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Background of the study – Cryopreservation is considered to be a valuable method for long-term preservation of plant germplasm and recently it has been shown to be a reliable method for preserving obligate pathogens including plant viruses. Objectives – (1) Droplet-vitrification cryopreservation of strawberry genotypes in Norway; (2) Preservation efficiency of aphid-transmitted strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) and strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) following cryopreservation. Methods – Excised shoot tips of cv. ‘Korona’ were cryopreserved with different durations of PVS2 varying from 10 to 60 min, whereas virus-infected shoot tips were cryopreserved using either 10, 40 or 60 min of PVS2. Results – The results showed that 40–60 minutes of PVS2 treatment was more efficient for preserving strawberry germplasm than lower duration times (10–30 min). Thirty-two strawberry genotypes have been successfully cryopreserved through droplet-vitrification with regeneration rates ranging from 45% to 100% with 40 min PVS2 treatment. Cryopreserved viruses were quantitatively analyzed by Reverse Transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). SVBV was successfully cryopreserved in all the regenerated shoots following cryopreservation with all the three durations of PVS2 examined. SMYEV, however, was more efficiently preserved in shoot tips exposed to 40 min (90%) of PVS2, in comparison to 60 min (33%). Conclusion – This demonstrates that SMYEV and SVBV can be successfully cryopreserved in living cells of Fragaria ssp. by droplet vitrification. The results indicate that cryopreservation has great potential for long-time preservation of both strawberry germplasm and aphid-transmitted strawberry-infecting viruses.

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Precompression stress, compression index, and swelling index are used for characterizing the compressive behavior of soils, and are essential soil properties for establishing decision support tools to reduce the risk of soil compaction. Because measurements are time-consuming, soil compressive properties are often derived through pedotransfer functions. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive database of soil compressive properties with additional information on basic soil properties, site characteristics, and methodological aspects sourced from peer-reviewed literature, and to develop random forest models for predicting precompression stress using various subsets of the database. Our analysis illustrates that soil compressive properties data primarily originate from a limited number of countries. There is a predominance of precompression stress data, while little data on compression index or recompression index are available. Most precompression stress data were derived from the topsoils of conventionally tilled arable fields, which is not compatible with knowledge that subsoil compaction is a serious problem. The data compilation unveiled considerable variations in soil compression test procedures and methods for calculating precompression stress across different studies, and a concentration of data at soil moisture conditions at or above field capacity. The random forest models exhibited unsatisfactory predictive performance although they performed better than previously developed models. Models showed slight improvement in predictive power when the underlying data were restricted to a specific precompression stress calculation method. Although our database offers broader coverage of precompression stress data than previous studies, the lack of standardization in methodological procedures complicates the development of predictive models based on combined datasets. Methodological standardization and/or functions to translate results between methodologies are needed to ensure consistency and enable data comparison, to develop robust models for precompression stress predictions. Moreover, data across a wider range of soil moisture conditions are needed to characterize soil mechanical properties as a function of soil moisture, similar to soil hydraulic functions, and to develop models to predict the parameters of such soil mechanical functions.


Microbial source tracking (MST) has been recognised as an effective tool for determining the origins and sources of faecal contamination in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Thus, it has been widely applied in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys to define specific animal- and human-associated faecal eDNA. In this context, identification of and differentiation between anthropogenic and zoogenic faecal pollution origins and sources are pivotal for the evaluation of waterborne microbial contamination transport and the associated human, animal, and environmental health risks. These concerns are particularly pertinent to diverse nature-based solutions (NBS) that are being applied specifically to secure water safety and human and ecosystem well-being, for example, constructed wetlands (CWs) for water and wastewater treatment. The research in this area has undergone a constant evolution, and there is a solid foundation of publications available across the world. Hence, there is an early opportunity to synthesise valuable information and relevant knowledge on this specific topic, which will greatly benefit future work by improving NBS design and performance. By selecting 15 representative research reports published over 20 years, we review the current state of MST technology applied for faecal-associated contamination measures in NBS/CWs throughout the world.

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Climate change, landscape homogenization and the decline of beneficial insects threaten pollination services to wild plants and crops. Understanding how pollination potential (i.e. the capacity of ecosystems to support pollination of plants) is affected by climate change and landscape homogenization is fundamental for our ability to predict how such anthropogenic stressors affect plant biodiversity. Models of pollinator potential are improved when based on pairwise plant-pollinator interactions and pollinator´s plant preferences. However, whether the sum of predicted pairwise interactions with a plant within a habitat (a proxy for pollination potential) relates to pollen deposition on flowering plants has not yet been investigated. We sampled plant-bee interactions in 68 Scandinavian plant communities in landscapes of varying land-cover heterogeneity along a latitudinal temperature gradient of 4–8 C°, and estimated pollen deposition as the number of pollen grains on flowers of the bee-pollinated plants Lotus corniculatus, and Vicia cracca. We show that plant-bee interactions, and the pollination potential for these bee-pollinated plants increase with landscape diversity, annual mean temperature, plant abundance, and decrease with distances to sand-dominated soils. Furthermore, the pollen deposition in flowers increased with the predicted pollination potential, which was driven by landscape diversity and plant abundance. Our study illustrates that the pollination potential, and thus pollen deposition, for wild plants can be mapped based on spatial models of plant-bee interactions that incorporate pollinator-specific plant preferences. Maps of pollination potential can be used to guide conservation and restoration planning.

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Målet med prosjektet har vært å utarbeide et verktøy som indikerer risikoen for utlekking av plantevernmidler til grunnvann og drensvann i potet, vårkorn, høstkorn, oljevekster, gulrot, jordbær og epler under ulike jord- og klimaforhold i Norge. I tilfeller der det finnes ulike alternative midler, kan det mest miljøvennlige alternativet velges. Prosjektet er rettet mot Handlingsplanens mål om bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler og å redusere risikoen for negative effekter på helse og miljø og utlysningens faglige prioriteringer om kunnskap om plantevernmidler under norske forhold og da spesielt transport i jord. Målgruppa for prosjektet vil i første rekke være næringsutøvere og rådgivere, men resultatene kan også benyttes av forvaltningen. Modellen MACRO-DB er benyttet til å estimere risikoen for utlekking til drensvann/grunnvann under norske forhold for alle plantevernmidler godkjent i de sju kulturene. Resultatene viser blant annet at områder med mye nedbør gir signifikant høyere risiko for utlekking enn tørrere områder og at ugrasmidler er den gruppen av midler som gir høyest risiko. Videre viser enkelte jordtyper høyere risiko for utlekking enn andre, men dette kan avhenge av klima og type midler. Om jordtypen er drenert eller ikke, kan også ha betydning. Videre er det utviklet tabeller som angir risiko for utlekking av ulike plantevernmidler ved forskjellig klima og jordsmonn dekkende for fire av de største landbruksregionene i Norge. Tabellene skal tilgjengeliggjøres for næringsutøvere og veiledere i hele landet og oppdateres årlig. Resultatene gir brukere av plantevernmidler et verktøy de kan bruke

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The ability to identify locations that have a high risk of fungal decay is important for service life planning and analysing changes in risk can help inform scenarios where climate change may shift some areas into states that are more suitable for decay. The ERA5-Land database was used to obtain soil moisture and temperature data, which was applied in a dose–response model for in-ground wood decay. Dose was used as an indicator of decay risk and to produce hazard maps over Germany for the past two climate normals (1963–1992 and 1993–2022). There was an increase of 3.16 dose days over Germany. Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, had the highest decay risk in both climate normals and southern states experienced the lowest decay risk. In Germany, larger dose increases were seen in central to southern latitude regions and mid to high altitudes. With further climate change, conditions that are most suitable for in-ground wood decay may shift to locations that previously did not experience such risk. It is important to be informed of the durability requirements of wood products in areas where increased resistance may be required.