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Fast regrowth from deep roots and rhizomes makes it difficult to mechanically control the perennials Cirsium arvense and Tussilago farfara respectively. It is, however, not clear whether new shoots originate mainly from fragments of roots/rhizomes in upper soil layers or from an intact system below depth of soil cultivation. Here we present results from three experiments with natural infestations of C. arvense, and two with both C. arvense and T. farfara. Plots of 1 m2 were excavated to different depths (13–25 cm), all below-ground plant parts in the topsoil were collected and thereafter fragments were either returned to or removed from the plots. Regrowth from disturbed plots with removed or returned fragments was compared. The origin of regrown shoots, that is, whether they originated from seeds, intact below-ground root/rhizome systems or returned fragments, was examined. More C. arvense shoots originated from the intact root system (48%–84%) than from root fragments (16%–52%). The final aboveground biomass was not affected by removal of the top-soil fragments. For T. farfara, a small proportion (3%) of new shoots originated from the intact rhizome system, and the rest from fragments. We conclude that the intact root system of C. arvense contributes at least as much as root fragments to regrowth after soil cultivation, which might imply that time of treatment and depth of cultivation are crucial for the effect of mechanical control. For T. farfara, the results suggest that tillage equipment with high capacity to fragment the rhizome system will contribute to efficient control.

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Controlling creeping perennial weeds is challenging throughout all farming systems. The present study distinguished and explored three different methods to control them non-chemically: disturbance with inversion, disturbance without inversion, and competition. Focusing on Cirsium arvense, Elymus repens, and Sonchus arvensis, we conducted a field study (2019–2021) at three northern European sites in Germany, Finland, and Norway. We investigated the effects of the control methods ploughing (inversion disturbance), root cutting (non-inversion disturbance), and cover crops (competition) alone. Root cutting was conducted using a prototype machine developed by “Kverneland”. Eight treatments were tested in factorial designs adapted for each site. Control methods were applied solely and combined. Response variables after treatments were aboveground weed biomass and grain yield of spring cereals. The control method of ploughing was most effective in reducing weed biomass compared to root cutting or cover crops. However, compared to the untreated control, a pronounced additive effect of root cutting and cover crops occurred, reducing weed biomass (−57.5%) similar to ploughing (−66%). Pooled over sites, the response was species-specific, with each species showing a distinct reaction to both control methods. C. arvense was most susceptible to root cutting, followed by E. repens, while S. arvensis showed no susceptibility. Crop yield losses were prevented compared to untreated plots by ploughing (+60.57%) and root cutting (+30%), but not by cover crops. We conclude that the combination of non-inversion disturbance and competition is a promising strategy to reduce the reliance on herbicides or inversion tillage in the management of perennial weeds.