Habtamu Alem
(+47) 993 67 513
Ås - Bygg O43
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås (Varelevering: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 23)
Alem har doktorgrad og MSc. i økonomi fra Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) ved Handelshøyskolen. Han er forsker ved Norsk Institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO), avdeling for økonomi og samfunn. Alem har god kunnskap om miljø og ressursøkonomi som er basen for sirkulærøkonomi og virkemiddelvurderinger. Han koordinerer for tiden det EU-baserte samarbeidsprosjektet SYSTEMIC. I dette prosjektet er en av hovedoppgavene å gjennomføre sirkulære økonomier i 8 EU-land (Belgia, Frankrike, Tyskland, Italia, Latvia, Norge, Portugal og Spania). Alem spiller en nøkkelrolle for OECD-nettverk for økonomisk analyse.
Hans forskningsinteresse er mat og ernæringssikkerhet; Miljø- og produksjonsøkonomi; Klima forandringer; Økonometri; konsekvensutredning; sirkulær økonomi; kostnads-nytte-analyse; forbruker økonomi; Risikoanalyse; og topis relatert til utviklingsøkonomi (utviklingsland og utviklede land).
Habtamu AlemSammendrag
Previous application of the stochastic frontier model and subsequent measurement of the performance of the crop sector can be criticized for the estimated production function relying on the assumption that the underlying technology is the same for different agricultural systems. This paper contributes to estimating regional efficiency and the technological gap in Norwegian grain farms using the stochastic metafrontier approach. For this study, we classified the country into regions with district level of development and, hence, production technologies. The dataset used is farm-level balanced panel data for 19 years (1996–2014) with 1463 observations from 196 family farms specialized in grain production. The study used the true random effect model and stochastic metafrontier analysis to estimate region-level technical efficiency (TE) and technology gap ratio (TGR) in the two main grain-producing regions of Norway. The result of the analysis shows that farmers differ in performance and technology use. Consequently, the paper gives some regionally and farming system-based policy insights to increase grain production in the country to achieve self-sufficiency and small-scale farming in all regions.
Grete H. M. Jørgensen Ellen Elverland Bjørn Egil Flø Habtamu Alem Divina Gracia P. Rodriguez Anette Tjomsland Spilling Ragnhild BorchseniusSammendrag
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Habtamu AlemSammendrag
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Habtamu AlemSammendrag
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Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
DairyMix. Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production
A total of 10 research institutions from Europe and Latin America have joint forces to develop a tool for dairy farmers. The overall aim is to increase sustainability and reinforce climate friendly mixed crop and dairy production systems.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
FoodsecURe: Food security through better sanitation: the case of urine recycling
Human urine contains essential plant nutrients. Hence, urine can serve as a “free” and locally available fertiliser. Successful, low-cost urine-diverting toilets (UDTs) that separately collect urine have been developed in Scandinavia and Europe and manufactured at large scale in Africa. A solution for stabilising urine into a solid fertiliser has also been developed. But why can't we recycle urine at scale? In Sweden UDTs are used in some cottages, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU) has developed a method to stabilise and dry urine into a fertiliser product, urine-based fertiliser (UBF). FoodSecure aims to implement this technology at a medium scale in Ethiopia.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Agricultural mitigation measures and the value of water quality improvements
Agriculture is one of the main sources of water pollution in Norway, and an important contributor to GHG emissions.

Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Tiltak i landbruket og verdien av forbedret vannkvalitet
Landbruket er en av de viktigste kildene til vannforurensing i Norge, og samtidig en stor bidragsyter til klimautslipp.