogenization and diversity, but also potentially lead to loss of private alleles and to genetic erosion. Our results showed comparatively low heterozygosity and clear genetic differentiation between adjacent sections in nonstocked river parts, indicating that dams prevent migration and contribute to genetic isolation and loss of genetic diversity. Furthermore, genetic differentiation was low and heterozygosity relatively high across stocked sections. However, in stocked river sections, we found signatures of recent bottlenecks and reductions in private alleles, indicating that only a subset of individuals contributes to reproduction, potentially leading to divergence away from the natural genetic state. Taken together, these results indicate that stocking counteracts the negative fragmentation effects of dams, but also that stocking practices should be planned carefully in order to ensure long‐term preservation of natural genetic diversity and integrity in brown trout and other species in regulated river systems.

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Wild animal populations experience selection pressures from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The availability of extensive pedigrees is increasing along with our ability to quantify the heritability and evolvability of phenotypic traits and thus the speed and potential for evolutionary change in wild populations. The environment may also affect gene expressions in individuals, which may in turn affect the potential of phenotypic traits to respond to selection. Knowledge about the relationship between the genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variation is particularly relevant, given ongoing anthropogenically driven global change. Using a quantitative genetic mixed model, we disentangled the genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variance in a large carnivore, the brown bear (Ursus arctos). We combined a pedigree covering ~1,500 individual bears over seven generations with location data from 413 bears, as well as data on bear density, habitat characteristics, and climatic conditions. We found a narrow‐sense heritability of 0.24 (95% CrI: 0.06–0.38) for brown bear head size, showing that the trait can respond to selection at a moderate speed. The environment contributed substantially to phenotypic variation, and we partitioned this into birth year (5.9%), nonadditive among‐individual genetic (15.0%), and residual (50.4%) environmental effects. Brown bear head circumference showed an evolvability of 0.2%, which can generate large changes in the trait mean over some hundreds of generations. Our study is among the first to quantify heritability of a trait in a hunted large carnivore population. Such knowledge about the degree to which species experiencing hunting can respond to selection is crucial for conservation and to make informed management decisions. We show that including important environmental variables when analyzing heritability is key to understanding the dynamics of the evolutionary potential of phenotypic traits.

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Gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge ble det i 2018 samlet inn prøver til DNA analyse med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for tiende år på rad. Av de 1007 prøvene som ble samlet inn i 2018, ble 984 prøver inkludert i den genetiske analysen (720 ekskrementprøver, 252 hårprøver og 12 vevsprøver) og 53 % var positive for brunbjørn. Totalt gav 447 prøver (45 %) en full DNA-identitet, og det ble fra disse prøvene påvist 138 ulike bjørner; 63 hunnbjørner og 75 hannbjørner. Dette er en økning på 10 % (13 individer) sammen-lignet med 2017, mens kjønnsfordelingen bare har endret seg med 2% i samme periode. Dette er det høyeste antallet brunbjørn registrert siden 2013, og det høyeste antallet hunnbjørn regi-strert siden overvåkningen startet i 2009. Forekomsten av brunbjørn er hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Finnmark (49), Hedmark (44) og Trøndelag (32) som tidligere. Av det totale antallet bjørner påvist i 2018 er 59 % (81 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en reduksjon i gjenfunn på 6 % i forhold til i fjor. Dette er den laveste andelen gjenfunn siden 2009. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 87 indi-vider (63 %). Estimatet for 2018 på 7,7 ynglinger er det høyeste anslaget siden overvåkningen startet i 2009, og er en økning fra 2017 hvor estimatet lå på 6,9 ynglinger. I rovviltregion 5 (Hedmark) ligger antallet estimerte ynglinger i år, som i fjor, over bestandsmålet på 3 årlige ynglinger. De andre rovviltregionene ligger under bestandsmålet i 2018.

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Large terrestrial carnivores can sometimes display strong family bonds affecting the spatial distribution of related individuals. We studied the spatial genetic relatedness and family structure of female Eurasian lynx, continuously distributed in southern Finland. We hypothesized that closely related females form matrilineal assemblages, clustering together with relatives living in the neighboring areas. We evaluated this hypothesis using tissue samples of 133 legally harvested female lynx (from year 2007 to 2015), genotyped with 23 microsatellite markers, and tested for possible spatial genetic family structure using a combination of Bayesian clustering, spatial autocor ‐ relation, and forensic genetic parentage analysis. The study population had three potential family genetic clusters, with a high degree of admixture and geographic overlap, and showed a weak but significant negative relationship between pairwise genetic and geographic distance. Moreover, parentage analysis indicated that 64% of the females had one or more close relatives (sister, mother, or daughter) within the study population. Individuals identified as close kin consistently assigned to the same putative family genetic cluster. They also were sampled closer geographically than females on average, although variation was large. Our results support the possibility that Eurasian lynx forms matrilineal assemblages, and comparisons with males are now required to further assess this hypothesis.


The apple fruit moth Argyresthia conjugella (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) is a seed predator of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and is distributed in Europe and Asia. In Fennoscandia (Finland, Norway and Sweden), rowan fruit production is low every 2–4 years, and apple (Malus domestica) functions as an alternative host, resulting in economic loss in apple crops in inter-mast years. We have used Illumina MiSeq sequencing to identify a set of 19 novel tetra-nucleotide short tandem repeats (STRs) in Argyresthia conjugella. Such motifs are recommended for genetic monitoring, which may help to determine the eco-evolutionary processes acting on this pest insect. The 19 STRs were optimized and amplified into five multiplex PCR reactions. We tested individuals collected from Norway and Sweden (n = 64), and detected very high genetic variation (average 13.6 alleles, He = 0.75) compared to most other Lepidoptera species studied so far. Spatial genetic differentiation was low and gene flow was high in the test populations, although two non-spatial clusters could be detected. We conclude that this set of genetic markers may be a useful resource for population genetic monitoring of this economical important insect species.

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1. Large-scale pattern-oriented approaches are useful to understand the multi-level processes that shape the genetic structure of a population. Matching the scales of patterns and putative processes is both a key to success and a challenge. 2. We have developed a simple statistical approach, based on variogram analysis, that identifies multiple spatial scales where the population pattern, in this case genetic structure, have highest expression (i.e. the spatial scales at which the strength of patterning of isolation-by-distance (IBD) residual variance reached maximum) from empirical data and, thus, at which scales it should be studied relative to the underlying processes. The approach is applicable to any spatially explicit pairwise data, including genetic, morphological or ecological distance or similarity of individuals, populations and ecosystems. To exemplify possible applications of this approach, we analysed microsatellite genotypes of 1,530 brown bears from Sweden and Norway. 3. The variogram approach identified two scales at which population structure was strongest, thus indicating two different scale-dependent processes: home-rangerelated processes at scales <35 km, and subpopulation division at scales >98 km. On the basis of this, we performed a scale-explicit analysis of genetic structure using DResD analysis and compared the results with those obtained by the Bayesian clustering implemented in structure. 4. We found that the genetic cluster identified in central Scandinavia by Structure is caused by IBD, with distinct gene flow barriers to the south and north. We discuss possible applications and research perspectives to further develop the approach.

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Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge har i 2017 samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for niende året på rad. Det ble totalt samlet inn 1034 prøver i 2017 (776 ekskrementprøver, 249 hårprøver og 9 vevsprøver) hvorav 59 % var positive for brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 125 ulike bjørner; 55 av dem var hunnbjørner og 70 var hannbjørner. Antall påviste bjørn er på nivå med forrige år (125 bjørner, 51 hunnbjørner og 74 hannbjørner), men kjønnsfordelingen viser en større andel hunner i år. Beregninger av antall ynglinger i 2017 ligger på 6,9 ynglinger, som er en svak økning i forhold til tidligere år. Forekomsten av brunbjørn er hovedsakelig konsentrert i fylkene Hedmark (48), Finnmark (37) og Nord-Trøndelag (29) som tidligere. I tillegg er det påvist hunnbjørner i Troms (4) og Nordland (1). Av det totale antallet bjørner påvist i 2017 er 66 % (82 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en svak økning i gjenfunn i forhold til i fjor. Om man inkluderer gjenfunn fra Sverige, Finland og Russland utgjør det totale antallet gjenfunn 93 individer (74 %). DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, molekylær økologi, DNA profiler,overvåking, Norge, brown bear, molecular ecology, DNA profiles, monitoring, Norway


Undersøkelse av antibiotikaresistensmarkørgenet neomycin fosfotransferase II (nptII) i prøver fra 12 ville arter fra Norge I et prosjekt fra Miljødirektoratet har vi testa for tilstedeværelse av nptII genet i 219 prøver fra 12 ulike ville arter fra hele Norge. Utvalget av prøver inkluderte planter (løvetann, rødkløver og markjordbær), insekter (skogmaur, rognebærmøll og liten høstmåler), snegl (brunsnegl), fisk (ørret og rognkjeks) og pattedyr (rødrev, brunbjørn og isbjørn). Vi brukte to ulike sanntids-PCR (Real-Time-PCR) tester for å undersøke fo tilstedeværelsen av kopier av nptII-genet i de 219 prøvene. Vi fant at nesten alle prøvene var negative (99%), mens kun tre enkeltprøver (løvetann, rødkløver og skogmaur) viste et svært lavt nivå av nptII (3-4 kopier). De positive prøvene kan være naturlige varianter eller kontaminering fra forskningslaboratorier. Vi konkluderer med at der er behov for utvida undersøkelser innenen for dette fagfeltet.

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We reconstructed family relationships, parent-child and siblings, among the brown bear (Ursus arctos) sampled in Sør-Varanger, Norway. Basis of this study are observed family relationships by the wildlife management. We compared this strong indication of relatedness with testing particular family relationships using SNP- and STR-genotype data of 154 brown bears sampled mainly non-invasively in the area from 2004 to 2016. We calculated likelihood ratios (LRs) and reconstructed family groups with the program FAMILIAS, which was used to reconstruct family relationships in human forensics. When the LR of each relationship, parent-child or siblings, was tested, 40 (38.1%) relationships were confirmed based solely on genetic data. The allele sharing analysis visualized as dendrograms supported that a large proportion of the remaining observed cases that were not confirmed as parent-child or siblings did share a closer family relationship. More detailed analysis is necessary to deduce the nature of these relationships (cousins, uncle-nephew etc.). Based on the genetic data we found, that the minimum number of cubs per year was on average 4.08. The applied SNP-chip has been developed on the Swedish brown bear population, a population different to the bears living in Sør-Varanger. The performance of the SNP-chip in this study rises questions of its applicability for family analysis in other brown bear populations and shows the need for further evaluation of the individual loci on the chip. Nevertheless, the combined SNP-data from all loci seems to provide power enough to detect the previously reported subpopulation structure. The observational data, sampling effort and quality of the sample material of the brown bears in Sør-Varanger is remarkable and the material provides an excellent testing ground to validate and improve the SNP-chip to reconstruct family groups.

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The number of effective breeders (Nb) and effective population size (Ne) are population parameters reflective of evolutionary potential, susceptibility to stochasticity, and viability. We have estimated these parameters using the linkage disequilibrium-based approach with LDNE through the latest phase of population recovery of the brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Finland (1993–2010; N = 621). This phase of the recovery was recently documented to be associated with major changes in genetic composition. In particular, differentiation between the northern and the southern genetic cluster declined rapidly within 1.5 generations. Based on this, we have studied effects of the changing genetic structure on Nb and Ne, by comparing estimates for whole Finland with the estimates for the two genetic clusters. We expected a potentially strong relationship between estimate sizes and genetic differentiation, which should disappear as the population recovers and clusters merge. Consistent with this, our ­estimates for whole Finland were lower than the sum of the estimates of the two genetic clusters and both approaches produced similar estimates in the end. Notably, we also found that admixed genotypes strongly increased the estimates. In all analyses, our estimates for Ne were larger than Nb and likely reflective for brown bears of the larger region of Finland and northwestern Russia. Conclusively, we find that neglecting genetic substructure may lead to a massive underestimation of Nb and Ne. Our results also suggest the need for further empirical analysis focusing on individuals with admixed genotypes and their potential high influence on Nb and Ne.

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We present data on the species composition of helminths in brown bears (Ursus arctos) from the Murmansk Region, Russia. The absence of any information about helminths of brown bear in the region necessitated the conduct of these studies. Samples were collected in 2014 and 2015 in the southern part of the Kola Peninsula from the White Sea coastal habitats. Annually, in the study area, 1–3 bears are legally hunted and biological samples for examination are very difficult to obtain. Therefore, we used fecal samples. We studied 93 feces and identified parasite eggs identified in 43 of them by morphometric criteria. The surveys revealed eggs of the following helminths: Dicrocoelium sp., Diphyllobothrium sp., Anoplocephalidae, Capillariidae, Baylisascaris sp., Strongylida 1, and Strongylida 2. These results represent the first reconnaissance stage, which allowed characterizing the taxonomic diversity and prevalence of parasites of brown bears of the Kola Peninsula.

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Aim Climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene had major impacts on populations of plant and animal species. Brown bears and other large mammals are likely to have experienced analogous ecological pressures and phylogeographical processes. Here, we address several unresolved issues regarding the Late Pleistocene demography of brown bears: (1) the putative locations of refugia; (2) the direction of migrations across Eurasia and into North America; and (3) parallels with the demographic histories of other wild mammals and modern humans. Location Eurasia and North America. Methods We sequenced 110 complete mitochondrial genomes from Eurasian brown bears and combined these with published sequences from 138 brown bears and 33 polar bears. We used a Bayesian approach to obtain a joint estimate of the phylogeny and evolutionary divergence times. The inferred mutation rate was compared with estimates obtained using two additional methods. Results Bayesian phylogenetic analysis identified seven clades of brown bears, with most individuals belonging to a very large Holarctic clade. Bears from the widespread clade 3a1, which has a distribution from Europe across Asia to Alaska, shared a common ancestor about 45,000 years ago. Main conclusions We suggest that the Altai-Sayan region and Beringia were important Late Pleistocene refuge areas for brown bears and propose large-scale migration scenarios for bears in Eurasia and to North America. We also argue that brown bears and modern humans experienced a demographic standstill in Beringia before colonizing North America.

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Det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge har i 2016 samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for åttende år på rad. Totalt ble det samlet inn 928 prøver i 2016 (680 ekskrementprøver, 240 hårprøver og 8 vevsprøver). Av disse prøvene var 67 % po-sitive for brunbjørn, og det ble påvist 125 ulike bjørner, hvorav 51 hunnbjørner og 74 hannbjør-ner. Dette er en svak nedgang sammenlignet med forrige år da det ble påvist 53 hunnbjørner og 75 hannbjørner. Beregninger av antall ynglinger i samme periode ligger relativt stabilt på ca. 6 ynglinger. Som tidligere år er forekomsten av brunbjørn i hovedsak konsentrert i fylkene Hed-mark (46), Finnmark (35) og Nord-Trøndelag (29). Av det totale antallet i 2016 er 63 % (79 indi-vider) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør en noe lavere gjenfunnsandel enn forrige år. NØKKELORD : DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, molekylær økologi, DNA profiler, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, molecular ecology, DNA profiles, monitoring, Norway

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The degree of gene flow within and among populations, i.e. genetic population connectivity, may closely track demographic population connectivity. Alternatively, the rate of gene flow may change relative to the rate of dispersal. In this study, we explored the relationship between genetic and demographic population connectivity using the Scandinavian brown bear as model species, due to its pronounced male dispersal and female philopatry. Thus, we expected that females would shape genetic structure locally, whereas males would act as genetic mediators among regions. To test this, we used eight validated microsatellite markers on 1531 individuals sampled noninvasively during country-wide genetic population monitoring in Sweden and Norway from 2006 to 2013. First, we determined sex-specific genetic structure and substructure across the study area. Second, we compared genetic differentiation, migration/gene flow patterns, and spatial autocorrelation results between the sexes both within and among genetic clusters and geographic regions. Our results indicated that demographic connectivity was not a reliable indicator of genetic connectivity. Among regions, we found no consistent difference in long-term gene flow and estimated current migration rates between males and females. Within regions/genetic clusters, only females consistently displayed significant positive spatial autocorrelation, indicating male-biased small-scale dispersal. In one cluster, however, males showed a dispersal pattern similar to females. The Scandinavian brown bear population has experienced substantial recovery over the last decades; however, our results did not show any changes in its large-scale population structure compared to previous studies, suggesting that an increase in population size and dispersal of individuals does not necessary lead to increased genetic connectivity. Thus, we conclude that both genetic and demographic connectivity should be estimated, so as not to make false assumptions about the reality of wildlife populations.

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1. There is a growing recognition of the importance of indirect effects from hunting on wildlife populations, e.g., social and behavioral changes due to harvest, which occur after the initial offtake. Nonetheless, little is known about how the removal of members of a population influences the spatial configuration of the survivors. 2. We studied how surviving brown bears (Ursus arctos) used former home ranges that had belonged to casualties of the annual bear hunting season in southcentral Sweden (2007-2015). We used resource selection functions to explore the effects of the casualty's and survivor's sex, age, and their pairwise genetic relatedness, population density, and hunting intensity on survivors' spatial responses to vacated home ranges. 3. We tested the competitive release hypothesis, whereby survivors that increase their use of a killed bear’s home range are presumed to have been released from intraspecific competition. We found strong support for this hypothesis, as survivors of the same sex as the casualty consistently increased their use of its vacant home range. Patterns were less pronounced or absent when the survivor and casualty were of opposite sex. 4. Genetic relatedness between the survivor and the casualty emerged as the most important factor explaining increased use of vacated male home ranges by males, with a stronger response from survivors of lower relatedness. Relatedness was also important for females, but it did not influence use following removal; female survivors used home ranges of higher related female casualties more, both before and after death. Spatial responses by survivors were further influenced by bear age, population density, and hunting intensity. 5. We have showed that survivors exhibit a spatial response to vacated home ranges caused by hunting casualties, even in non-territorial species such as the brown bear. This spatial reorganization can have unintended consequences for population dynamics and interfere with management goals. Altogether, our results underscore the need to better understand the shortand long-term indirect effects of hunting on animal social structure and their resulting distribution in space. Spatial response, kinship, competition, spatial reorganization, harvest, social structure

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В рамках международного проекта по мониторингу бурого медведя на территории трехстороннего парка «Пасвик-Инари» (Россия, Норвегия, Финляндия) проведен анализ численности и структуры популяции бурого медведя на российской сторо-не в 2015 г. В работе представлены данные, полученные в результате применения двух бесконтактных методов: анализа ДНК образцов шерсти и экскрементов и мето-да использования фотоловушек. Материал собирали с помощью пяти ловушек для сбора шерсти из колючей проволоки и пахучей приманки и четырех фотоловушек модели Boskon Guard. Помимо этого проводился сбор экскрементов, а также шер- сти с линии ИТС государственной границы представителями Пограничной службы России. Всего было собрано 54 образца шерсти и 10 образцов экскрементов. На основании полученных результатов рассчитана численность медведей на иссле-дуемой территории, которая составила 20 особей: 13 особей были установлены при помощи только анализа ДНК, остальные 7 – при помощи фотоловушек. Всего определено 9 самок и 7 самцов; 13 взрослых особей, 4 второгодка и 3 сеголетка. Социальная структура включала в себя три семейные группы и 10 одиночек, из кото- рых один – возможный самец-доминант. Плотность населения медведей на иссле- дуемой территории составила 1 особь на 1000 га. Совместное применение методов сбора шерсти и экскрементов, фотоловушек, а также ГИС показало себя взаимодо- полняющим при анализе численности и структуры популяции бурого медведя.


The apple fruit moth (Argyresthia conjugella (A. conjugella)) in Norway was first identified as a pest in apple production in 1899. We here report the first genetic analysis of A. conjugella using molecular markers. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was applied to 95 individuals from six different locations in the two most important apple-growing regions of Norway. Five AFLP primer combinations gave 410 clear polymorphic bands that distinguished all the individuals. Further genetic analysis using the Dice coefficient, Principal Coordinate analysis (PCO) and Bayesian analyses suggested clustering of the individuals into two main groups showing substantial genetic distance. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed greater variation among populations (77.94%) than within populations (22.06%) and significant and high FST values were determined between the two major regions (Distance = 230 km, FST = 0.780). AFLP analysis revealed low to moderate genetic diversity in our population sample from Norway (Average: 0.31 expected heterozygosity). The positive significant correlation between the geographic and the molecular data (r2 = 0.6700) indicate that genetic differences between the two major regions may be due to geographical barriers such as high mountain plateaus (Hardangervidda) in addition to isolation by distance (IBD).

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Projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and sea ice forecasts suggest that Arctic sea ice will decline markedly in coming decades. Expected effects on the entire ecosystem include a contraction of suitable polar bear habitat into one or few refugia. Such large-scale habitat decline and fragmentation could lead to reduced genetic diversity. Here we compare genetic variability of four vagrant polar bears that reached Iceland with that in recognized subpopulations from across the range, examining 23 autosomal microsatellites, mitochondrial control region sequences and Y-chromosomal markers. The vagrants' genotypes grouped with different genetic clusters and showed similar genetic variability at autosomal microsatellites (expected heterozygosity, allelic richness, and individual heterozygosity) as individuals in recognized subpopulations. Each vagrant carried a different mitochondrial haplotype. A likely route for polar bears to reach Iceland is via Fram Strait, a major gateway for the physical exportation of sea ice from the Arctic basin. Vagrant polar bears on Iceland likely originated from more than one recognized subpopulation, and may have been caught in sea ice export during long-distance movements to the East Greenland area. Although their potentially diverse geographic origins might suggest that these vagrants encompass much higher genetic variability than vagrants or dispersers in other regions, the four Icelandic vagrants encompassed similar genetic variability as any four randomly picked individuals from a single subpopulation or from the entire sample. We suggest that this is a consequence of the low overall genetic variability and weak range-wide genetic structuring of polar bears – few dispersers can represent a large portion of the species' gene pool. As predicted by theory and our demographic simulations, continued gene flow will be necessary to counteract loss of genetic variability in increasingly fragmented Arctic habitats. Similar considerations will be important in the management of other taxa that utilize sea ice habitats.

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Det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge har i 2015 samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) for syvende år på rad. Totalt ble det samlet inn 1 293 prøver i 2015 (860 ekskrementprøver, 422 hårprøver, 10 vevsprøver og 1 blodprøve). Av disse prøvene var 57 % positive for brunbjørn, og det ble påvist 128 ulike bjørner, hvorav 53 hunnbjørner og 75 hannbjørner. Dette er en reduksjon sammenlignet med forrige år da det ble påvist 54 hunnbjørner og 82 hannbjørner, og er også det laveste antallet registrert de siste syv årene. Over samme periode har andelen hunnbjørner økt, og var i 2015 andelen økt til 41 %. Beregninger av antall ynglinger i samme periode ligger relativt stabilt på ca. 6 ynglinger. Som tidligere år er forekomsten av brunbjørn i hovedsak konsentrert i fylkene Finnmark (49), Hedmark (43) og Nord-Trøndelag (19). Av det totale antallet i 2015 er 70 %( 89 individer) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør omtrent samme gjenfunnsandel som forrige år.

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Brunbjørn bestanden I Pasvikdalen I Sør Varanger I Finnmark har vært overvåket med feltinnsamling av ekskrementer og hår til DNA analyse siden 2005. I 2007, 2011 og 1015 ble hårfeller systematisk plassert i det trilaterale grenseområdet i Pasvik (Norge), Enare (Finland) og Pechenga (Russland) for å bestemme mer presist et minimum antall bjørner. Vi har i 2016 brukt nøyaktig den samme metodologien med 20 hårfeller i et 5 km x km rutenett i de nordlige delene av Pasvikdalen. Dette området har ikke før vært undersøkt systematisk med hårfeller. I løpet av 2 måneder (juniaugust) samlet vi inn 77 hårprøver og identifiserte 10 ulike brunbjørner (6 hoer og 4 hanner). Av disse var det 5 bjørner som var påvist i tidligere års DNA overvåkning, mens 5 bjørner (4 hoer og 1 hann) ble påvist for første gang i dette prosjektet.

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Med bruk av 12 hårfeller ble det identifisert to ulike bjørn i kalvingslandet til reinbeitedistrikt 5A/5C i perioden fra 21. april til slutten av juni 2016. Data fra e- bjeller (Findmysheep), som ble båret av 100 simler, indikerte hvordan reinen brukte området i denne perioden. Ingen av de to bjørnene er kjent fra dette området før, og ingen av bjørnene som var kjent fra området i 2013, 2014 eller 2015 ble påvist i år.

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The autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) is a cyclically outbreaking forest Lepidoptera with circumpolar distribution and substantial impact on Northern ecosystems. We have isolated 21 microsatellites from the species to facilitate population genetic studies of population cycles, outbreaks, and crashes. First, PCR primers and PCR conditions were developed to amplify 19 trinucleotide loci and two tetranucleotide loci in six multiplex PCR approaches and then analyzed for species specificity, sensitivity and precision. Twelve of the loci showed simple tandem repeat array structures while nine loci showed imperfect repeat structures, and repeat numbers varied in our material between six and 15. The application in population genetics for all the 21 microsatellites were further validated in 48 autumnal moths sampled from Northern Norway, and allelic variation was detected in 19 loci. The detected numbers of alleles per locus ranged from two to 13, and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.04 to 0.69 and 0.04 to 0.79, respectively. Evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found for six loci as well as indication of one null allele. We find that these novel microsatellites and their multiplex-PCR assays are suitable for further research on fine- and large-scale population-genetic studies of Epirrita autumnata. tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellites; multiplex PCR; Lepidoptera; population genetics

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The trans-border brown bear population of Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored using genetic analyses of feces collection since 2005. In addition, in 2007 and 2011, hair traps were systematically placed out in the area to collect hairs for genetic analysis, to more precisely determine the minimum numbers of bears in the area. In 2015, we repeated this hair trap study, using the exact same methodology as in 2007 and 2011, to make a direct comparison of the results from all the 3 study years. Brown bear DNA was detected in 158 of 209 hair samples (76%) obtained from hair traps in 2015 and for 136 of these samples, a complete DNA profile could be determined. We identified 26 different bears in 2015, 17 females and 9 males. We detected 16 bears in Norway, 5 bears in Finland and 9 bears in Russia. Thirteen of these 26 bears were previously unknown, 7 were detected in Norway, 2 in Finland and 4 in Russia. A comparison to the results from 2007 and 2011 showed that we detected more bears in hair traps in 2015 (26 bears) than in 2007 (24 bears) and 2011 (20 bears). We observed an increase in the total yield of hair samples in the traps in 2015 (209 samples) compared to 2007 (196 samples) and 2011 (88 samples). Four (16%) and seven (35%) of the bears caught in hair traps in 2007 and in 2011, respectively, were also recaptured in 2015. Additional samples (scats and hair) collected opportunistically in the field within the Russian and Finnish parts of the study area in 2015 detected 4 male bears and 1 female bear in the Russian part leading to a total of 14 bears identified in Russia, of which 8 bears were detected for the first time. Additional scat and hair samples from the field in Norway were not included in our study and comparisons between the systematic hair-trapping and opportunistic sampling in the field were not performed. However, the results indicate that both methods combined are currently the optimal approach to monitor brown bear numbers in an area.

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I 2014 ble det for sjette år på rad samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge. Det ble samlet inn 962 prøver i 2014 (703 ekskrementprøver, 247 hårprøver, 11 vevsprøver og 1 blodprøve), noe som er betydelig lavere antall prøver enn forrige år (1246 prøver i 2013). Av disse prøvene var 60 % positive for brunbjørn, og det ble påvist 136 ulike bjørner, hvorav 54 hunnbjørner og 82 hannbjørner. Dette er en reduksjon sammenlignet med forrige år da det ble påvist 55 hunnbjørner og 93 hannbjørner. I løpet av de siste seks årene har andelen hunnbjørner økt, og i 2014 var andelen økt til 40 %. Beregninger av antall ynglinger i samme periode ligger relativt stabilt på ca. 6 ynglinger. Som tidligere år er forekomsten av brunbjørn i hovedsak konsentrert i fylkene Hedmark (43), Finnmark (34) og Nord-Trøndelag (29). Av de 136 individbestemte bjørnene i Norge i 2014 var 93 individer (68 %) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som utgjør omtrent samme gjenfunnsandel som forrige år. DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, DNA profiler, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, DNA profiles, monitoring, Norway

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Ved bruk av 10 hårfeller ble det påvist 5 ulike bjørn i kalvingslandet til reinbeitedistrikt 5A/5C fra 15 april til slutten av juni 2015. Det ble også observert individer og sportegn av jerv, gaupe og kongeørn i kalvingslandet. Dataene fra radio-bjeller (Telespor) og e-bjeller (Findmysheep) som ble båret av henholdsvis 20 og 100 simler, indikerte hvordan reinen brukte området og det er også at det er mulig å tolke bevegelsesmønstre og bevegelseshastigheter hos simlene i relasjon til rovdyrene. Ingen av de fem bjørnene var kjent fra området tidligere år og på den andre siden ble det ikke påvist noen av bjørnene som var kjent fra området i 2013 og 2014.

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High-resolution Y-chromosomal markers have been applied to humans and other primates to study population genetics, migration, social structures and reproduction. Y-linked markers allow the direct assessment of the genetic structure and gene flow of uniquely male inherited lineages and may also be useful for wildlife conservation and forensics, but have so far been available only for few wild species. Thus, we have developed two multiplex PCR reactions encompassing nine Y-STR markers identified from the brown bear (Ursus arctos) and tested them on hair, fecal and tissue samples. The multiplex PCR approach was optimized and analyzed for species specificity, sensitivity and stutter- peak ratios. The nine Y-STRs also showed specific STR-fragments for male black bears and male polar bears, while none of the nine markers produced any PCR products when using DNA from female bears or males from 12 other mammals. The multiplex PCR approach in two PCR reactions could be amplified with as low as 0.2 ng template input. Precision was high in DNA templates from hairs, fecal scats and tissues, with standard deviations less than 0.14 and median stutter ratios from 0.04 to 0.63. Among the eight di- and one tetra-nucleotide repeat markers, we detected simple repeat structures in seven of the nine markers with 9–25 repeat units. Allelic variation was found for eight of the nine Y-STRs, with 2–9 alleles for each marker and a total of 36 alleles among 453 male brown bears sampled mainly from Northern Europe. We conclude that the multiplex PCR approach with these nine Y-STRs would provide male bear Y-chromosomal specificity and evidence suited for samples from conservation and wildlife forensics.

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Knowledge on the number of female brown bears, especially reproducing females, is important for the wildlife management. One of the largest and densest populations of brown bears in Norway is located in Sør-Varanger, Finnmark, Northern Norway. Observations of females with cubs are reported regularly in the region. Information on the relatedness among individuals is often unknown as well as specifics on the number of reproductions and relatedness among females within this population. We have utilized genetic data originating from feces and hair samples collected in Sør-Varanger in the years 2004-2014 to investigate female brown bear localities. In the same period, personnel from the Norwegian State Nature Inspectorate (SNO) have observed 9 female brown bears with potential female cubs (a priori probability of 0.5). Sampling areas of those female brown bears and their potential offspring showed substantial geographical vicinity suggesting overlapping home ranges. We then calculated the likelihood ratios for these relationships using the forensic software Familias for 18-mother-female cub relationships. For 10 of 18 such relationships, the genetic relationship between mother and female cub were confirmed as their observation in the field was suggestive of. Of the initially observed 9 female bears, 6 have produced 10 female cubs, which here could be confirmed by genetic methods. The remaining 3 females were not excluded to be mothers to their potential cubs, but these relationships cannot be confirmed without additional DNA analyses. Another family relationship could also be confirmed between two observed female bears, but the type of relationship could not be determined.

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I 2013 ble det for femte år på rad samlet inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge. Av de 1222 prøvene som ble samlet inn i 2013 var 806 prøver (66 %) positive for brunbjørn. DNA-analyse av 1222 prøver (907 ekskrementprøver, 310 hårprøver og 5 vevsprøver) påviste 147 ulike bjørner, hvorav 55 hunnbjørner og 92 hannbjørner. Undersøkelsen viser en økning i forhold til forrige år av både hunnbjørner (55 mot 51) og hannbjørner (92 mot 86). DNA-resultatene gav et estimat på ca. 7 ynglinger i 2013, noe som indikerer en liten økning fra forrige år der estimatet var på ca. 6. Hedmark er det fylket som viser tydeligst en liten økning når det gjelder ynglinger. Av de 147 individene var 96 (65 %) tidligere påvist i Norge, noe som er en betydelig nedgang i antall gjenfunn sammenlignet med tidligere år. Som før ble flest bjørner påvist i fylkene Finnmark (50), Hedmark (40) og Nord-Trøndelag (32). DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, DNA profiler, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, DNA profiles, monitoring, Norway

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Genetic methods based on sampling of feces and hairs to study brown bears have become the method of choice for many wildlife researchers and managers. Feces and hairs are the most common sample material for DNA identification of individual bears. While the collection of feces and hairs in the field is carried out in an opportunistic manner, hair-trapping can be applied systematically at specific locations. We have here tested a novel systematic method based on hair sampling on power poles. The method relies on the specific behavior of bears to mark, scratch, bite and scrub on power poles, and by this also leave some hairs behind. During late summer and autumn we have investigated 215 power poles in the Pasvik Valley and sampled 181 hair samples in 2013 and 57 in 2014. A total of 17.3% of the samples collected in 2013 and 12.3% in 2014 were positive on brown bear DNA. Our success rates are comparable to other studies, however, DNA quality/content in the hair samples was generally low. Based on other studies, the method could be improved by sampling during spring and early summer and to use shorter frequencies of 2 to 4 weeks between each sampling. Based on our results and previous studies, we can conclude that this sampling technique should be improved by the development of a more accurate and frequent sampling protocol. Hair sampling from power poles may then lead to improved potential to collect valuable samples and information, which would be more difficult to collect otherwise.

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Human–bear conflicts occur frequently in the Pasvik Valley, Norway. We used a variantof the hair-trapping method with higher densities of traps (2.5 x 2.5 km grid) todetect brown bears moving near human settlements and livestock. We distributed 20hair traps for one month close to a farm with frequent observations of grazing bears.The study area consisted of one area close to the farm, and one adjacent area withoutsettlements. We collected 85 hair samples and identified 13 different individuals bySTR analysis. In the farm area, we detected 4 different males once, and a female thatwas detected in both areas. In comparison, nine bears (2 males and 7 females) weredetected for more than one week in the area without settlements, suggesting lowerroaming activity. Conclusively, hair trapping has the potential to survey bears at specificlocations of importance to the wildlife management.

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I 2012 ble det for fjerde år på rad samla inn prøver med antatt opphav fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) gjennom det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge. Av de 1395 prøvene som ble samla inn i 2012 var 748 (54 %) prøver positive for brunbjørn, noe som utgjør en nedgang i andelen positive prøver i forhold til tidligere innsamlinger (63-68 % positive prøver). DNA analyse av 1395 prøver (1048 ekskrement prøver, 333 hårprøver og 14 vevsprøver) påviste 137 ulike bjørner, der 51 var hunnbjørner. Antallet hunnbjørner er det samme som forrige år, og basert på DNA resultatene er det mulig å estimere ca. 6 ynglinger i 2012. Resultatet viser en nedgang i antallet hannbjørner fra 100 til 86. Av de 137 individene var 106 (77 %) tidligere påvist i Norge. Som tidligere ble flest bjørner påvist i fylkene Finnmark (49), Hedmark (37) og Nord-Trøndelag (30). For disse tre fylkene er resultatene i 2012 svært like i forhold til tidligere år, også når det gjelder antallet hunnbjørner med hhv. 26, 12 og 11 hunnbjørner. DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, DNA profiler, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, DNA profiles, monitoring, Norway

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Noninvasively collected genetic data can be used to analyse large-scale connectivity patterns among populations of large predators without disturbing them, which may contribute to unravel the species’ roles in natural ecosystems and their requirements for long-term survival. The demographic history of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Northern Europe indicates several extinction and recolonization events, but little is known about present gene flow between populations of the east and west. We used 12 validated microsatellite markers to analyse 1580 hair and faecal samples collected during six consecutive years (2005–2010) in the Pasvik Valley at 70_N on the border of Norway, Finland and Russia. Our results showed an overall high correlation between the annual estimates of population size (Nc), density (D), effective size (Ne) and Ne ⁄Nc ratio. Furthermore, we observed a genetic heterogeneity of _0.8 and high Ne ⁄Nc ratios of _0.6, which suggests gene flow from the east. Thus, we expanded the population genetic study to include Karelia (Russia, Finland), Va¨sterbotten (Sweden) and Troms (Norway) (477 individuals in total) and detected four distinct genetic clusters with low migration rates among the regions. More specifically, we found that differentiation was relatively low from the Pasvik Valley towards the south and east, whereas, in contrast, moderately high pairwise FST values (0.91–0.12) were detected between the east and the west. Our results indicate ongoing limits to gene flow towards the west, and the existence of barriers to migration between eastern and western brown bear populations in Northern Europe.

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I 2011 ble det for tredje år på rad gjennomført en landsdekkende prøveinnsamling for brunbjørn i det nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammet for rovvilt. Denne rapporten omhandler DNA-analysen av 1208 prøver (877 ekskrementprøver, 316 hårprøver og 15 vevsprøver) fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) innsamla i Norge i 2011. DNA-profiler ble bestemt ved analyse av 8 ulike STR (short tandem repeats)-markører og en kjønnsmarkør. Alle positive prøver ble sammenlignet med Bioforsk Svanhovd sin genetiske database med individer fra perioden 2005 til 2010. Av de 1208 prøvene var 757 (63 %) prøver positive for brunbjørn, noe som utgjør en nedgang i andelen positive prøver i forhold til 2010 (68 %). Det ble totalt identifisert 151 individer av brunbjørn (51 hunnbjørn og 100 hannbjørn), der 111 (74 %) individer var tidligere påvist med DNA-prøve i Norge. Det påviste antallet bjørn (151) var altså lavere enn i 2010 (166), men kjønnsfordelingen (34 % hunnbjørn) var omtrent den samme (32 %). Det ble som tidligere påvist flest bjørn i fylkene Finnmark, Nord-Trøndelag, Troms og Hedmark. I Troms ble det samlet inn færre prøver enn tidligere, og dette kan forklare hvorfor antallet bjørn i dette fylket ble tilnærmet halvert i forhold til 2010. Det var en høy andel gjenfunn av individer fra tidligere år i de ulike fylkene (> 63 %), med unntak av Sør-Trøndelag der det var relativt få gjenfunn. Basert på antall hunnbjørn (n=51) påvist med DNA, ble antall ynglinger i Norge i 2011 estimert til 5,9. Tilleggsanalyser viste at mitokondrie-DNA fra andre arter kunne påvises i omtrent halvparten av de negative ekskrementprøvene. Dette tyder på det i 2011 også har blitt samlet inn prøver fra andre arter enn bjørn eller at det i noen tilfeller der ekskrementene inneholder kjøtt/bein viser resultatet at andre arter (elg) har vært føde for bjørn.


The protected brown bears (Ursus arctos) of Northern Europe are often involved in conflicts with humans, livestock depredation as well as subjected to illegal hunting. STR markers are the preferred forensic tools applied in wildlife crime cases and may be used for traceability and as tools for population management. Thus, a validated STR profiling system according to forensic standards is suggested. We have estimated allele frequencies and analysed repeat structure of 13 STR loci (G1D, G10B, Mu05, Mu09, Mu15, Mu26, G1A, G10L, Mu10, Mu23, Mu50, Mu51, Mu59) in 479 individuals of eight Northern European brown bear populations. STR analysis of hair- and faecal-samples (> 5000) collected in the field as well as tissue samples from shot bears (93) were used to genotype the individuals. The success rate for samples collected in the field was approximately 70%. Species specificity testing showed no false positive bear genotypes. These results show that hairs and faecal samples represent an excellent source for bear DNA that may be utilized to sample allele frequency estimates from living populations. For the eight different populations (four from Norway, one from Sweden and one from Finland and two from Northwest Russia) we have determined the observed and expected heterozygosities, departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, population substructures and probabilities of identity. Our results suggest that samples can be assigned to a particular individual if using a combination of ten or more of the validated markers in this brown bear DNA profiling system.

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The trans-border brown bear population of Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored using genetic analyses of feces collection since 2005. In addition in 2007, hair traps were systematically placed out in the area to collect hairs for genetic analysis, to more precisely determine the minimum numbers of bears. In 2011, we repeated this hair trap study, using the exact same methodology as in 2007, to make a direct comparison of the results from the two years. Brown bear DNA was detected in 68 of 88 hair samples (77%) obtained from hair traps in 2011 and for 56 of these samples, a complete DNA profile could be determined. We identified 20 different bears in 2011, 12 females and 8 males. Only one bear was found in more than one country (Norway and Russia). We detected 11 bears in Norway, 7 bears in Finland and 3 bears in Russia in 2011. Four of these 20 bears were previously unknown, all four from Finland. A comparison of the results from 2007 and 2011 showed that we detected fewer bears in hair traps in 2011 (20 bears) than in 2007 (24 bears), but this modest difference may be coincidental. However, we observed a large drop in the yield of hair samples in the traps in 2011 compared to 2007 (88 versus 196 samples). This observation may be suggestive of some reduced activity of bears within the study area in 2011. In addition, only five (21%) of the bears caught in hair traps in 2007 were recaptured in 2011, which indicates a substantial turnover of individuals and may indicate that more frequent hair trapping monitoring would be beneficial to reliably track changes in the population. Additional samples (mainly scats) collected opportunistically in the field within the Russian and Finnish parts of the study area in 2011 detected four male bears in the Finnish part that had not been detected by hair traps. No additional samples from Norway were included to this study and any comparisons between the hair-trapping and opportunistic sampling at this point remains difficult. However, the results indicate that both methods combined are currently the most feasible methods to monitor brown bear numbers in an area.

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Rapporten beskriver DNA-analysen av 1224 prøver (899 ekskrementprøver, 314 hårprøver og 10 vevsprøver og 1 blodprøve) fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) samla inn i Norge i 2010 gjennom det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt. Året 2010 er det andre året på rad hvor en landsdekkende innsamling blir gjennomført. Prøvene ble DNA-analysert med 8 ulike STR-markører og en kjønnsspesifikk test. Av de 1224 prøvene var 831 (68 %) prøver positive for brunbjørn, noe som er en økning i forhold til 2009 (63 %). Fra disse prøvene ble det identifisert 166 individer av brunbjørn (53 hunnbjørn og 113 hannbjørn), der 106 individer (64 %) var tidligere påvist i Norge. Resultatene våre viser at antallet bjørn (166) og kjønnsfordelingen (32 % hunner) er omtrent det samme som 2009 (164 individer og 30 % hunner). Det ble som tidligere påvist flest bjørn i fylkene Hedmark, Nord-Trøndelag, Troms og Finnmark. Prosentandelen gjenfunn varierte i de ulike fylkene og i forhold til 2009, med en høy andel gjenfunn i Nord-Trøndelag og Troms (ca. 70 %), mens Finnmark hadde en relativt lav andel gjenfunn i 2010 (53 %). Nytt av året 2010 er at det også er påvist en hunnbjørn i hvert av fylkene Nordland og Sør-Trøndelag, og at det ble påvist en hannbjørn i hvert av fylkene Akershus og Sogn og Fjordane. Basert på antallet hunnbjørn (n=53) har vi også estimert antallet ynglinger i Norge i 2010 til å ha vært 6,2. I tillegg viste utvida DNA-analyser at mitokondrie- DNA fra en annen art kunne påvises i ca. halvparten av de brunbjørn-negative ekskrement prøvene. DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, STR, mtDNA, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, STR, mtDNA, monitoring, Norway

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I 2009 ble det for femte år på rad samlet inn ekskrementer og hårprøver fra brunbjørn gjennom det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt. I tillegg ble det samlet inn vevsprøver fra døde bjørner. Innsamlingen i 2009 omfattet alle fylker i Norge der brunbjørn var antatt å være observert, og resultatet av innsamlingen var totalt 1417 prøver (980 ekskrementprøver, 415 hårprøver og 22 vevsprøver). Prøvene ble DNA analysert med 8 mikrosatellitt markører og en kjønnsspesifikk test. Av de 1417 prøvene var 891 (63 %) positive for brunbjørn, noe som er en betydelig økning i forhold til antall positive prøver fra innsamlingen i Norge 2008 (53 %). DNA profilene identifiserte 164 ulike individer i 2009, 49 hunnbjørn og 115 hannbjørn, hvorav 57 % var tidligere kjent fra Norge. Prosentandelen gjenfunn varierte i de ulike fylkene, med høyest andel gjenfunn i Finnmark (75 %) og lavest i Sør-Trøndelag (37 %). Sammenligning av prøvemateriale fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt i Norge og det Skandinavisk bjørneprosjektet viste at 31 individer påvist i Norge 2009, trolig er identisk med individer tidligere påvist i Sverige. Det ble observert en nedgang i antall påviste individer i Finnmark og Hedmark i forhold til tidligere sammenlignbare innsamlinger, mens fylkene Troms, Nordland, Nord-Trøndelag, Sør-Trøndelag og Oppland alle hadde en økning i antall påviste individer. Hunnbjørner ble i samsvar med tidligere års DNA undersøkelser, påvist kun i begrensa og spesifikke geografiske områder i Finnmark, Troms, Nord-Trøndelag og Hedmark. DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, mikrosatellitt, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, microsatellite, monitoring, Norway

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Pasvikdalen i Sør-Varanger kommune har en av de tetteste brunbjørnbestandene (Ursus arctos) i Norge, med jevnlig observasjoner av binner med avkom. Ved å kombinere feltobservasjoner og genetiske data fra perioden 2004-2008 har vi i denne studien analysert kjente binners områdebruk og identifisert mulige avkom. Ni binner ble inkludert i studiet, der det for 7 av dem ble gjort analyser av deres områdebruk basert på multiple funn av hår og ekskrementprøver gjennom flere år. Analysen av områdebruken i perioden 2005-2008 viste at det var flere binneområder i kommunen, med en fortetting sørover i Pasvikdalen. I sør var det stor grad av overlapping mellom binneområdene. Gjennomsnittsarealet for områdebruk for alle binnene var 156 km2, mens gjennomsnitt for de fire binnene med flest DNA prøver var 245 km2. Den genetiske analysen med 10 mikrosatellittmarkører bekreftet mulig yngling for 5 binner, mens den avviste slektskap mellom mor og foreslåtte unger i et tilfelle. Vi beregnet at der var sannsynlighetsovervekt (LR, Likelihood ratio) for slektskap for alle de 5 familiegruppene. LR beregningene viste også at dersom slektskapsanalyser skal baseres på DNA profiler alene bør det brukes en 2-3 flere genetiske markører for å oppnå høye sannsynlighetstall. Slektskapsanalyser kombinert med feltobservasjoner ga likevel sterke indikasjoner for at binnene har hatt fra 1-4 kull hver, hvorav en binne (FI7) hadde dokumenterte kull med to års mellomrom og en (FI4) med tre års mellomrom. Resultatene våre tyder på at det kan ha vært minst 6 kull i perioden 2004-2008 (≥1,2 ynglinger pr. år). Syv av 19 avkom (37 %) er bekreftet død i perioden. Binne FI8 er ikke registrert siden 2004 og binne FI7 er dokumentert skutt i 2009, slik at det i dag er tre kjente binner som potensielt bidrar til reproduksjonen i Sør-Varanger.

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There is limited knowledge on the brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in the neighboring national parks Lemmenjoki in Finland and Øvre Anárjohka in Norway. Lemmenjoki is the largest National Park in Finland with its 2850 km2, while Øvre Anárjohka National Park is about 1390 km2. Studies of the bear population within this area are complicated by the fact that the area is one of the largest roadless and remote areas in Northern Europe. In this study we have applied the hair trap technique to monitor the brown bear populations of Øvre Anárjohka and Lemmenjoki during July and August of 2009.The study was limited to 850 km2 (34 hair traps in a 5 x 5 km grid, 20 % of the total area of the National Parks). The result was a total of 33 hair samples collected in the study period of 8 weeks (4 renewals of scent lure), which is on average 0.5 hair samples per trap/month. DNA from bears was detected in 28 of the samples (85%). We were able to analyze a complete genetic profile for 23 samples. Nine samples from the terrain were also included in the study, and in total we have identified 6 different bears within the study area. The average brown bear density for the study area was found to be 0.07 bears/10 km2, which is 3 times lower than in the neighboring population in Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga. The three bears identified at the Norwegian side of the border (two females and one male) had been previously detected in Øvre Anárjohka in Norway during 2005-2008, while the three males that were solely on the Finnish side had not been registered before. Comparison with previous monitoring data in Norway confirm that Øvre Anárjohka in Norway might be a low-density reproduction site for brown bears, while the study area in Lemmenjoki in Finland is sparsely populated by a few males. We recommend that a larger study should be performed in the area.

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Comparisons of individual DNA-profiles between different laboratories require that the data can be standardized. In this study, we compared DNA profiles of brown bears (Ursus arctos) from Sweden with DNA profiles of Norwegian brown bears. Brown bear samples from Sweden were analyzed at Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA) in France, while the samples collected in Norway were analyzed in the DNA laboratory at Bioforsk Svanhovd. In April 2008, DNA from 38 different bears were analyzed both at LECA in France and at Bioforsk Svanhovd in Norway, which allowed to estimate a first calibrations keys and normalise the data. In this study, new calibration keys were determined in order to make the genotypes from Norwegian bears comparable with the whole Swedish bear genetic database. The comparison based on the new calibration key included 163 individuals from Norway (time period 2005-2009) and gave 42 matches with individuals from the database for Swedish brown bears (time period 2001-2009). Marker MU59 did not function well in this calibration and additional analyses are needed to sort out the problems with this marker.

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I 2008 ble det for første gang i det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) samtidig samlet inn hår- og ekskrementprøver fra alle områder der det tidligere er funnet hunnbjørn i Norge. Det ble samlet inn prøver fra Hedmark, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Trøndelag, Nord-Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms og Finnmark. Totalt ble det samlet 865 hår-, ekskrement og vevsprøver; 697 ekskrementprøver, 157 hårprøver, og 11 vevsprøver. Alle prøver ble DNA analysert, og totalt var 460 av de 865 prøvene positive (53 %). Det ble identifisert 120 ulike individer av brunbjørn i Norge i 2008; 40 hunnbjørn og 80 hannbjørn, hvorav 69 individer (58 %) var kjent fra foregående års DNA analyser av hår- og ekskrementprøver. Kjønnsfordelingen viste en overvekt av hannbjørn i alle fylker der begge kjønn var representert. Hunnbjørn ble påvist i følgende fylker: Finnmark, Troms, Nord-Trøndelag og Hedmark. I flere av innsamlingsområdene ble det identifisert flere brunbjørn i 2008 enn ved tidligere års analyser. I disse områdene var også det totale prøveantallet til analyse i 2008 høyere enn ved tidligere års innsamlinger. Rapporten beskriver også analyse av enkeltprøver innsamlet i Sverige og Finland i 2008, samt enkeltprøver samlet inn i Norge i 2007. DNA, brunbjørn, mikrosatellitt, overvåkning, Norge, DNA, brown bear, microsatellite, monitoring, Norway

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I 2007 ble det samlet inn 331 sporprøver fra brunbjørn i Øst-Finnmark, og denne rapporten beskriver de 31 ulike individene som ble påvist ved den påfølgende DNA analysen. I 2007 ble det anvendt to ulike innsamlingsmetoder for sporprøver fra brunbjørn. Gjennom hele sesongen ble det på vanlig måte ved innsamling i felt (av SNO og andre) samlet inn 207 sporprøver fra bjørn (133 ekskrementer og 74 hårprøver) i Øst-Finnmark. I tillegg ble det i et eget prosjekt satt ut hårfeller med luktestoff i et 441 km2 stort område sør i Pasvikdalen (11 % av Sør-Varangers totale areal). Hårfelleprosjektets studieområde ble delt i 5 x 5 km ruter, med en felle i hver rute. Det ble satt ut 23 hårfeller i Sør- Varanger, og hver felle ble flyttet innen 5x5 km ruten etter en måned (total innsamlingstid 2 måneder, periode: 14. juni til 15. august). Det ble samlet inn 124 hårprøver fra hårfelleprosjektet i Sør- Varanger. Til sammen i disse to innsamlingene (331 sporprøver) ble det identifisert 31 ulike individer av brunbjørn i Øst-Finnmark, der 13 individer (42 %) ikke var registrert tidligere i Norge. Hoveddelen av bjørnene, 29 individer, ble påvist i Sør-Varanger kommune. Av de 29 individene var der 19 hannbjørn, 9 hunnbjørn, og 1 ikke kjønnsbestemt (dvs. 69 % hannbjørner). I tillegg ble det identifisert 2 individer i Porsanger kommune (1 hunnbjørn og 1 hannbjørn). I perioden 2004 til 2007 er det registrert 53 ulike individer av brunbjørn i Sør-Varanger kommune (58 % hannbjørner). Av disse 53 individene er 22 individer påvist i Sør-Varanger mer enn et av de fire årene som DNA analyser har vært foretatt ved Bioforsk Svanhovd. Åtte av de 53 individene er bekreftet døde i samme periode.

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Populasjonsovervåkning av brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) i Norges fem nordligste fylker ble gjennomført med hjelp av DNA-analyse av ekskrementer og hårprøver. Totalt ble det analysert 750 ulike prøver i undersøkelsen. Av disse prøvene ble 720 prøver samlet inn i 2006, mens resten var fra tidligere år. Statens naturoppsyn samlet inn prøver hele sesongen, mens i Trøndelagsfylkene ble det i tillegg samlet inn prøver om høsten av elgjegere. Resultatet fra DNA ekstraksjonen gav 34% fungerende prøver, med stor variasjon for ulike fylker (10-50%). Prøvene som gav DNA utbytte ble analysert to ganger med seks ulike mikrosatellitt markører (G1D, G10B, UarMU05, UarMu09, UarMU15 og UarMU26) og en kjønnstest. For 2006, gav DNA identifisering 71 ulike individer, med en overvekt av hannbjørner (62 %). Rapporten inneholder også analyse av hårprøver fra Sør-Varanger i 2005, samt noen andre 2005 prøver fra andre områder. En gjentatt analyse av 166 faesprøver fra Øst-Finnmark i 2005 ble også utført. Videre er innsamlingen av prøver i ”Midt-Norge” (Trøndelagsfylkene og Nordland-sør) analysert, og et bestandsestimat for regionen gav et estimat på 35 individer. Resultatene i rapporten blir vurdert opp mot feltobservasjoner og feilkilder, og videre arbeid blir diskutert.

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Populasjonsovervåkning av brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) i Sør-Varanger, Finnmark ble gjennomført med hjelp av DNA-analyse av faeces. I 2004 og 2005 ble det samlet inn henholdsvis 104 prøver og 166 prøver, og DNA ble ekstrahert (62% og 49% positive prøver). Prøvene som gav DNA utbytte ble analysert med seks ulike mikrosattelitt markører (G1D, UarMU26, UarMU05, UarMu09, UarMU15 og G10B) og en kjønnstest.For 2004 gav DNA identifisering 33 ulike individer, mens i 2005 påviste en 26 ulike individer. Resultatene i rapporten blir vurdert opp mot feltobservasjoner samt mot feilkilder og begrensninger.