
Rapsfrø er etterspurt råvare til proteinfôr og olje til mat. Høstraps egner seg godt i vekstskifte med korn og åkervekster, men trenger lang veksttid. Eng som forgrøde gir størst mulighet for tidlig etablering. Med sine pålerøtter har rapsplantene god effekt på jordstrukturen, og er en god forgrøde til for eksempel hvete.

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Leys are an important part of northern European livestock production, particularly for ruminants since monogastric animals are limited in their ability to digest the fibres of the forage. Crop fractionation methods are a promising option to make forages more beneficial for monogastric animals and decrease the amount of imported protein feed. A leaf stripping harvesting technique was evaluated at Röbäcksdalen in northern Sweden in mixed grass-clover leys over 2 years. The PremAlfa Mini leaf stripper (Trust'ing-Alf'ing, Nantes, France) worked well in mixed stands, harvesting on average a third of the available forage biomass, primarily in the form of leaves and soft stems from the clover plants. It proved successful in producing a forage fraction that had a significantly higher crude protein (CP) concentration (+39.1%) and lower neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) concentration (−21.4%) than the pre-harvest mixed sward (all significant at p < .05 level). Due to the remaining high level of aNDFom in the leaf stripper fraction, it is more suited for use as an energy source for monogastrics rather than as a protein supplement. Alternatively, the leaf stripper fraction could be used to increase digestibility and CP content in the feed rations of high producing dairy cows.

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The large-scale import of soybean products into the EU decreases the self-sufficiency of livestock production. The fractionation of grassland forage crops presents an opportunity to locally produce protein-rich feed for monogastrics. Two promising fractionation methods, twin-screw press juicing and leaf stripping, were evaluated in parallel in field experiments established in Norway and Sweden to compare the nutrient composition and yield of the resulting biorefined and residual fractions. The clearest delineation between the methods was in the ash-free neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) concentration, with juicing producing a biorefined fraction with a lower aNDFom than leaf stripping. Variability in the allocation of crude protein (CP) and biomass to the biorefined fractions occurred in both methods between cuts and locations and is likely due to differing stand characteristics and inconsistency in machine functionality. Additional work is needed to understand how characteristics such as stand density, botanical composition, and plant phenological stage impact each fractionation method’s ability to allocate protein, fibre, and biomass into the resulting fractions. Future studies should focus particularly on determining standardised settings for leaf stripping machinery based on a range of stand characteristics to ensure consistency in the yield and nutrient composition of the resulting fractions.

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Flere økobønder kan dyrke høstraps. Nye sorter som egner seg for norsk klima gjør det mulig å utvide dyrkingsområdet og etterspørselen er stor. Rapsdyrker Thorbjørn Lund i Østfold forteller om gode erfaringer med å dyrke den etterspurte oljeveksten.

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In organic pig production systems, one of the main challenges is to meet the demand for resources rich in protein. Among the resources available, temperate green plants, such as forage legumes, are potential sources of energy and protein. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritional value of silages (S) from the whole plant of lucerne (L) and red clover (R) and protein pastes (PPs) obtained from L and R leaves. In a first trial, 30 pigs were used in a factorial design to determine the total tract digestibility (TTD) of dietary nutrients and energy in five dietary treatments. The control group was fed a control diet (C1). The lucerne silage (LS) and red clover silage (RS) groups were fed a 78%:22% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LS or RS. The lucerne protein paste (LPP) and the red clover protein paste (RPP) groups were fed an 81%:19% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LPP or RPP. In the second trial, five pigs were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AAs) in the four legume products. The control diet (C2) was formulated with casein as the sole protein source. The LS and RS groups were fed an 85%:15% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LS or RS. The LPP and RPP groups were fed an 80%:20% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LPP or RPP. Regardless of the plant species, silages obtained from L and R leaves contained less AA and more fibre than protein pastes. While the fresh forages contained the same percentage of protein N in total N (63.6%), lucerne lost more protein N during ensiling than red clover (−75.5 vs −33.8%). The calculated TTD coefficient of energy was higher in silages than in protein pastes and lower in R than in L products (72.8, 71.5, 67.7, and 61.3 for LS, RS, LPP and RPP, respectively). The SID of total essential AA was higher in LPP than in RPP (87.2 vs 79.2%) whereas it was lower in LS than in RS (33.2 vs 56.8%). The lower SID values in silages were explained by the protein degradation during the ensiling process and a high proportion of AA linked to the NDF fraction. The results of the present study show that protein pastes obtained from lucerne and red clover are valuable protein sources for pig. In contrast, legume silages have to be considered as an energy source rather than a protein source.


Self-sufficiency with feed (SSF) is a basic principle in organic animal production. The current regulations do not impose strict requirements for SSF at farm level, but further restrictions are expected in future. The aim of the present work was to quantify SSF on a range of organic dairy farms in Norway and study farmers’ strategies to produce milk with a high degree of SSF. Nine farms were selected for interview and data collection. On farm level, the proportion of SSF varied between 66 and 99 %. SSF increased to 88-100 % when expressed on national level. Land area is among the limiting factors for famers to reach higher SSF while maintaining the milk production level. A lower proportion of concentrates in the diet seems to have as strong impact on SSF as using own cereals and protein crops as feed, but milk production per total feed production area was highest for the latter. The farmers’ goals and actions are important driving forces to develop more SSF in dairy production systems.


Dyrking av korn til krossensilering kan gjere det mogleg å verte meir sjølvforsynt med kraftfôr for husdyrprodusentar som har god tilgang på areal. Haustetida er nokre veker før korn til fullmodning. Metoden er derfor også aktuell i meir marginale område for korndyrking. Krossensilasje kan også produserast i korndistrikta for å spreie onnearbeidet, betre utnyttinga av utstyr, få tid til å etablere ein ny vekst om hausten eller vere ein metode for å berge ei kornavling etter sein våronn eller ein åker med ujamn modning. Ved krossing vert dei fuktige kornkjernane knust mellom to valsar for så å verte ensilert. Fram til tresking er sjølve dyrkingsteknikken for korn til krossensilering i prinsippet som for korn til fullmodning. Her tek vi føre oss aktuelle artar, haustetidspunkt, metode for krossensilering og fôring med krossensilasje.

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Fractionation of forage legume crops can make a protein-rich feed available for monogastric animals. The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of fractionation method, leaf stripping or juice production, in lucerne (Medicago sativa) on protein yield in low-fibre fractions. We established field trial with replications on two lucerne varieties in Menemen, Turkey, in 2018. At first cut in 2019 whole plant and six different fractions were processed and sampled. Across varieties, juice, leaves and leaf juice yields accounted for 45%, 53% and 24% of the whole plant dry matter yield, respectively. Crude protein content was higher in leaf juice (26%) than whole plant juice (23%) and the content in leaves differed between the varieties (22% and 27%). Leaf stripping separated a higher proportion (on average 70%) of the total crude protein in the plant than juice production (on average 55%). The effects of variety, harvesting time and number of cut need further investigation.

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Minimising outputs of waste and pollution by recycling and efficient utilisation of renewable resources is of common interest for organic agriculture and the concepts of circular and bioeconomy. However, in practice, many efforts to increase recycling of various biological materials in organic agriculture are hampered because standards for certified organic production and processing tend to prefer natural products while avoiding processing and especially chemical processes. This creates several dilemmas and weakens the position of organic agriculture as a spear head in the development of a better resource utilisation which will reduce environmental impacts from food production. Based on practical examples derived from projects aimed at better utilisation of residual materials in various food chains, this paper presents some of these dilemmas. Our aim is to initiate a discussion among organic agriculture stakeholders about the regulations for organic production, how they restrict recycling and a better utilisation of valuable resources, and how this can be overcome.


The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about local production of protein feed for monogastric animals in organic farming, deriving from forage legumes. New knowledge will contribute to strengthen the agricultural sector in Europe as a whole, by improved utilisation of biological resources and competency on local food systems.


Large areas of farmland are abandoned in Norway, which for various reasons are regarded as undesirable. Loss of farmlandmay have negative implications for biodiversity and ecosystem function and food production potential. The objectives of this study were to assess forage mass production and utilization, botanical composition, lamb performance, and grazing distribution pattern when reintroducing livestock grazing to an abandoned grassland. The study area was located in Central Norway, unmanaged for 12 years. Sheep grazed the area for 10 weeks in 2013 and 4 weeks in spring and autumn, respectively, in 2014 and 2015. During the summer of 2014 and 2015, the area was subjected to the following replicated treatments: (1) No grazing, (2) grazing with heifers, and (3) grazing with ewes and their offspring. The stocking rate was similar in the grazed treatments. Forage biomass production and animal intake were estimated using grazing exclosure cages and botanical composition by visual assessment. Effect on lamb performance was evaluated by live weight gain and slaughter traits in sheep subjected to three treatments: (1) Common farm procedure with summer range pasturing, (2) spring grazing period extended by 1 month on the abandoned grassland before summer range pasturing, and (3) spring and summer grazing on the abandoned grassland. Grazing distribution patterns were studied using GPS position collars on ewes. Total annual biomass production was on average 72% higher with summer grazing than without. Annual consumption and utilization was on average 218 g DM/m2 and 70% when summer grazed, and 25 g DM/m2 and 18% without grazing, respectively. Botanical composition did not differ between treatments. Live weight gain was higher in lambs subjected to an extended spring grazing period (255 g/d) compared to common farm practice (228 g/d) and spring and summer grazing on the abandoned grassland (203 g/d), and carcass value was 14% higher in lambs on extended spring grazing compared to common farm practice. In autumn, sheep preferred to graze areas grazed by sheep during summer. Re-introduction of grazing stimulated forage production, and extended spring grazing improved performance in lambs. This study has quantified the value of abandoned grassland as a feed resource.

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Beta-keratin in poultry feathers is a structural protein that is resistant to degradation due to disulfide and hydrogen bonds. Feather meal can be a valuable feed compound if the digestibility can be increased. The objective of the present study was to analyze the effects of chemical, enzymatic, and pressure-thermic treatments for chicken feathers on solubility, in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD), and amino acid composition of solubilized and residual fractions. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, models for solubility and IVPD were developed including the above factors applying a central composite face-centered design. Addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3), and autoclaving time affected solubility and IVPD of the feather hydrolysates, but not addition of keratinolytic enzyme. In experiment 2, 7 combinations of the hydrolysis factors NaOH, Na2SO3, and autoclaving time with a predicted IVPD of 900 g/kg of DM, calculated for the sum of solubilized and residual feather fractions, were included to measure effects on IVPD and amino acid composition in each fraction. The IVPD values were higher for solubilized than residual fractions when treated with NaOH and autoclaving, but no differences were found when treated with Na2SO3 and autoclaving. Losses of cystine were substantial for all treatments, but lower for Na2SO3 than for NaOH. Furthermore, use of lower Na2SO3 concentration and longer autoclaving time reduced losses of cystine. Compared with NaOH treatments, Na2SO3 gave lower losses of threonine, arginine, serine, and tyrosine. With reference to the ideal protein profile for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), the treatments with 60 or 90 min autoclaving and 0.36 or 0.21% Na2SO3 had the highest chemical scores. The scores were generally higher for amino acids in residual than solubilized fractions, but with 90 min autoclaving and 0.21% Na2SO3 differences were small. In conclusion, hydrolysis of chicken feathers with low concentrations of Na2SO3 combined with autoclaving results in feather meal with high nutritional value for Atlantic salmon; separation of solubilized and residual fractions is not necessary.

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Utrangerte verpehøner utnyttes i dag i liten grad til mat eller fôr. Størsteparten av denne ressursen, som kunne vært en råvare for framstilling av ingredienser til fôr, blir destruert. Denne rapporten gjennomgår gjeldende fôrlovverk og kommende lover med relevans for denne råvaren. Animalske biprodukter som ikke er beregnet til humant konsum er delt inn i 3 riskokategorier der kategori 1 er materiale med høyest risko for dyre- og folkehelse. I Norge er det ingen anlegg som mottar kategori 2 materiale, noe som medfører at høner kun er aktuelle til fôrproduksjon dersom de faller innenfor kategori 3 (godkjent til mat). Den uløselige restfraksjonen etter hydrolyse av hele høner godkjent til mat er aktuelt som fôr til enamaga dyr, kjøttspisende kjæledyr, pelsdyr og fisk. Analyser av in vitro fordøyelighet med pepsin har vist at syrebehandling ga den beste fordøyeligheten. Aminosyresammensetningen i hydrolysesedimenter viste seg å være godt egnet til kattefôr. Ved bruk som fôr til svin eller laks er det behov for å supplementere med metionin+cystin. Enzymatisk hydrolyse med kommersielle enzymer er en metode som gir sedimenter med god fôrverdi i tillegg til at oljefraksjonen og lettløselige hydrolysater er høyverdige produkter til matindustrien.

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Det er økende interesse hos forbrukere for mjølk og mjølkeprodukt som er produsert uten bruk av kraftfôr med bare beite og konservert gras i fôrrasjonen. Rørosmeieriet AS, som foredler økologisk produsert mjølk, er interessert i å etablere egen produksjonslinje for mjølkeprodukt fra kyr produsert uten kraftfôr. For mjølkeprodusenten kan det å kutte ut kraftfôr i fôrrasjonen få store konsekvenser for mjølkeytelse og dermed økonomi. Formålet med dette arbeidet var å vurdere hva en kan forvente seg av mjølkeytelse og mjølkekvalitet ved å kutte ut kraftfôr i rasjonen. Helse og fruktbarhet hos dyra, næringsstofforsyning til gården og totaløkonomien vil sannsynligvis også påvirkes, og det var et mål å beregne hva mjølkeprodusenten må ha i merpris for mjølka for å opprettholde dekningsbidraget. Arbeidet er gjennomført som en litteraturstudie og som en egen analyse der vi brukte data fra fire økologiske mjølkeproduksjonsbruk i Rørosområdet, som leverer mjølk til Rørosmeieriet. For de fire bruka gjorde vi en scenarioanalyse der vi estimerte mjølkeproduksjon og fôrforbruk uten kraftfôr i beitetida, men med kraftfôr i innefôringstida, og helt uten kraftfôr i rasjonene. Data generert fra scenarioanalysen blei sammenlignet med dagens tilstand med hensyn på mjølkeytelse, næringsstoffbalanse og økonomi. Vi tok også ut mjølkeprøver fra tanken før beiteslipp og i beitetida for å analysere kvaliteten av mjølk..............


Forbruket av økologisk mat har økt jevnt i Norge fra 2011 til 2016, mens det økologiske arealet har blitt redusert i samme periode. NIBIO som er en viktig leverandør for kunnskap om økologisk landbruk fikk i Statsbudsjettet for 2016 tildelt kunnskapsutviklingsmidler fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet som var øremerka til å "videreutvikle forskningsbasert kunnskap om økologisk landbruk". Arbeidet med å kartlegge status, flaskehalser og kunnskapsbehovet i de ulike produksjonene er basert på en gjennomgang av relevante prosjekter, rapporter og intervjuer med fagpersoner. De foreslåtte temaene for FoU-aktiviteter må anses som veiledende, og er ment som inspirasjon ved utvikling av nye prosjekter innen økologisk landbruk......


Large areas of cultivated grassland are annually abandoned and no longer used for production in Norway. Such areas will over time be encroached by shrubs and trees, which is regarded as undesirable. We assessed plant community development, pasture production, herbage quality and pasture utilization by sheep and heifers of a grassland that has been unmanaged for 12 years. e experiment was run for two consecutive years. Sheep grazed the whole area for one month in spring and autumn. During the summer, the area was assigned to three replicated treatments: (1) control with no management; (2) grazing heifers; and (3) grazing sheep with off€spring. The stocking rate was 1.8 LU ha-1, in both b and c, for a duration of one month. The area was left resting for a month aer treatment and before autumn sheep grazing. Pasture production and herbage intake was estimated using grazing exclosure cages. Herbage consumed during summer period was on average 211 g DM m-2 and the pasture utilization was 55%. The annual consumption and utilization was 336 g DM m-2 and 62% in the grazed treatments and 28 g DM m-2 and 15% in the control, respectively. Total annual pasture production was on average 72% higher in the grazed treatments compared to the control. Tere was no diff€erence between the grazed treatments on annual production, herbage intake or pasture utilization. Grazing stimulated herbage production, and such abandoned grasslands are valuable forage resources.


Large areas of cultivated grassland are annually abandoned and no longer used for production in Norway. Such areas will over time be encroached by shrubs and trees, which is regarded as undesirable. We assessed plant community development, pasture production, herbage quality and pasture utilization by sheep and heifers of a grassland that has been unmanaged for 12 years. e experiment was run for two consecutive years. Sheep grazed the whole area for one month in spring and autumn. During the summer, the area was assigned to three replicated treatments: (1) control with no management; (2) grazing heifers; and (3) grazing sheep with off€spring. The stocking rate was 1.8 LU ha-1, in both b and c, for a duration of one month. The area was left resting for a month aer treatment and before autumn sheep grazing. Pasture production and herbage intake was estimated using grazing exclosure cages. Herbage consumed during summer period was on average 211 g DM m-2 and the pasture utilization was 55%. The annual consumption and utilization was 336 g DM m-2 and 62% in the grazed treatments and 28 g DM m-2 and 15% in the control, respectively. Total annual pasture production was on average 72% higher in the grazed treatments compared to the control. Tere was no diff€erence between the grazed treatments on annual production, herbage intake or pasture utilization. Grazing stimulated herbage production, and such abandoned grasslands are valuable forage resources.


A meta-analysis based on experiments in organically cultivated grasslands in Norway was conducted to quantify the effects of management factors on herbage yield and feed quality. A dataset was collected that included 496 treatment means from experiments in five studies carried out at eight locations with the latitude range of 58.8 to 69.6 N between 1993 and 2010. We tested the effect of harvesting system (two vs. Three cuts annually), plant developmental stage at the first cut, growth period (temperature sum) and the herbage clover proportion. Plant maturity at the first cut and herbage clover proportion explained to a large extent herbage yield and quality of the first cut and annual yield. The timing of the first cut influenced also the yield and herbage quality of the second cut. The analysis confirmed the importance of legumes performance for herbage yield and quality from grasslands in organic production. Estimated annual herbage DM yield harvested at standardized plant development stage and at average clover proportion was 9%higher in the two—compared to the three-cut system. The crude protein concentration and in vitro dry matter digestibility was 17 and 3 % higher and the NDF concentration 7 % lower in the annual herbage from the three-cut than from the twocut system, respectively. The empirical equations developed in this study may be applied to explore different options for grassland management as basis for ration and production planning and in scenario analysis of economic performance of individual and model farms. The equations do also reveal in numeric terms the tradeoffs in management practice between high yields, yield digestibility, NDF and crude protein content in organic forage production relying on red clover N2 fixation as the engine in the system.


Three types of analytical methods currently used in the practice of analytical laboratories for quality control and food safety - local, regional and international. The quality of products intended for export to other countries is determined by the regional and international practices. This report summarizes the international methods used by the National Center for Quality Control and Food Safety Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

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Phytoestrogens have structures similar to endogenous steroids and may induce or inhibit the response of hormone receptors. The objectives of the present study were to compare the effects of long-term vs. short-term grassland management in organic and conventional dairy production systems, compare organic and conventional production systems and assess seasonal variation on phytoestrogen concentrations in bulk-tank milk. The concentrations of phytoestrogens were analyzed in bulk-tank milk sampled three times in two subsequent years from 28 dairy farms: Fourteen organic (ORG) dairy farms with either short-term or long-term grassland management were paired with 14 conventional (CON)farms with respect to grassland management. Grassland management varied in terms of time since establishment. Short-term grassland management (SG) was defined as establishment or reseeding every fourth year or more often, and long-term grassland management (LG) was defined as less frequent establishment or reseeding. The proportion of red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) in the herbage was positively correlated with milk concentrations of the mammalian isoflavone equol. Therefore, organically produced bulk-tank milk contained more equol than conventionally produced milk, and milk from ORG-SG farms had more equol than milk from ORG-LG farms. Milk produced during the indoor-feeding periods had more equol than milk produced during the outdoor feeding period, because pastures contained less red clover than fields intended for silage production. Organically produced milk had also higher concentrations of the mammalian lignan enterolactone, but in contrast to equol, concentrations increased in the outdoor-feeding periods compared to the indoor-feeding periods. There were no indications of ertility problems on ORG-SG farms who had the highest red clover proportions in the herbage. This study shows that Production system, grassland management, and season affect milk concentrations of phytoestrogens. However, compared to soy products, milk concentrations of phytoestrogens are low and future studies are required to investigate if the intake of phytoestrogens from dairy products has physiological effects in humans.


Lønnsemd, uttrykt som dekningsbidrag per årsku, auka med årsavdråtten (kg EKM/årsku) hos økologiske mjølkeprodusentar i Trøndelag. Det var ingen samanheng mellom kraftfôrnivå (FEm/årsku) og lønnsemd, men lønnsemda auka med aukande grovfôropptak

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Dietary phytoestrogens are metabolized or converted in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, only limited knowledge exists on the extent and location of this conversion in vivo. The objective of this study was to quantify the gastro-intestinal metabolism of phytoestrogens in lactating dairy cows fed silages with different botanical composition. Four lactating rumen cannulated Norwegian Red cattle were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square with 1 cow per treatment period of 3 wk. The 4 treatment silages were prepared from grasslands with different botanical compositions: organically managed short-term timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) ley (2 yr old: ORG-SG); organically managed long-term grassland with a high proportion of unsown species (6 yr old; ORG-LG); conventionally managed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) ley (CON-PR); and conventionally managed timothy ley (CON-TI). The herbages were cut, wilted, and preserved with additive in round bales, fed as a mix of the first and third cut at 90% of ad libitum intake, and contributed to 70% of the total dry matter intake. Milk, feed, omasal digesta, urine, and feces were collected at the end of each period and analyzed for the concentrations of phytoestrogens by using a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry technique. Concentration of total isoflavones was highest in ORG-SG and lowest in CON-TI silage, whereas the content of total lignans was highest in the grass silages. The isoflavones were extensively metabolized in the rumen on all diets, and the recovery of formononetin and daidzein in omasum, mainly as equol, averaged 0.11 mg/mg. The apparent intestinal metabolism was less severe as, on average, 0.29 mg/mg of the omasal flow was recovered in feces. The plant lignans were also strongly degraded in the rumen. However, the flow of lignans to omasum and excretion in feces were, on average, 7.2- and 5.2-fold higher, respectively, than the intake of the plant lignans matairesinol and secoisolariciresinol, known as precursors of mammalian lignans. Thus, excretion to milk could not be directly related to intake, implying that plant lignans other than matairesinol and secoisolariciresinol in forage are precursors for enterolactone production in the rumen and for its content in milk. Equol followed mainly the flow of large particles out of the rumen, whereas the mammalian lignans were distributed between phases proportional to dry matter flow. The main metabolism of phytoestrogens occurred in the rumen and the main route of excretion was through feces and urine, with only a small part being excreted in milk. The concentration of phytoestrogens in milk can be manipulated through intake but the intermediate transfer capacity to milk appears to be limited by saturation

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Phyto-oestrogens are a group of secondary plant metabolites that may bind to oestrogen receptors and exert oestrogenic or anti-oestrogenic effects in humans and can protect against cancer diseases. When ingested by dairy cows, phyto-oestrogens can be metabolised and transferred to the milk. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of grazing a recently established pasture containing red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and an older pasture containing a variety of sown and unsown plant species on milk concentrations of phyto-oestrogens. Sixteen Norwegian Red dairy cows [mean (standard deviation); body weight 599 (45.1) kg, stage of lactation 73 (15.0) d in milk, milk yield 29.9 (2.90) kg/d at the start of the experiment] were divided into two groups and grazed either a short-term pasture (SP) or a long-term pasture (LP). The SP was representative of organically managed leys in Norway, which are frequently, approximately every third year, renewed by soil tillage and seeding, whereas LP was representative of organically managed grasslands that are less frequently renewed. The SP contained meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) (mean 34%), timothy (Phleum pratense L.) (mean 19%), red clover (mean 28%), shepherd׳s-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.) (mean 6%), pineappleweed (Matricaria matricarioides Porter ex Britton) (mean 5%) and scentless mayweed (Tripleurospermum perforatum (Mérat) Laínz) (mean 4%), and LP contained mainly white clover (Trifolium repens L.) (mean 21%), smooth meadowgrass (Poa pratensis L.) (mean 19%), timothy (mean 17%), meadow fescue (mean 15%), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) (mean 6%), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.) (mean 5%), northern dock (Rumex longifolius DC.) (mean 4%), common couch (Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. Ex Nevski) (mean 4%), red clover (mean 3%) and dandelion (Taraxacum spp.) (mean 3%). In addition to a daily pasture allowance of 20 kg dry matter per cow, supplements of 3.0 kg barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) concentrate were fed. Herbage, concentrates and milk was sampled during the last week of three experimental periods and analysed for phyto-oestrogens using LC-MS/MS technology. Herbage from SP had 19 times higher concentration of isoflavones than herbage from LP, whereas only small differences were found for lignans. Milk produced on SP had 14 times higher concentrations of the mammalian isoflavonoid equol, and the concentrations of equol were higher than found in most other studies. This study confirms that grazing pastures containing red clover increases concentrations of isoflavones and especially equol in bovine milk compared to grazing pastures with other botanical composition. The higher milk concentrations of the lignan metabolite enterodiol in milk from SP compared to LP could not be related to differences in intake of the analysed lignans and may therefore be related to unidentified lignans.

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Bulk tank milk from 28 dairy farms was sampled every second month for 2 yr to assess the effects of grassland management, production system and season on milk fatty acid (FA) composition, concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins, Se, and milk sensory quality. Grassland management varied in terms of time since establishment. Short-term grassland management (SG) was defined as establishment or reseeding every fourth year or more often, and long-term grassland management (LG) was defined as less frequent establishment or reseeding. Fourteen organic (ORG) dairy farms with either short-term or long-term grassland management were paired with 14 conventional (CON) farms with respect to grassland management. Within ORG farms, SG farms differed from LG farms in herbage botanical composition, but not in concentrate FA concentrations, dry matter intake, or milk yield. Within CON farms, herbage composition, concentrate FA concentrations, dry matter intake, and milk yield showed no or insignificant variations. The ORG farms differed from CON farms in herbage botanical composition, concentrate FA concentrations, concentrate intake, and milk yield. Compared with ORG-LG farms, ORG-SG farms produced milk fat with higher proportions of C10:0 and C12:0 associated with higher herbage proportions of legumes (Fabaceae) and lower proportions of other dicotyledon families. Compared with milk from CON farms, milk fat from ORG farms had higher proportions of most saturated FA and all n-3 FA, but lower proportions of C18:0 and C18:1 cis-9 associated with higher forage proportion and differences in concentrations of FA in concentrates. Compared with the outdoor-feeding periods, the indoor feeding periods yielded milk fat with higher proportions of most short-chain and medium-chain FA and lower proportions of most C18-FA associated with grazing and higher forage proportions. Milk concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene were lower during the grazing periods. Inclusion of fishmeal in organic concentrates may explain higher Se concentrations in organically produced milk. Milk sensory quality was not affected in this study. In conclusion, grassland management had minor effects on milk composition, and differences between ORG farms and CON farms may be explained by differences in concentrate intake and concentrate FA concentrations. Milk produced on ORG farms versus CON farms and milk produced during the outdoor versus indoor feeding periods had potential health benefits due to FA composition. In contrast, the higher milk-fat proportions of saturated FA in milk from ORG farms may be perceived as negative for human health.

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Ruminal biohydrogenation and transfer of fatty acids (FA) to milk were determined for 4 silages with different botanical compositions using 4 multiparous Norwegian Red dairy cows [(mean ± SD) 118±40.9d in milk, 22.5±2.72kg of milk/d, 631±3.3kg of body weight, 3.3±0.40 points on body condition score at the start of the experiment] fitted with rumen cannulas. Treatments consisted of 4 experimental silages: a mix of the first and third cut of organically managed short-term grassland with timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.; 2 yr old; ORG-SG); organically managed long-term grassland with a high proportion of unsown species (6 yr old; ORG-LG); conventionally managed ley with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; CON-PR); and conventionally managed ley with timothy (CON-TI). The herbages were cut, wilted, and preserved with additive in round bales and fed at 0.90 of ad libitum intake. A barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) concentrate constituted 300g/kg of dry matter of the total feed offered. A Latin square design (4×4) with 3-wk periods and the last week in each period used for sampling was implemented. Omasal flows of FA were measured using Yb acetate, Cr-EDTA, and the indigestible neutral detergent fiber fraction as indigestible markers. The composition of FA was analyzed in feed, omasal digesta, and milk. Compared with ORG-LG, ORG-SG had a higher herbage proportion of red clover (0.36 vs. 0.01) and lower proportions of timothy (0.42 vs. 0.18), smooth meadowgrass (Poa pratensis L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), dandelion (Taraxacum spp.), and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens L.). The silages were well preserved. The concentration of neutral detergent fiber was higher and the concentration of Kjeldahl-N was lower for CON-TI than for the other silages. Silage type had no effect on dry matter intake, but milk yield was lower for CON-TI than for the other silages. Apparent biohydrogenation of C18:3n-3 was lower for ORG-SG (932g/kg) than for ORG-LG (956g/kg), CON-PR (959g/kg), and CON-TI (958g/kg). Compared with the grass-based silages, ORG-SG and ORG-LG resulted in higher omasal flows of C18:1 trans FA and higher milk fat proportions of C18:1 trans FA and C18:2 cis-9,trans-11. Apparent recovery of C18:3n-3 in milk was higher for ORG-SG (61g/kg) than for ORG-LG (33g/kg), CON-PR (34g/kg), and CON-TI (38g/kg), and milk fat proportion of C18:3n-3 was higher for ORG-SG than for CON-TI. Milk fat proportions of C16:0 were lower for ORG-SG and ORG-LG compared with those for CON-PR and CON-TI. It was concluded that high proportions of red clover and other dicotyledons in the silages affected ruminal biohydrogenation and increased milk fat proportions of beneficial FA.

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Previous research has shown that grazing pastures compared to feeding preserved forages has large impact on milk fatty acid (FA) composition, but differences between grazing red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) or white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are small, whereas the herbage proportions of dicotyledon botanical families is positively correlated with the milk-fat proportions of total polyunsaturated FA when grazing pastures in the Alps. The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of botanically different pastures on bovine milk composition and milk susceptibility to oxidation. Two groups of 8 multiparous Norwegian Red dairy cows [mean (standard deviation); 599 (45.1)kg body weight, 73 (15.0)d in milk, 29.9 (2.90)kg milk/d at experiment start] grazed either a short-term pasture (SP) or a long-term pasture (LP). Both pastures were organically managed, meaning that no artificial fertilizers or herbicides were applied. The SP was representative for pastures, which are frequently, i.e. at least every third year, renewed by soil tillage and seeding, whereas LP was representative for pastures, which are less frequently renewed. The SP contained mainly meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and red clover and LP contained smooth meadow grass (Poa pratensis L.), white clover and a variety of unsown species. Sixteen cows were blocked according to milk yield, days in milk and sire, and randomly within block allocated to the 2 dietary treatments with a daily pasture allowance of 15–20kg dry matter per cow, supplemented with 3.0kg barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) concentrate. Milk was sampled during the last week of 3 experimental periods and analysed for FA composition by gas chromatography, concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins by high performance liquid chromatography, and oxidative stability in a light-exposure experiment by measuring the formation of hydroperoxides and by front-face fluorescence spectroscopy. Pasture type had no effect on milk yield, milk gross composition, and only minor effects on milk FA composition. Milk from SP had higher concentration of α-tocopherol than LP. The formation of hydroperoxides in milk was lower for SP than LP after 24h light exposure, but no differences were found after 48h. Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy revealed slightly higher formation of components in the area of 409–480nm wavelength for SP than LP, which may be related to milk-lipid oxidation. The experimental pastures differed mainly in herbage proportions of red clover and white clover and less in proportions of non-legume dicotyledons. This explains small differences in milk FA composition and milk susceptibility to oxidation.

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Two feeding experiments were performed to study the effects of silage botanical composition, regrowth interval and α-tocopherol supplementation on the fatty acid (FA) composition and α-tocopherol, β-carotene and retinol concentrations of milk. In Exp. 1, 24 Swedish Red dairy cows were fed two- or three-cut red clover–grass silages (R2 and R3, respectively) or two-cut birdsfoot trefoil–grass silage (B2). In Exp. 2, 16 Norwegian Red dairy cows were fed short-term ley silage with red clover (S3) or long-term ley silage with white clover (L3) in combination with the supplementation of RRR-α-tocopheryl acetate (1600 mg/day). The FA proportions in the milk and the recoveries of C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3 were higher on the red clover diets R2 and S3 than on B2 and L3, respectively, and the n-6/n-3 FA ratio was also higher on the red clover diets. Shorter regrowth interval increased both the concentrations of FA in silage and the proportions of unsaturated FA in milk. Intakes of α-tocopherol, β-carotene and lutein were higher on B2 than on R2 due to higher silage intake on B2. However, the highest intake was seen on diet R3 due to the higher concentrations in the silage mixture. In Exp. 2, intakes of α-tocopherol, β-carotene and lutein were higher on L3. However, not all of these differences affected the milk, since the only significant differences related to silage diet in the two experiments were a higher milk α-tocopherol concentration on L3 than on S3 and a slightly lower β-carotene concentration on B2 than on R2. Supplementation with α-tocopherol increased milk α-tocopherol concentrations from 0.77 to 1.05 and from 1.07 to 1.24 mg/kg milk for S3 and L3, respectively, but did not affect milk FA composition. A higher concentration of antioxidants in the feed could be beneficial as a larger proportion of the animal's vitamin requirements would be met by the forage and the need for supplementation might decrease.

Til dokument


Phytoestrogens are hormone-like substances in plants that can substantially influence human health (positively or negatively), and when fed to dairy cows are transferred to their milk. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of varying the botanical composition and regrowth interval of legume-grass silage on silage and phytoestrogen intake and milk phytoestrogen concentrations. In one experiment, 15 Swedish Red dairy cows were fed two- or three-cut red clover-grass silage (designated R2 and R3, respectively), or two-cut birdsfoot trefoil-grass silage (B2). In a second experiment, 16 Norwegian Red dairy cows were fed short-term ley silage with red clover (S3) or long-term ley silage with white clover (L3), and the effects of supplementation with α-tocopherol were also tested. There were high concentrations of formononetin and biochanin A in all silage mixtures with red clover (R2, R3, and S3). The milk concentration of equol was highest on diet R2 (1,494 μg/kg milk). Due to metabolism of biochanin A, genistein and prunetin, their concentrations in milk and the apparent recovery were low. Coumestrol was only detected in silage mixtures S3 and L3, and its milk concentration was low. Concentrations of secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol were higher in silage mixtures B2 and L3, those with legume species other than red clover and the highest grass proportions. B2 also resulted in higher enterolactone concentration than the other diets (226 μg/kg milk). Lengthening the regrowth interval increased the intake of secoisolariciresinol and decreased recovery of lignans. Feeding long-term ley silage resulted in higher lignan milk concentrations, but lower isoflavone milk concentrations than feeding short-term ley silage. The apparent recovery of all phytoestrogens except prunetin was highest on B2, indicating that condensed tannins (present in the birdsfoot trefoil) affect rumen metabolism. There was no effect of α-tocopherol supplementation on milk concentrations of any of the measured phytoestrogens. There were variations in milk concentrations of phytoestrogens, especially of equol, among cows, which could not be explained by variations in diet composition or phytoestrogen intake. The results show that milk phytoestrogen concentration is strongly influenced by silage botanical composition and management, but questions regarding phytoestrogen metabolism remain to be answered.


Fettsyresamensetning og innhold av vitaminer i melk ble i stor grad påvirket av sesong og produksjonssystem og i mindre grad av engalder. Beitesesongen hadde gunstig effekt på fettsyresammensetning sammenlignet med innefôringsperioden, mens økologisk driftsform hadde gunstige effekter som økt andel av C18:3c9,12,15 og negative effekter som økt andel mettede fettsyrer. Hovedfaktorene bak de observerte effektene antas å være fôrrasjonens andel av kraftfôr, beiteopptak, rødkløver og kraftfôrets innhold av lipider


Fettsyresamensetning og innhold av vitaminer i melk ble i stor grad påvirket av sesong og produksjonssystem og i mindre grad av engalder. Beitesesongen hadde gunstig effekt på fettsyresammensetning sammenlignet med innefôringsperioden, mens økologisk driftsform hadde gunstige effekter som økt andel av C18:3c9,12,15 og negative effekter som økt andel mettede fettsyrer. Hovedfaktorene bak de observerte effektene antas å være fôrrasjonens andel av kraftfôr, beiteopptak, rødkløver og kraftfôrets innhold av lipider


Surfôr fra kortvarig eng har gitt høyere andel av flerumettede fettsyrer i melk sammenlignet med surfôr fra langvarig eng men dette har ikke ført til at melka ble mer utsatt for lysindusert oksidasjon. Tilskudd av α-tokoferol økte innholdet av α-tokoferol i melka men hadde ingen effekt på melkas oksidative stabilitet. Surfôr fra kortvarig eng ga høyere innhold av isoflavoner og lavere innhold av lignaner i melk enn surfôr fra langvarig eng.


Surfôr fra kortvarig eng har gitt høyere andel av flerumettede fettsyrer i melk sammenlignet med surfôr fra langvarig eng men dette har ikke ført til at melka ble mer utsatt for lysindusert oksidasjon. Tilskudd av α-tokoferol økte innholdet av α-tokoferol i melka men hadde ingen effekt på melkas oksidative stabilitet. Surfôr fra kortvarig eng ga høyere innhold av isoflavoner og lavere innhold av lignaner i melk enn surfôr fra langvarig eng.


Surfôr fra kortvarig eng (KS) hadde lavere innhold av C18:3c9,12,15 enn surfôr fra langvarig eng og raigrassurfôr. Likevel ga KS høyest innhold av C18:3c9,12,15 i melk. årsaken var redusert hydrogenering i vomma. Dette gjaldt også summen av alle umettede C18-fettsyrer men ikke C18:1c9 eller C18:2c9,12. årsaken til redusert hydrogenering for KS kan være rødkløverens innhold av PPO


Surfôr fra kortvarig eng (KS) hadde lavere innhold av C18:3c9,12,15 enn surfôr fra langvarig eng og raigrassurfôr. Likevel ga KS høyest innhold av C18:3c9,12,15 i melk. årsaken var redusert hydrogenering i vomma. Dette gjaldt også summen av alle umettede C18-fettsyrer men ikke C18:1c9 eller C18:2c9,12. årsaken til redusert hydrogenering for KS kan være rødkløverens innhold av PPO


Planteøstrogena formononetin og daidzein blir i stor grad omsatt til equol og vidare til ukjende sambindingar i vomma. Nedbrytinga av planteøstrogena i vom var sterkare i surfôr laga på raigras og langvarig artsrik eng enn i surfôr laga av timoteieng eller kortvarig eng med raudkløver. Attfinninga av planteøstrogena var størst i gjødsel og minst i mjølk. Omsetjinga av equol i kroppen (intermediær) var avgrensa av fart (rate limiting) medan dette synest ikkje å vere tilfelle i vom og tarm.


Planteøstrogena formononetin og daidzein blir i stor grad omsatt til equol og vidare til ukjende sambindingar i vomma. Nedbrytinga av planteøstrogena i vom var sterkare i surfôr laga på raigras og langvarig artsrik eng enn i surfôr laga av timoteieng eller kortvarig eng med raudkløver. Attfinninga av planteøstrogena var størst i gjødsel og minst i mjølk. Omsetjinga av equol i kroppen (intermediær) var avgrensa av fart (rate limiting) medan dette synest ikkje å vere tilfelle i vom og tarm.


Milk samples from sixteen Norwegian Red dairy cows grazing mixed swards of either grass-red clover (GR) or mixed swards of sown and unsown species of grass, clover and other herbs (GCH) were collected during four periods. Both pastures were organically managed. Pasture botanical composition had no effect on milk fat, protein or vitamin concentration and only minor effects on fatty acid composition. Milk from GR had higher concentrations of the phytoestrogens equol, genistein and biochanin A than milk from GCH. Concentrations of equol in milk from GR were higher than concentrations reported from experiments with red clover silage. The oxidative stability of the milk lipids was not affected by pasture type


Thirty-two dairy farms in Middle-Norway with different grassland systems (short-term (7 years) grassland (L)) and different production systems (organic (O) or conventional (C)) were compared in a field study in 2007. In a principal component analysis on variables including farm details, botanical composition and chemical forage composition the farms were separated into organic and conventional farms with exception of one farm. Amongst the organic farms most SO farms were distinguished from LO farms. Concentration of forage crude protein was positively correlated with proportion of grasses. Concentration of non-fibrous carbohydrates, in vitro digestibility and net energy lactation was positively correlated with proportion of legumes. Species diversity and cutting time at first cut was positively correlated with proportion of non-legume herbs


I 2007-2008 ble det gjennomført et feltstudie med målsetningen å finne sammenheng mellom engdriftsystem, produksjonssystem og melkekvalitet. Ni gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KØ) ble paret med 9 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KK) og 7 gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LØ) ble paret med 7 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LK). Fôrprøver og melkeprøver ble samlet inn annenhver måned. Botanisk sammensetning ble estimert før første slått i 2007. I tillegg ble data fra kukontrollen analysert. Melkeprøvene ble blant annet analysert for fettsyresammensetning, innhold av vitaminer, innhold av selen og innhold av fytoøstrogener. På de konvensjonelle gårdene var det grasarter som dominerte. På de økologiske gårdene var det i tillegg til grasarter en betydelig andel belgvekster (KØ) og urter (LØ). Kvalitetsegenskapene hos melk ble i større grad påvirket av produksjonssystem (økologisk eller konvensjonelt) enn av engdyrkingssystem (kortvarig eller langvarig eng). Det antas at hovedfaktorene var kraftfôrmengde, kraftfôrets innhold av lipider og botanisk sammensetning av grovfôret.


Thirty-two dairy farms in Middle-Norway participated in a field study in 2007 and 2008. Nine organic farms with short-term grassland (SO) were paired with 9 conventional farms with short-term grassland (SC) and 7 organic farms with long-term grassland (LO) were paired with 7 conventional farms with long-term grassland (LC) with regard to proximity and calving pattern. Every second month feed and tanker milk samples were collected from each farm. Data from the Norwegian dairy herd recording system were collected and botanical composition before first cut in 2007 was analysed. Milk samples were analysed for chemical composition, fatty acid composition, vitamin concentration, selenium concentration and phytoestrogen concentration. In this paper results from 2007 are presented. Milk quality was more influenced by production system then grassland system. Higher proportions of SFA and lower proportion of oleic acid in milk from O compared to C may be a future challenge for adjusting feed ratios in organic farming in Norway. Red clover stands for the main botanical effect in this study with strong effect on equol concentrations. The potential health effects of equol should be investigated further.


A continuous grazing experiment with three measurement periods, 3 weeks each, was conducted with 16 Norwegian Red dairy cows in mid lactation to compare milk quality when grazing red clover-grass (R) or botanical diverse pasture (D). The cows were offered either R or D from the start of grazing season in mid May until beginning of September 2008. Milk yield was measured and milk samples were collected in the last week in each period (end of June, beginning of August and end of August). Pasture type had no effect on milk yield and milk content of fat or protein. Cows grazing R had higher proportion of the fatty acids C18:0 (22.41 vs. 9.96, P


I 2007-2008 ble det gjennomført et feltstudie med målsetningen å finne sammenheng mellom engdriftsystem, produksjonssystem og melkekvalitet. Ni gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KØ) ble paret med 9 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KK) og 7 gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LØ) ble paret med 7 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LK). Fôrprøver og melkeprøver ble samlet inn annenhver måned. Botanisk sammensetning ble estimert før første slått i 2007. I tillegg ble data fra kukontrollen analysert. Melkeprøvene ble blant annet analysert for fettsyresammensetning, innhold av vitaminer, innhold av selen og innhold av fytoøstrogener. På de konvensjonelle gårdene var det grasarter som dominerte. På de økologiske gårdene var det i tillegg til grasarter en betydelig andel belgvekster (KØ) og urter (LØ). Kvalitetsegenskapene hos melk ble i større grad påvirket av produksjonssystem (økologisk eller konvensjonelt) enn av engdyrkingssystem (kortvarig eller langvarig eng). Det antas at hovedfaktorene var kraftfôrmengde, kraftfôrets innhold av lipider og botanisk sammensetning av grovfôret.


Et kontinuerlig beiteforsøk med 3 perioder à 3 uker ble gjennomført med 16 NRF-kyr i midtlaktasjonen. Målsetningen var å sammenligne melkequalitet når kyrne beitet rødkløvergras (RB) eller botanisk allsidig beite (AB). beitetype hadde ingen effekt på ytelse, melkas fettinnhold eller proteininnhold. Kyr som beitet RB hadde en høyere andel av fettsyrene C18:0 (22.41 vs. 9.96, P


Bare små forskjeller blei funne i mjølkas samansetjing frå gardar med ulik engdriftsmåtar. Unntaket var innhaldet av planteøstrogen som var høgast på økologiske gardar med kortvarig eng. Fettsyremønsteret av mjølkefettet og innhaldet av planteøstrogen i mjølka var sterkt påvirka av driftsmåte, dvs økologisk eller konvensjonell drift.


Bulk-tank milk was collected every second month (in 2007) from 32 farms in Middle Norway to examine the effect of grassland management and farming system on milk composition. Sixteen farms with organic farming system were paired with 16 farms with conventional farming system. In both farming systems, 9 farms had short-term rotational grassland and 7 farms had long-term grassland. Milk fatty acid (FA) composition and milk concentration of ?-tocopherol, ?-carotene, retinol, phytoestrogens and selenium were analyzed. Only small differences were found in milk composition from farms with different grassland management, except for the concentration of phytoestrogens and selenium that were highest on farms with short-term grassland. Milk FA composition, milk concentration of phytoestrogens and selenium were strongly affected by farming system. Milk from organic farming had higher concentration of phytoestrogens, selenium and higher proportion of C18:3n-3, short-chain FA, long-chain FA, saturated FA and lower proportion of C18:0, C18:1n-9, C18:2n-6 and lower n-6/n-3 FA ratio than milk from conventional farming.


Sammenhengen mellom engdriftssystemer og melkekvalitet i økologisk landbruk skal undersøkes i et nytt prosjekt. Valget mellom kortvarig og langvarig eng er avgjørende for den botaniske sammensetningen i drøvtyggerfôret og en kan forvente at melkas kvalitetsegenskaper påvirkes.


I et kontinuerlig produksjonsforsøk med 32 melkekyr (2005-06) i økologisk landbruk ble kraftfôrrasjoner basert på fiskemel og erter sammenlikna. Ved hjelp av kornblanding (havre og bygg) ble rasjonene balansert til å bli isonitrogene og isoenergetiske. Dyra var permanent (over tre år) fordelt på 2 grupper med en årlig kraftfôrtildeling tilsvarende henholdsvis 40% (H) og 10% (L) av fôrrasjonen (regnet på energibasis). Fiskemel ga høyere melkeytelse enn erter, og minst like god melkesmak. Fettsyresammensetningen i melka var gunstigst når fiskemel ble fôret. Både fiskemel og havre kan ha bidratt til den gunstige sammensetningen av fettsyrer. Både fiskemel og erter er gode proteinfôrmidler for økologisk melkeproduksjon. En kombinasjon av de to proteinkildene kan forventes å være særlig gunstig, siden fiskemel inneholder mye høyverdig protein som i liten grad brytes ned i vom, mens erteproteinet i større grad bidrar med nedbrytbart protein som stimulerer mikrobeproteinproduksjonen i vom.


Forsøksfelt med hvitkløver og rødkløver i blanding med grasarter ved ulike høsteregimer er gjennom-ført på Nordmøre, Nordland og Troms. Resultater etter to engår viser at rødkløver i eng har gitt større årsavling og tendens til litt bedre fôrkvalitet enn hvitkløverbasert eng. Hvitkløver og vil sann-synligvis gjøre mer av seg i 3. og 4. engår. Høsting av første slått ved begynnende skyting av timotei har redusert årsavlingen, men ga tendens til en liten men ikke signifikant kvalitetsøkning.


Økologiske melkeprodusenter må ta flere valg når fôringsregimet til melkekyrne planlegges. Ønsket avdrått, melkekvalitet, forventet grovfôrkvalitet, areal og dyrkingsforhold bestemmer hvor mye kraftfôr en skal bruke og hva gårdbrukeren kan dyrke selv eller må kjøpe inn til driften. Denne presentasjonen tar for seg viktige punkter ved valg av kraftfôregimet og belyser effekten med resultater fra forsøk gjennomført i Bodø i det fireårige forskningsprosjektet "Økologisk melkeproduksjon i Nord-Norge".


Fiskemel og ertemel ble i kombinasjon med korn fôret som isonitrogene og isoenergetiske (NEL) melkekyr i et produksjonsforsøk med høyt (HC) og lavt (LC) kraftfôrnivå. Fiskemel resulterte i en signifikant høyere melkeytelse (kg) med et lavere fettinnhold (HC) sammenlignet med ertemel. Andelene av oljesyre og vaksensyre, CLA (LC), DHA og summen av langkjedete fettsyrer var signifikant høyere og n-6/n-3 forholdet signifikant lavere (HC) i melkefett produsert på fiskemel sammenlignet med ertemel. Melkas sensoriske egenskapeer ble ikke påvirket.


Seks fôringsforsøk ble gjennomført for å undersøke ulike fôringsstrategier for melkekyr i økologisk landbruk. Ulike konserveringsmetoder for bygg, ulike utviklingstrinn av grassurfôr og ulike proteintilskudd hadde ingen effekt på melkas sensoriske kvalitet. Fiskemel ga ingen avvik fra normal melkesmak selv når det ble fôret to timer eller en halv time før kveldsmelking.


Produksjon og utnyttelse av surfôr i økologisk husdyrproduksjon i Nord-Norge gir en del ekstra utfordringer som kommer i tillegg til de vanlige utfordringene i norsk melkeproduksjon. Særlig er det økte utfordringer i forbindelse med dyrkingen, men også ved valg av høstetid, konservering og fôring. Dette innlegget vil i hovedsak omhandle økologisk melkeproduksjon, og de valg en har ved fôring med surfôr høsta ved ulike utviklingstrinn.


Early cut organic grass silage was compared with silage harvested 17 days (180 daydegrees) later in a continuous production experiment with 32 Norwegian Red dairy cows in early lactation. A half of the cows received a feed ration with 40% concentrates (H), and the other half 10% (L) on an annual energy basis. Early cut resulted in lower crop yields (2.17 t DM/ha) compared with normal cut (4.66 t DM/ha). Energy and protein concentrations were higher for early cut than for normal cut silage (6.4 vs. 5.6 MJ NEl, as assessed by NIRS, 136 vs. 105 g/kg DM CP). Feeding early cut silage of an organic ley increased feed intake. Cows at H produced 27.5 kg ECM per day with early cut silage and 25.3 kg ECM with normal cut silage, and cows at L produced respectively 24.7 and 22.4 kg ECM. Cows offered early cut silage had highest milk protein concentration (H: 34.6 vs. 32.8; L: 34.4 vs. 31.4 g/kg). In the present experiment the harvesting time did not influence the sensoric quality of milk, but low concentrate level reduced the milk taste slightly. Therefore early cut may only be recommended to farmers in northern Norway when acerage is not a limiting factor.


I norra Norge och norra Finland har forskats om vilken effekt olika utfodringssystemen av vallväxter har på fettsyrasammansättningen i mjölk och kött. Projektet Barents Agro Forum har finansierat båda försöken. Betestjurarna hade större slaktprocent och därmed bättre köttillväxt jämfört med tjurarna i lösdrift. Tjurarna behöver kraftfodertillägg så att tillväxten inte blir sämre på betet. Större andel långkedjade fettsyror vid den senare skördetiden kan tyda på ökad mobilisering från kons fettvävnad. Låg kraftfodernivå gav bättre proportion mellan omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror i mjölk.


I norra Norge och norra Finland har forskats om vilken effekt olika utfodringssystemen av vallväxter har på fettsyrasammansättningen i mjölk och kött. Försök i Finland: Betestjurarna hade större andel fleromättade fettsyror och större slaktprocent och därmed bättre köttillväxt jämfört med tjurarna i lösdrift. Tjurarna behöver kraftfodertillägg så att tillväxten inte blir sämre på betet. Försök i Norge: Tidig skörd gav högre avkastning och proteininnehåll i mjölk änn vid normal skördetid. Proportionen mellan omega-6/omega-3-fettsyror och innehållet av alfa-linolensyra var bäst vid tidig skörd. Mjølk producerat på grass skördat vid normal tid hade høgara innehåll av omättade fettsyror och CLA.


Feed fatty acid (FA) composition influences the FA composition of cow milk. In a continuous production experiment with 32 Norwegian red dairy cows fishmeal (FM) was compared to peameal (PM) as protein supplement to home-grown cereals and grass silage in organic farming. The protein supplements were together with cereals formulated to be isonitrogeneous and isoenergetic (NEL) and were compared at high (HC) and low concentrate (LC) level. The concentrate rations did not affect the intake of silage. Fishmeal resulted in significantly higher milk yield (kg) with a lower fat concentration (HC) compared to PM. Lower concentrations of urea and FFA were found in milk produced with FM compared to PM. Milk flavour and odour was equal or better when FM rather than PM was fed. Fishmeal diets increased significantly the proportions of several long-chain FAs: oleic acid (C18:1c9), vaccenic acid (C18:1c11), CLA (C18:2c9,t11, not significant at HC), C20:0, C18:1t10, and DHA (C22:6 n-3) in milk fat compared to PM. DHA, which is found in high concentrations in FM (14 g/100g FAME), had the most significant increase. The proportion of C18:3 n-3 (ALA) was significantly lower when FM was fed compared to PM. The percentage of saturated FA was significantly lower and the percentage of monounsaturated FA was higher when FM rather than PM was fed. For cows on HC the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower in the FM group than in the PM group, and the ratio was lower at LC than at HC (p = 0.006, interaction p = 0.02). Fishmeal diets included higher proportions of oats than PM diets. Oats have high content of oleic acid and may therefore have influenced the composition of FAs in milk fat as well as the protein supplements. Fishmeal increased the proportion of beneficial FAs without reducing the sensoric quality of milk. It remains unclear whether this is an effect of protein source or an effect of the higher oat proportions in FM diets.


Three continuous production experiments and three short term cross over experiments were carried out in Northern Norway to investigate different feeding strategies for dairy cows in organic farming. This paper focuses on the effects on sensoric milk quality. Half of the 32 Norwegian red dairy cows in the production experiments were fed 40% (HC) concentrates (on energy basis per year) and the other half 10% (LC). Twelve cows (HC) participated in the short term cross over experiments. The experimental factors in the continuous production experiments were barley preservation method (P1), grass silage maturity (P2) and type of protein supplement (P3), and in the short term cross over experiments barley preservation method (C1), type of protein supplement (C2) and time for fishmeal feeding (C3). In all experiments the cows were offered grass silage ad libitum, restricted amounts of cereals and protein feeds, and mineral and vitamin supplements. The sensoric quality of milk was in general high. In the production experiments, milk from cows in HC had slightly higher quality than from cows in LC (significant in P2, p = 0.04). Neither the preservation method of barley (dried or ensiled with molasses), maturity of grass silage or type of protein supplement (fishmeal or peameal) influenced the sensoric milk quality significantly. Also in the cross over experiments no effect of the studied factors was found in milk flavour and odour. Early harvested grass silage gave significantly lower FFA contents than grass silage cut at normal time (P2) and FM gave significantly lower FFA concentrations than peameal (P3). These results indicate that organic farmers with different feeding regimes can produce milk of first class sensoric quality. Also the content of FFA has been low in all experiments (except C1). However, feeding regimes containing low levels of concentrates may reduce milk taste slightly.


Effekten av tørket eller ensilert bygg (Arve) på fôropptak, melkeproduksjon og melkekvalitet i økologisk landbruk ble testet i to eksperimenter i Nord-Norge. I det første forsøket fikk to grupper enten 40% eller 10% kraftfôr (bygg) per ku og år beregnet på energibasis. Grassurfôr ble gitt etter apetitt. Både tørking og ensilering konserverte bygget godt og resulterte i omtrent samme fôropptak og melkeproduksjon. Kyr i gruppen med 10% bygg hadde lavere konsentrasjon av protein i melka enn kyr med 40% bygg. Smakeligheten av bygg var generelt lav og flere kyr hadde rester i hele forsøksperioden. Det andre forsøket var designet som et latinsk kvadrat med tre behandlinger. Eksperimentet ble gjennomført for å vurdere effekten av konserveringsmetode for bygg på melkekvalitet. Kyrne fikk grassurfôr ad libitum og 5,8 kg TS av bygg konservert ved enten tørking, ensilering med melasse eller ensilering med konserveringsmiddel som inneholdt propionsyre. Alle metodene konserverte bygget godt og ingen negative effekter av ensilert bygg ble observert.

Til dokument


Effekten av tre ulike konserveringsmetoder for bygg på fôropptak og melkekvalitet i økologisk landbruk ble testet i et fôringsforsøk med cross over design med tre perioder á en uke. Kyrne ble tildelt 6,0 kg TS (førstekalvskyr 5,0 kg TS) av enten tørket bygg (Arve), valset bygg ensilert med melasse, eller valset bygg ensilert med syrer. I tillegg til bygg ble kyrne tildelt grassurfôr ad libitum og en mineral/vitamin-blanding. Forsøket ble gjennomført i Bodø i mars 2004. Alle de tre metodene konserverte bygget godt. Konserveringsmetoden hadde ingen innvirkning på det totale fôropptaket. Kyrne var i sen laktasjon og melkeproduksjonen var lav, men det var ingen forskjell i ytelse mellom konserveringsmetodene for bygg. Innholdet av råprotein var lavt i grassurfôret og derfor også i den totale fôrrasjonen. Dette resulterte i ekstremt lavt innhold av ammonium i vomma. Når kyrne fikk bygg ensilert med syrer hadde de et noe lavere proteininnhold i melka enn når de fikk tørka eller melasseensilert bygg. Bare én av 12 prøver av kveldsmelk fra kyr som fikk bygg ensilert med melasse hadde redusert sensorisk kvalitet. Følgelig ble, i motsetning til tidligere forsøk, ingen negative effekter av ensilert bygg på sensorisk melkekvalitet observert.


Effekten av høstetid for økologisk eng i Nord-Norge på sammensetning av fettsyrer i melk ble undersøkt i et fôringsforsøk med melkekyr. Tidlig høsting av økologisk eng økte ytelsen og protein% i melk. Normal høstetid ga høyere fett% og en antatt helsemessig gunstigere sammensetning av melkefettet. Dette skyldtes bedre forhold mellom mettet og umettet fett samt mer CLA og transvaccensyre (C18:1t11). Innholdet av alfa-linolensyre (C18:3c9,12,15), og forholdet mellom omega-6 og omega-3 fettsyrer var gunstigst i melk fra tidlig høsta gras.


Ensilert bygg ble sammenlignet med tørket bygg som eneste kraftfôr til melkekyr i økologisk landbruk. Melkeproduksjonen har vært moderat i gruppen med 40% kraftfôr og lav i gruppen med 10% kraftfôr. Både tørking og ensilering konserverte bygget godt, med antydning til mugg på toppen av sekker med det ensilerte. Begge fôrslag hadde omtrent samme virkning på fôropptak og produksjon. Det har vist seg at bygg alene er for lite smakelig når det gis større mengder. Proteininnholdet i bygg var for lavt når det ble gitt som eneste kraftfôr til et surfôr med lavt proteininnhold.

ONETWO sentrifugering

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn

ONETWO - En avling, to fôrrasjoner – ​ lokalprodusert fôr fra bioraffinerte engvekster til melkekyr og slaktekylling

Engvekster er råstoffet ved grønn bioraffinering som gir en rekke interessant sluttprodukter. Forskningsprosjektet ONETWO har som mål å evaluere grønt proteinkonsentrat fra presset gras som proteinkilde i kyllingfôr og fiberrik pulp i fôret til melkekyr. Vi vil også bidra til teknologisk utvikling ved å teste nye avvanningsmetoder for råstoffer med høyt vanninnhold. Videre skal vi vurdere bærekraft og utvikle forretningsmodeller for bioraffinering av engvekster i Norge.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 09.02.2023
Slutt: des 2025
Start: jan 2023

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn

Bærekraftige tiltak i jordbrukslandskapet for å sikre mangfold av pollinatorer og andre nyttedyr: Integrert plante- og pollinatorvern (IPPV)

Integrert plante- og pollinatorvern (IPPV) er et relativt nytt konsept som omfatter tiltak med mål om å forbedre bærekraften i norsk jordbruk. Gjennom målrettede IPPV tiltak legges det til rette for økt biologisk mangfold i jordbrukslandskapet, både for å begrense bruk av plantevernmidler og forbedre pollineringen. Både pollinering og naturlig skadedyrkontroll er viktige økosystemtjenester som jordbruket kan dra stor nytte av. I dette prosjektet studerer vi IPPV ved etablering av blomsterstriper som tiltak i kulturlandskap flere steder i landet.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 03.11.2023
Slutt: des 2024
Start: jan 2022