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Emilie SandellSammendrag
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Junbin ZhaoSammendrag
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This study investigates cow behaviour when visiting two GreenFeed Emission Monitoring (GEM) units within a Part-Time Grazing (PTG) system. Two separate PTG systems were assessed in Sweden and Norway, involving Nordic Red and Norwegian Red dairy cows, respectively. In Sweden, 24 cows were allocated to treatments with restricted access to pasture, either daytime or nighttime grazing. Meanwhile, the Norwegian PTG involved 33 cows with free pasture access, categorized by varying training levels (Partially or Fully). In both PTG systems, cows were exposed to GEM units positioned indoors (Indoor) and in the grazing pastures (Pasture), with individual visitations recorded. Significant variations in visitation patterns were observed. In the restricted access PTG, Nighttime grazing access cows exhibited reduced visits to the Indoor GEM unit but increased visits to the Pasture GEM unit compared to Daytime grazing. Conversely, within the free access PTG, fully trained cows demonstrated elevated visits to the pasture GEM unit and total visits compared to their partially trained counterparts. These findings highlight the influence of temporal conditions and training levels on cow-visiting behaviour within PTG systems.
Vibeke Lind Shelemia Nyamuryekung'e Quentin Lardy Mårten Hetta Mats Höglind Mohammad RaminSammendrag
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Vibeke Lind Shelemia Nyamuryekung'e Quentin Lardy Mårten Hetta Mats Höglind Mohammad RaminSammendrag
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