Abdelhameed Elameen
(+47) 926 08 797
Ås - Bygg H7
Høgskoleveien 7, 1433 Ås
Live Lingaas Nesse Kristin Forfang Jannice Schau Slettemeås Snorre Hagen Marianne Sunde Abdelhameed Elameen Gro Skøien Johannessen Marianne Stenrød Girum Tadesse Tessema Marit Almvik Hans Geir EikenSammendrag
The abundance and diversity of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) in agricultural landscapes may be important for the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment. The aim of this study was to apply screening methods for ARB and ARGs to investigate the impact of farming on the prevalence of AMR in a country with low antibiotic usage. We have analyzed samples (n = 644) from soil and wild terrestrial animals and plants (slugs, snails, mice, shrews, earthworms, and red clover) collected over two years in agricultural fields accompanied by nearby control areas with low human activity. All samples were investigated for the occurrence of 35 different ARGs using high-throughput quantitative PCR (HT-qPCR) on a newly developed DNA array. In addition, samples from the first year (n = 415) were investigated with a culture-based approach combined with whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to identify antimicrobial-resistant E. coli (AREC). ARGs were detected in 59.5% of all samples (2019 + 2020). AREC, which was only investigated in the 2019 samples, was identified in 1.9% of these. Samples collected in the autumn showed more ARGs and AREC than spring samples, and this was more pronounced for organic fields than for conventional fields. Control areas with low human activity showed lower levels of ARGs and a lack of AREC. The use of livestock manure was correlated with a higher level of ARG load than other farming practices. None of the soil samples contained antibiotics, and no association was found between AMR and the levels of metals or pesticides. High qualitative similarity between HT-qPCR and WGS, together with the positive controls to the validation of our 35 ARG assays, show that the microfluid DNA array may be an efficient screening tool on environmental samples. In conclusion, even in a country with a very low consumption of antimicrobials by production animals, our results support the hypothesis of these animals being a source of AREC and ARGs in agricultural environments, primarily through the use of manure.
Erwinia amylovora, the causative agent of fire blight of pome fruits and other rosaceous plants belongs to the group of regulated quarantine pests. The aim of this work was to characterize the populations of E. amylovora in Norway and their geographical distribution. A total of 238 E. amylovora isolates recovered from symptomatic host plants in Norway between 1986 and 2004 were genotyped by means of a short sequence repeat (SSR) marker (ATTACAGA) on plasmid pEa29. The SSR region was amplified and amplicon size determined using fluorescent labelling and rapid, automated capillary gel electrophoresis. All isolates contained the pEa29 plasmid harbouring the investigated marker. In total, ten genotypes were identified, of which two were detected only once. The number of repeats varied from 3 to 13, with 43% of the isolates containing five repeats. Of 17 isolates collected between 1986 and 1991, all but one contained five repeats, whereas more variation was observed in isolates from the period 2000 to 2004. Most of the isolates (80%) originated from Cotoneaster bullatus, hence no relationship between genotype of the isolate and host species that it was isolated from could be detected. This historic data suggests multiple introductions of E. amylovora to Norway.
Background The order Lepidoptera has an abundance of species, including both agriculturally beneficial and detrimental insects. Molecular data has been used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of major subdivisions in Lepidoptera, which has enhanced our understanding of the evolutionary relationships at the family and superfamily levels. However, the phylogenetic placement of many superfamilies and/or families in this order is still unknown. In this study, we determine the systematic status of the family Argyresthiidae within Lepidoptera and explore its phylogenetic affinities and implications for the evolution of the order. We describe the first mitochondrial (mt) genome from a member of Argyresthiidae, the apple fruit moth Argyresthia conjugella. The insect is an important pest on apples in Fennoscandia, as it switches hosts when the main host fails to produce crops. Results The mt genome of A. conjugella contains 16,044 bp and encodes all 37 genes commonly found in insect mt genomes, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and a large control region (1101 bp). The nucleotide composition was extremely AT-rich (82%). All detected PCGs (13) began with an ATN codon and terminated with a TAA stop codon, except the start codon in cox1 is ATT. All 22 tRNAs had cloverleaf secondary structures, except trnS1, where one of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arms is missing, reflecting potential differences in gene expression. When compared to the mt genomes of 507 other Lepidoptera representing 18 superfamilies and 42 families, phylogenomic analyses found that A. conjugella had the closest relationship with the Plutellidae family (Yponomeutoidea-super family). We also detected a sister relationship between Yponomeutoidea and the superfamily Tineidae. Conclusions Our results underline the potential importance of mt genomes in comparative genomic analyses of Lepidoptera species and provide valuable evolutionary insight across the tree of Lepidoptera species. Keywords Argyresthia conjugella, Illumina HiSeq, Lepidoptera, Mitochondrial genome, Yponomeutoidea

Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
Genredigering av epler for bedre sykdomsresistens og holdbarhet
Epler er den frukten det dyrkes mest av i Norge, og årlig høstes det mellom 12-19 000 tonn her i landet (SSB). Epleskurv forårsaket av soppen

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
Full title: Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project Collaborative Project Systematic detection and mitigation of antimicrobial resistance in soil environment and animal health contributing to human health (SiNorAMR)