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Despite substantial efforts to control locusts they remain periodically a major burden in Africa, causing severe yield loss and hence loss of food and income. Distribution maps indicating the value of the basic reproduction number R0 was used to identify areas where an insect pest can be controlled by a natural enemy. A dynamic process-based mathematical model integrating essential features of a natural enemy and its interaction with the pest is used to generate R0 risk maps for insect pest outbreaks, using desert locust and the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum (Synn. Metarhizium anisoliae var. acridum) as a case study. This approach provides a tool for evaluating the impact of climatic variables such as temperature and relative humidity and mapping spatial variability on the efficacy of M. acridum as a biocontrol agent against desert locust invasion in Africa. Applications of M. acridum against desert locust in a few selected African countries including Morocco, Kenya, Mali, and Mauritania through monthly spatial projection of R0 maps for the prevailing climatic condition are illustrated. By combining mathematical modeling with a geographic information system in a spatiotemporal projection as we do in this study, the field implementation of microbial control against locust in an integrated pest management system may be improved. Finally, the practical utility of this model provides insights that may improve the timing of pesticide application in a selected area where efficacy is highly expected.


Hovedmålet for bevaringsarbeidet er å øke antall avlsdyr slik at rasene ikke lenger er utrydningstruet. Det er et mål at genmaterialet tas vare på i aktive driftsopplegg. Aktiv drift er avgjørende for at kunnskapen om dyrehold på disse rasene opprettholdes og videreføres. Lønnsom produksjon er en viktig forutsetning for at bøndene skal benytte de bevaringsverdige rasene. Det er laget kalkyler for spesialisert storfekjøttproduksjon og kombinert melk- og kjøttproduksjon. Besetningene i kalkylene er antatt å være små, og produksjonsbegrensningene i kalkylen gir plass til relativt flere dyr i kalkylene med bevaringsverdige storferaser enn kalkylene med NRF og angus. Dette slår ut på produksjonsinntektene, og gjør kalkylene med bevaringsverdige dyr relativt mer lønnsomme enn de ville være i kalkyler med større produksjonsomfang. Dekningsbidrag per årsku er høyest for ikke-bevaringsverdige storferaser (NRF for melk og angus for ammeku). I kalkylene vurderes det som en god mulighet for lønnsomhet å foredle produktene selv, men dette må vurderes opp mot ønsket arbeidsinnsats og krav til godtgjørelse for arbeid. Bruk av utmark slår også positivt ut i kalkylene grunnet økt tilskudd og redusert kostnad på fôr som skal dyrkes og høstes. Det er viktig å holde de faste kostnadene lave, eller øke dekningsbidrag ved uttak av høyere produktpris, for å få bedre lønnsomhet. Det diskuteres i rapporten at de bevaringsverdige rasene kan spille en viktig rolle for oppfylling av mange landbrukspolitiske mål, som mer bruk av utmarksbeite, landbruk over hele landet og økt verdiskaping basert på gårdens ressurser.


Over recent decades, the Norwegian cereal industry has had major practical and financial challenges associated with the occurrence of Fusarium head blight (FHB) pathogens and their associated mycotoxins in cereal grains. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most common Fusarium-mycotoxins in Norwegian oats, however T-2 toxin (T2) and HT-2 toxin (HT2) are also commonly detected. The aim of our study was to rank Nordic spring oat varieties and breeding lines by content of the most commonly occurring Fusarium mycotoxins (DON and HT2 + T2) as well as by the DNA content of their respective producers. We analyzed the content of mycotoxins and DNA of seven fungal species belonging to the FHB disease complex in grains of Nordic oat varieties and breeding lines harvested from oat field trials located in the main cereal cultivating district in South-East Norway in the years 2011–2020. Oat grains harvested from varieties with a high FHB resistance contained on average half the levels of mycotoxins compared with the most susceptible varieties, which implies that choice of variety may indeed impact on mycotoxin risk. The ranking of oat varieties according to HT2 + T2 levels corresponded with the ranking according to the DNA levels of Fusarium langsethiae, but differed from the ranking according to DON and Fusarium graminearum DNA. Separate tests are therefore necessary to determine the resistance towards HT2 + T2 and DON producers in oats. This creates practical challenges for the screening of FHB resistance in oats as today’s screening focuses on resistance to F. graminearum and DON. We identified oat varieties with generally low levels of both mycotoxins and FHB pathogens which should be preferred to mitigate mycotoxin risk in Norwegian oats.