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Disease-suppressive effects of nighttime applications of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) were investigated at two irradiance levels (1.6 or 0.8 W/m2) in strawberry and rosemary plants inoculated with Podosphaera aphanis or Golovinomyces biocellatus, respectively. Plants were exposed to each irradiance level every third night for either 9 or 18 min, every night for either 3 or 6 min, or three times every night for either 1 or 2 min. Thus, over time, all plants received the same cumulative dose of UV-B, and severity of powdery mildew was reduced by 90 to 99% compared with untreated controls in both crops. Use of polished aluminum lamp reflectors and UV-B reflective surfaces on greenhouse benches significantly increased treatment efficacy. An automated apparatus consisting of an adjustable boom with directed airflow was used to move UV-B lamps over greenhouse benches at 25 or 50 cm/min. Directed airflow moved leaves on the subtending plants to better expose upper and lower surfaces to UV-B but directed airflow actually decreased the efficacy of UV-B treatments, possibly by dispersing conidia from lesions before they were exposed to a lethal dose of UV-B. Results indicate broad applicability of nighttime applications of UV-B to suppress powdery mildews, and that cumulative UV-B dose is an overriding factor determining efficacy. Finally, enhanced suppression on shaded or obscured tissues is more likely to be affected by reflective bench surfaces than through attempts to physically manipulate the foliage.