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This paper investigates the adoption of digital technologies for food waste reduction and prevention in Norway. It goes beyond studying one single technology, aiming to have a broad understanding of digital technology adoption as ‘a (digital) innovation system’ by applying a multiple case study of four different digital technologies used by companies in the food and hospitality sector in Norway. I strive to understand why Norwegian companies, i.e. food producers, grocery chains, restaurants, and cafes (or technology adopters) adopt the technologies in the first place and what benefits and challenges they may encounter along with the adoption. Data inputs for this paper are gathered from semi-structured interviews with several technology adopters. Empirical insights show that the benefits include economic advantage by reducing the amount of waste and increased awareness among employees. However, there are at least several challenges concerning the adoption of digital technologies. Some adopters found that the digital technologies were too costly, incompatible with their internal (IT) systems, or mismatched economic models. Another challenge is employee awareness about food waste and related digital technologies. The paper sheds light on the multiple and complex challenges in adopting digital technologies for food waste prevention and reduction.


Klimaendringer er i Norge ventet å gi en lenger vekstsesong, men også risiko for mer ekstremvær som tørke og episoder med store nedbørsmengder. Dette vil påvirke planteproduksjonen og behovet for tilpasninger. Dette faktaarket omhandler strategier for klimatilpasning for byggdyrking på lettleire i Hedmark.


Klimaendringer er i Norge ventet å gi en lenger vekstsesong som kan øke muligheten for å etablere høstkorn i tide om høsten og dermed øke høstkornarealet. Det er også forventet mer ekstremvær som store nedbørsmengder og tørke. Det kan gi utfordringer i forhold til etablering av høstkornet, påvirke planteproduksjonen og behovet for tilpasninger. Dette faktaarket omhandler strategier for klimatilpasning for høstkornproduksjon på leirjord i Østfold.