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Current agricultural practices in Europe are increasingly aggravating societal and environmental safety concerns. This creates social and regulatory pressures on farmers, which can lead to declining material and social status of farmers, farmer discontent, and anti-regulation protests. These tensions are rooted in conflicting value systems for agricultural development, which can range from productivist pathways (i.e. valuing production above all else) to increasing multifunctionality pathways (i.e. valuing agriculture for its contribution to multiple economic, environmental and societal needs). It is largely unknown to what degree individual farms and agricultural landscapes are transitioning towards increasing productivism or multifunctionality in practice. Here, we mapped landscape changes and interviewed farmers (n = 274) to examine the diversity of agricultural development pathways in 17 study sites across Europe over the last 20 years (2000–2020). We also assessed the associations between the development pathways and farmers’ perceptions of socio-economic outcomes, namely job satisfaction, societal valuation, and economic performance. Farm-level development was largely aligned with productivist pathways, while landscape-level changes aligned more closely with an increasing multifunctionality pathway. Farmers on pathways of increasing multifunctionality did not perceive improved outcomes on livelihood indicators as compared to productivist farmers. Furthermore, farms on increasing multifunctionality pathways were concentrated in sites with very high management intensities that face strong pressure from environmental regulations, as well as low-intensity, mountainous sites, where opportunities for intensification are limited. These results suggest that current pathways that increase multifunctionality arise mostly by necessity. Successful agricultural transformation will therefore require policy to create enabling environments that provide socioeconomic benefits for farmers to increase multifunctionality, and a civil society and market conditions that value sustainable agriculture.


Grasslands serve specific purposes in different regions and in various ways, and their ecological and economic importance can vary depending on the specific type of grassland and the region in question. Grasslands can be highly multifunctional on a local-scale and across scales through various interactions of management and site conditions. The present study spans from the northern Arctic region, over central and eastern to the southern Mediterranean parts of Europe. It gives an overview of the diversity of grassland systems, in terms of management types and grassland products, as a starting point to present use cases of specific roles typical for distinct regions. It then discusses roles and adaptation possibilities under the conditions of prospected climate change in chosen regions.

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Pollen represents a reward for pollinators and is a key element in plant–insect interactions, especially in apples, which are entomophilous species and require cross-pollination to produce economically valuable yields. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical content of the pollen in 11 apple cultivars (‘Red Aroma’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Summerred’, ‘Rubinstep’, ‘Elstar’, ‘Dolgo’, ‘Professor Sprenger’, ‘Asfari’, ‘Eden’, ‘Fryd’ and ‘Katja’) grown in Norway and try to establish a relationship between them and insect attractiveness. In the applied chemical analysis, 7 sugars and sugar alcohols, 4 organic acids, 65 phenolic compounds, 18 hydroxycinnamic acid amides (phenylamides), a large number of polypeptides with a molecular weight of 300 kDa to <6.5 kDa, lipids, carotenoids, starch, pectin and cellulose were determined. The crab apples ‘Dolgo’ and ‘Professor Sprenger’, which are used as pollenizers in commercial orchards, had the highest level of sucrose, total polyphenol content (prevent oxidative damages in insects), antioxidant capacity, hydroxybenzoic acids and derivatives, quercetin and derivatives, dihyrochalcone, epicatechin, putrescine derivates, and proteins with molecular weight 66–95 kDa and >95 kDa, which made them interesting for insect pollenizers. Only the pollen of the crab apples contained quercetin-3-O-(2″-O-malonyl)-hexoside, which can be used as a marker for the apple species Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. Apple floral pollen is a rich source of bioactive components and can be used to prevent and/or cure diseases or can be included in diets as a “superfood”.

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Background Potato virus Y (PVY) is among the economically most damaging viral pathogen in production of potato (Solanum tuberosum) worldwide. The gene Rysto derived from the wild potato relative Solanum stoloniferum confers extreme resistance to PVY. Results The presence and diversity of Rysto were investigated in wild relatives of potato (298 genotypes representing 29 accessions of 26 tuber-bearing Solanum species) using PacBio amplicon sequencing. A total of 55 unique Rysto-like sequences were identified in 72 genotypes representing 12 accessions of 10 Solanum species and six resistant controls (potato cultivars Alicja, Bzura, Hinga, Nimfy, White Lady and breeding line PW363). The 55 Rysto-like sequences showed 89.87 to 99.98% nucleotide identity to the Rysto reference gene, and these encoded in total 45 unique protein sequences. While Rysto-like26 identified in Alicja, Bzura, White Lady and Rysto-like16 in PW363 encode a protein identical to the Rysto reference, the remaining 44 predicted Rysto-like proteins were 65.93 to 99.92% identical to the reference. Higher levels of diversity of the Rysto-like sequences were found in the wild relatives of potato than in the resistant control cultivars. The TIR and NB-ARC domains were the most conserved within the Rysto-like proteins, while the LRR and C-JID domains were more variable. Several Solanum species, including S. antipoviczii and S. hougasii, showed resistance to PVY. This study demonstrated Hyoscyamus niger, a Solanaceae species distantly related to Solanum, as a host of PVY. Conclusions The new Rysto-like variants and the identified PVY resistant potato genotypes are potential resistance sources against PVY in potato breeding. Identification of H. niger as a host for PVY is important for cultivation of this plant, studies on the PVY management, its ecology, and migrations. The amplicon sequencing based on PacBio SMRT and the following data analysis pipeline described in our work may be applied to obtain the nucleotide sequences and analyze any full-length genes from any, even polyploid, organisms. Keywords Amplicon sequencing, AmpSeq, Extreme resistance, Hyoscyamus niger, PacBio, Physalis peruviana, PVY, Solanum

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Systematiske undersøkelser av forekomsten av brunbjørn i et definert geografisk område kan utføres med luktstoff og hårfeller. I løpet av juni til august 2024 ble det samlet inn hår fra brunbjørn i 28 hårfeller med luktstoff i et 700 km2 stort område fra Karasjok (fra Karasjohka til Skoganvarre og Tana) og videre sammenhengende med 20 hårfeller i et 500 km2 stort område i Tana kommune. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der fellene ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet innenfor samme rute. Hårrøttene ble analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse, i tillegg til en kjønnsspesifikk markør. Det ble totalt innsamlet 60 hårprøver fra Karasjok, der 47 var positive (78 %) for brunbjørn, og fra disse prøvene ble det påvist 8 ulike individer (6 hannbjørner, 2 hunnbjørner). Tre av de 8 påviste individene var nye bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 1 hunnbjørn) som ikke tidligere var registrerte. I Tana ble det totalt samlet inn 9 hårprøver, hvor kun én var positiv (11 %) i den bjørnespesifikke analysen, og denne prøven påviste en hannbjørn som var kjent fra tidligere år. Syv av de 9 hårprøvene hadde et utseende som ikke forbindes med bjørn. Samlet i Karasjok og Tana påviste hårfellemetoden med DNA-analyse av hårrøtter totalt 9 bjørner med tidsmessig informasjon innenfor et 1200 km2 stort område.

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kommune (Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2023. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse. Studieområdet i Karasjok var likt som de fire siste årene. Gjennom de 16 rutene ble det samlet inn 109 hårprøver (i tillegg til 14 ekstra hårprøver som ble samlet inn utenfor disse rutene), og 88 av disse prøvene (81 %) var positive for brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 10 ulike bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 8 hunnbjørner), og av disse var 2 bjørner (1 hannbjørn og 1 hunnbjørn) nye i år. Utvidet DNA-familieanalyse med 11 genetiske markører påviste mulige lokale foreldre for de 2 nye bjørnene. Resultatene for årets hårfelleprosjekt viser at det ble påvist færre bjørner (10 ind./0,25 bjørn/10km2) enn i samme område og tidsrom i 2022 (12 ind.), men flere enn i 2019, 2020 og 2021 (hhv. 9, 8 og 6 ind.). Det ble påvist færre bjørner i første halvdel (juni-juli) enn i andre halvdel (juli-august) av prosjektet (hhv. 6 og 10 bjørner). Hårfellemetoden med DNA-analyse av hårrøtter har i dette arbeidet gitt unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn i det undersøkte området.