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In order to predict the effects of climate change on the global carbon cycle, it is crucial to understand the environmental factors that affect soil carbon storage in grasslands. In the present study, we attempted to explain the relationships between the distribution of soil carbon storage with climate, soil types, soil properties and topographical factors across different types of grasslands with different grazing regimes. We measured soil organic carbon in 92 locations at different soil depth increments, from 0 to 100 cm in southwestern China. Among soil types, brown earth soils (Luvisols) had the highest carbon storage with 19.5 ± 2.5 kg m−2, while chernozem soils had the lowest with 6.8 ± 1.2 kg m−2. Mean annual temperature and precipitation, exerted a significant, but, contrasting effects on soil carbon storage. Soil carbon storage increased as mean annual temperature decreased and as mean annual precipitation increased. Across different grassland types, the mean carbon storage for the top 100 cm varied from 7.6 ± 1.3 kg m−2 for temperate desert to 17.3 ± 2.9 kg m−2 for alpine meadow. Grazing/cutting regimes significantly affected soil carbon storage with lowest value (7.9 ± 1.5 kg m−2) recorded for cutting grass, while seasonal (11.4 ± 1.3 kg m−2) and year-long (12.2 ± 1.9 kg m−2) grazing increased carbon storage. The highest carbon storage was found in the completely ungrazed areas (16.7 ± 2.9 kg m−2). Climatic factors, along with soil types and topographical factors, controlled soil carbon density along a soil depth in grasslands. Environmental factors alone explained about 60% of the total variation in soil carbon storage. The actual depth-wise distribution of soil carbon contents was significantly influenced by the grazing intensity and topographical factors. Overall, policy-makers should focus on reducing the grazing intensity and land conversion for the sustainable management of grasslands and C sequestration.


Gjødselverdi av struvitt fra HIAS IKS ble i potteforsøk sammenlignet med vanlig handelsgjødsel-P (Opti-P), samt et kontrolledd uten tilførsel av P. Til forsøket ble anvendt krykvein, flerårig raigras, rødsvingel og bygg. Potter med krykvein og raigras gjødslet med struvitt og Opti-P vokste stort sett likt frem til 1-2 uker før forsøkets avslutning, hvor det var tendens til at tilveksten i potter med struvitt falt. I potter med null P var tilveksten lavere enn i potter med struvitt og Opti-P i hele perioden. Resultatene viser, at potter med krypkvein og raigras gjødslet med struvitt hadde samme tørrstoffproduksjon som potter gjødslet med Opti-P de første ca. 12 uker etter såing, hvilket tyder på,at struvitten i dette forsøket hadde potensiale til rask frigøring av P.


Dyrket mark i Naurstadfeltet er dominert av langvarig eng og beite. Storfé, hest og melkeku var de viktigste husdyrslagene i 2017. Det har vært en nedadgående trend i tilført fosfor og nitrogen gjennom hele overvåkingsperioden, og særlig har den tilførte andelen med mineralgjødsel gått ned. I likhet med 2016, ble det også i 2017 tilført lite husdyrgjødsel


This is a report on the potential of NanoPro™ to reduce the rate of two commonly used fungicides for control of Microdochium patch (Microdochium nivale), the economically most important turfgrass disease in Scandinavia. The experiment was conducted from 14 Sept. 2018 to 1 May 2019 on an annual bluegrass golf green at the NIBIO Turfgrass Research Center Landvik. Use of NanoPro™ at a rate of 292 ml/ha in tank mixture with the systemic fungicide Delaro® SC 325 or/and the contact fungicide Medallion® TL produced the same level of disease control with a 30-60% reduction in fungicide dosage as with full fungicide dosage without additive. NanoPro™ was more effective with Medallion® TL than with Delaro® SC 325. We conclude that NanoPro™ may have a big potential in Scandinavia and other countries where authorities require reduced fungicide use. The experiment should be repeated one more year before giving final recommendations.