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Here, we present, for the first time, the Ion TorrentⓇ next-generation sequencing (NGS) data for five houndsharks (Chondrichthyes: Triakidae), which include Galeorhinus galeus (number of bases pairs (bp) 17,487; GenBank accession number ON652874), Mustelus asterias (16,708; ON652873), Mustelus mosis (16,755; ON075077), Mustelus palumbes (16,708; ON075076), and Triakis megalopterus (16,746; ON075075). All assembled mitogenomes encode 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal (r)RNA genes, and 22 transfer (t)RNA genes (tRNALeu and tRNASer are duplicated), except for G. galeus which contains 23 tRNA genes where tRNAThr is duplicated. The data presented in this paper can assist other researchers in further elucidating the diversification of triakid species and the phylogenetic relationships within Carcharhiniformes (groundsharks) as mitogenomes accumulate in public repositories.

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Trials were carried out in apple orchards of Emilia-Romagna and Trentino-Alto Adige in northern Italy to investigate the effects of sprinkler irrigation on possible reduction in inoculum and subsequent disease pressure of Venturia inaequalis, the ascomycete causing apple scab. In spring, volumetric spore traps were placed above apple leaf litter containing pseudothecia with ascospores of the fungus. Pseudothecia matured more rapidly in irrigated plots, and 95% of the total number of spores trapped in a season was reached on average 164 degree days (base temperature 0°C) earlier in irrigated compared with nonirrigated plots. On average for seven location/year combinations, more than 50% of the ascospores were trapped following irrigations carried out for 2 h on sunny days before a forecasted rainfall. Subsequently, a much lower number of spores were trapped on rainy days following irrigation. Field trials with scab-susceptible apple cultivars were carried out in the two regions to evaluate the efficacy of sprinkler irrigation on disease. Irrigated and nonirrigated plots were either treated with different fungicide control strategies or not treated. Irrigation significantly reduced the incidence of apple scab at both sites, and the overall number of infected leaves and fruit was reduced by more than 50%. Midday sprinkler irrigation can significantly reduce the inoculum pressure of V. inaequalis in apple orchards. This may be a sustainable management strategy, especially in areas with extended dry periods.

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We document the presence of Schistidium marginale (Grimmiaceae) in Trollheimen, central Norway. The sequence of the nuclear ITS region aligns identically with an accession from the Caucasus, distinct from Alpine accessions. This may suggest post-glacial colonization originating from south-eastern rather than southern populations. The new locality exhibited only a few tufts and shared habitat similarities with Alpine locations, albeit with a potentially more base-rich substrate.