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Redusert jordarbeiding til høstkorn gir ofte like bra avling som pløying. Avlingsnedgang kan imidlertid forekomme. Avhengig av forutsetninger kan man akseptere en avlingsnedgang på 5-10%, fordi etableringskostnaden ved redusert jordarbeiding er lavere enn ved pløying. Kritiske faktorer er halmbehandling og ugrasbekjempelse. Dersom dette gjøres riktig, vil etableringen lykkes. Vanligvis vil da avlingen bli like bra som ved pløying. Av og til kan man imidlertid se avlingsnedgang selv om etableringen har gått bra. Jordstruktur eller sterkere soppangrep er da de sannsynlige årsakene.


Use of mineral NPK fertilizer and animal manure has been compared since 1922 in two trials on morainic loam soil at a former research station, Møystad, near Hamar, southeast Norway. Yield results for the period 1983-2003 were reported recently (Riley 2007). During this time cattle manure at rates of 20, 40 and 60 Mg ha-1 yr-1 gave 81%, 87% and 90%, respectively, of the yields obtained using 100 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and adequate P and K supply, in mineral fertilizer. Approximate balance between the supply and takeoff of N, P and K was achieved at the lowest manure rate, but higher manure rates resulted in large surpluses of all three nutrients. In order to study possible residual effects, no manure has been applied from 2004 to 2007, and mineral fertilizer has been withheld from one of the NPK treatments in each trial. The residual effects are evaluated in relation to both control plots that have not been fertilized since before 1922 and plots that have received 100 kg N, 25 kg P and 120 kg K ha-1 yr-1. Cropping in these four years was 2nd-4th year timothy/meadow fescue ley followed by oats. No residual effects of the mineral fertilizer treatments were found. Previous use of manure, on the other hand, has given large residual effects, with only a slight decline over the four years. These responses in relation to the use of mineral fertilizer and the residual supply of N, P and K from manure, estimated from its uptake in crops, will be presented at the seminar.


The production of fresh vegetables within Europe relies on intensive rotations, supported by large inputs of nitrogen from fertiliser and organic sources which is required to maintain the yield and quality of produce demanded by the multiple retailers and their customers. Most field vegetable crops use nitrogen inefficiently and often leave large residues of nitrogen (either as unused fertiliser or crop debris) in the soil after harvest, which can potentially cause damage to soil, water and aerial environments. Funding from the EU Commission has enabled the development of a new computer model, EU-Rotate_N, which can be used to investigate the fate of nitrogen supplied to rotations of field vegetable crops. EU-Rotate_N was used to examine the effects of applying existing codes of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) on the economic and environmental performance of several case study rotations in Europe. In some cases, following GAP, led to significant reductions in N losses without affecting the farmer"s gross margin but in others reduced gross margin without reducing N losses significantly. This paper will briefly describe the development of the model and will present the results of several case studies to show the effects of applying GAP on the performance of horticultural rotations.


Yield results for the last decade are presented from eight long-term trials (started 1977-1991) on loam and clay loams in southeast Norway. Autumn ploughing has been compared with reduced (ploughless) tillage and/or direct drilling. In most cases, spring cereals were grown. Perennial weeds have been sprayed with herbicides when necessary. Fungicides were not used in the trials. In most trials straw residues were chopped and spread. On loam soils, the effects of tillage on yields were mostly similar to those obtained in earlier years. In Trial 1, on loam, mean grain yield was, with spring harrowing only, 95% of that with annual autumn ploughing. It was 96% when harrowing was performed in autumn as well as in spring and 97% when the soil was ploughed every third year. In Trial 2, on loam, positive crop rotation effects were found both with and without ploughing. Reduced tillage, with spring harrowing only, gave 5% lower grain yield than autumn ploughing in this trial also. In Trial 3, on loam, the tillage system did not affect yields of cereals grown in rotation with potatoes, but reduced tillage gave 12% lower potato yield than annual ploughing. In this trial, little difference was found between tillage systems in crop responses to N fertilizer. In Trial 4, on loam, reduced tillage on large-scale (0.7 ha) plots gave 11% lower grain yields than annual ploughing, possibly partly due to shallower sowing depth. In trials on loam soil, the percentage yields obtained without ploughing, relative to those with ploughing, correlated positively with the amount of rainfall in May and with mean air temperature in August. On clay soils. somewhat poorer results have been obtained with reduced tillage in recent years than in previous periods. In Trial 5, on clay loam, the mean grain yield with spring harrowing only, was, over the last ten years, 87% of that obtained with annual autumn ploughing, whereas it was 94% for the whole period since 1991. The inclusion of autumn harrowing increased these figures to 94% and 98%, respectively. Grain protein was lowest with spring harrowing only. Over the last six years, when a treatment with spring ploughing was introduced, this gave 5% lower yield than autumn ploughing. Yields without ploughing, relative to those with ploughing, were negatively correlated with summer rainfall in this trial. In Trial 6, on clay loam, direct drilling has since 1998, as in previous years, given ca. 10% lower yield than autumn ploughing. Autumn harrowing gave 4% lower yield in winter wheat and 6% higher yield in spring oats, than autumn ploughing, whilst yields of spring turnip rape were not affected by tillage. In Trial 7, on clay loam, six alternative straw treatments were compared under various ploughless tillage regimes. Relative to straw removal, retaining large residue amounts depressed yields hardly at all when harrowing was performed in both autumn and spring, but it reduced them by 7% with spring harrowing only and by 13% with direct drilling. The latter system gave on average 18% lower yields than the system with both autumn and spring harrowing. The yield reduction with spring harrowing was 7%. In Trial 8, on silt loam, both direct drilling and spring harrowing of unploughed soil have since 1998 given 6% lower yield than autumn ploughing, whereas both autumn and spring harrowing has given 6% higher yield than ploughing. In this trial, under drier conditions during 1991-1997, unploughed treatments gave up to 11% higher yield than autumn ploughing. Straw retention was beneficial on unploughed treatments during that period, but has had little effect recently.


I forsøk med utprøving av ulike metoder for behandling av dekkvekstens halm (bygg eller vårhvete) i gjenlegg av timotei-, engsvingel- og rødkløverfrøeng, har kutting av halm med treskerens kutteutstyr vært avlingsmessig fullt på høyde med ruter hvor halmen har vært fjernet. \n\nI alle de tre artene ble de høyeste frøavlingene, både når halmen var fjernet og når halmen var kuttet, høstet på rutene som var stubbet lavt (5-10 cm) ved tresking av dekkveksten. \n\nNår halmen ble kuttet ved lav stubbehøyde under treskinga, og halmen jevnt spredd på enga, var det i forsøkene ingen avlingsgevinst å hente ved å kjøre en ekstra omgang med halmsnitter etter tresking for ytterligere å snitte halm og stubb. I tilfeller hvor halmen er ujevnt fordelt og stubben av varierende høyde, kan det likevel være en fordel å benytte halmsnitteren for å jevne ut stubb og fordele halmen bedre etter høsting.


I tre års forsøk med ulike sorter av bygg og hvete som dekkvekst ved gjenlegg av engsvingelfrøeng har byggsorten Annabell og vårhvetesortene Zebra og Bjarne gitt det beste økonomiske resultatet. Om lag 30 % reduksjon i såmengden av dekkveksten gav overraskende liten økning i frøavlinga av engsvingel i første engår. For Annabell og Zebra var totalinntekten i gjenleggsåret og engåra likevel best ved redusert såmengde, mens den for Bjarne var like stor uansett såmengde.


Forsøkene med sorter og soppbekjempelse i høsthvete de siste fire årene gir ikke noe grunnlag for å differensiere anbefalingene om soppbekjempelse mellom sortene når det gjelder bladflekksjukdommer. Det er imidlertid forskjeller i mottakelighet for mjøldogg. I år der mjøldogg er dominerende, vil det ha betydning for bekjempelsesbehovet. For å betale utgiftene til plantevernmidlene som er brukt i forsøkene, må en ha en meravling på ca. 50 kg/daa. Midlene og doseringen er imidlertid ikke valgt ut i fra en økonomisk vurdering, men for å holde sortene mest mulig friske. Forsøkene med sorter og soppbekjempelse bør fortsette for å gi bedre kunnskap om riktig soppbekjempelse til sortene under ulike forhold. Ikke minst er det viktig å få bedre kunnskap om mottakelighet og forventa avlingstap for hvetebrunflekk og hvetebladprikk under norske forhold.