Marta Vergarechea
(+47) 453 94 023
Ås - Bygg H8
Høgskoleveien 8, 1433 Ås
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Forests, especially in the northern latitudes, are vulnerable ecosystems to climate change, and tree-ring data offer insights into growth-climate relationships as an important effect. Using the National Forest Inventory plot network, we analysed these correlations for the two dominant conifer species in Norway – Norway spruce and Scots pine – for the 1960–2020 period. For both species, the June climate was an important driver of radial growth during this period. Countrywide, the climate-growth correlations divided the Norwegian forests into spatial clusters following a broad shift from temperature- to water-sensitivity of growth with latitude and altitude. The clusters were delineated by a mean 1960–2020 June temperature of ca. 12°C for Norway spruce and Scots pine. The annual mean growing season and July temperatures – but not June temperature – has increased by 1.0 °C between the 1960–1990 and 1990–2020 periods, with a slight increase in precipitation. Despite this warming and wetting trend, the long-term growth-climate relationship has remained relatively stable between 1960 and 1990 and 1990–2020 for both species. The threshold between temperature and water-sensitive growth has not changed in the last two 31-year periods, following the stability of the June temperature compared with other months during the growing season. These findings highlight geographically coherent regions in Norway, segregating between temperature- and water-sensitive radial growth for the two major conifer species, temporally stable in the long-term for the 1960–2020 period studied.
Aksel Granhus Clara Antón-Fernández Heleen de Wit Kjersti Holt Hanssen Fride Høistad Schei Rannveig Margrete Vigdisdatter Jacobsen Ulrika Jansson Heikki Korpunen Christian Wilhelm Mohr Jenni Nordén Jørund Rolstad Ignacio Sevillano Svein Solberg Ken Olaf Storaunet Marta VergarecheaSammendrag
Miljødirektoratet har gitt NIBIO, NINA og NIVA i oppdrag å vurdere hvilken effekt økt bruk av lukkede hogstformer kan ha for karbonlagring i skog, biodiversitet, økologisk tilstand, vannkvalitet og skognæring. Oppdraget er utført ved hjelp av gjennomgang av relevant litteratur, data fra Landsskogtakseringen, modellbaserte simuleringer og ekspertvurderinger.