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Bioforsk takserte elgbeitene i Salsbruket juli 2013. Salsbruket utgjør i overkant av 500 000 sammenhengende daa med utmark i kystskogregionen av Trøndelag. Som elgbeite er området preget av lav skoggrense (200-300 moh), maritimt klima (årsnedbør 2500 mm) og harde bergarter som gir låg skogbonitet (innslag av kalk i lavere områder, hvor det er mer produktiv skog). Bjørk er den viktigste beiteplanten for elg i busksjiktet i Salsbruket (40% av tilgjengelig trær og 50% av tilgjengelig årsskudd), dernest furu og einer. Området er fattig på høyt selekterte arter som rogn og selje. Heller ikke feltsjiktet innehar mange arter med stor beiteverdi. Viktigste beiteplante i feltsjiktet er blåbærlyng, og dekningen av denne er høyere i Salsbruket (35% av arealet) enn i andre takserte områder (snitt 20%). Taksten viser et meget høyt beitetrykk, og jaktstatistikken viser en elgbestand i dårlig kondisjon. Vi anbefaler at bestanden tas ned inntil hogstaktiviteten eventuelt økes igjen. En skal være oppmerksom på at selv foryngelsesflater i Salsbruket ikke produserer mye beite for elg i nasjonal målestokk, og at hogst kraftig reduserer tilbudet av blåbærlyng.


In this study, a technique based on wireless sensor networks (WSN) for matching mother reindeer to their calves in order to identify the ownership of the calves is presented. This task is currently performed using manual techniques which are stressful on the animals and herders alike. Various potential WSN technologies are considered. RFID technology was given greater interest as it is widely used in animal identification. A method based on Wi-Fi enabled active RFID tags is proposed in this work. This technique entails the temporary attachment of Wi-Fi enabled RFID tags to the necks of the calf and mother reindeers and to monitor the location of those tags using the Wi-Fi network. A detailed discussion of localization algorithms to monitor the location of the tags and to determine the correlation between any pairs of tags which indicate mother and her calf is presented. This work aims to pave the way for the use of wireless sensor networks for the purpose of matching mother reindeer to their calves and for other matching purposes in animal welfare and industry.


In this study, a technique based on wireless sensor networks (WSN) for matching mother reindeer to their calves in order to identify the ownership of the calves is presented. This task is currently performed using manual techniques which are stressful on the animals and herders alike. Various potential WSN technologies are considered. RFID technology was given greater interest as it is widely used in animal identification. A method based on Wi-Fi enabled active RFID tags is proposed in this work. This technique entails the temporary attachment of Wi-Fi enabled RFID tags to the necks of the calf and mother reindeers and to monitor the location of those tags using the Wi-Fi network. A detailed discussion of localization algorithms to monitor the location of the tags and to determine the correlation between any pairs of tags which indicate mother and her calf is presented. This work aims to pave the way for the use of wireless sensor networks for the purpose of matching mother reindeer to their calves and for other matching purposes in animal welfare and industry.