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By the time they enter soils, engineered nanomaterials (ENM) have undergone physicochemical transformations and may no longer resemble the pristine materials which have been thoroughly investigated during two decades of nanotoxicology research. Is the behavior of environmentally relevant chemical forms of ENM different from that of other metallic species present in soils? Are they more available to soil organisms than their naturally occurring counterparts? The present study aimed at answering these questions, through the use of isotopically enriched ENMs, which could be traced at low concentrations in soil microcosms, despite high natural metallic background. The relevance of the chemical forms was ensured by introducing isotopically enriched 109Ag, 68ZnO and 46TiO2 ENM to a wastewater treatment plant and using the resulting sewage sludge (final sink for most ENM) as amendment in soil microcosms with earthworms. The sludge application rate to soil was similar to that used in agriculture and the experiment lasted for a month. Protocols using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were developed for determination of isotope ratios in complex matrixes, such as soil and organisms. For 109Ag ENM, the dissolved fraction in soil (i.e. the most easily accumulated in organisms) was extremely low and comparable to that of Ag naturally present in soil, and transfer factors to earthworms were similar to those of natural Ag. For 46TiO2 ENM, the transfer to earthworms was negligible, similarly to what was observed for natural Ti. While no difference in behavior and bioavailability was observed between ENM and their naturally occurring counterparts for Ag and Ti, different results were obtained for Zn. The dissolved fraction for 68ZnO ENM was 3-5 times higher than for Zn forms naturally present in soil, and transfer factors to earthworms twice those of natural Zn. Overcoming long-standing challenges related to environmental relevance of chemical forms and concentrations in nanotechnology studies, the approach provides valuable insight into behavior and impacts of environmentally relevant forms of ENM in soils.


Etter oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen og prosjektet E16 Bjørum - Skaret har NIBIO med samarbeidspartnere utført undersøkelser av vannkjemi og biologi i vannforekomstene som påvirkes av anleggsvirksomheten. De høye verdiene for nitrogen i Damtjernbekken synes å normaliseres etter avsluttet tunneldriving. Tilsvarende avtar nitrogenavrenningen til Rustanbekken. Bekkene viste lave konsentrasjoner av tungmetaller. Unntaket var Damtjernbekken, som tidvis viste forhøyede konsentrasjoner av krom fram til tunneldrivingen ble avsluttet i august 2023. De biologiske undersøkelsene viste god eller svært god tilstand for bunndyr, begroing og fisk i alle bekkene, men moderat for begroingsalger i Rustanbekken. Samlet ble økologisk tilstand i bekkene vurdert som moderat som følge av forhøyede konsentrasjoner av totalnitrogen.

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Rovebekken drenerer mye av Sandefjord lufthavn. Det ble ikke påvist glykol i ukeblandprøvene fra Rovebekken gjennom avisingssesongen 2023. Kravene i utslippstillatelsen er dermed overholdt. Det ble ikke påvist formiat i prøver fra Rovebekken prioritert for analyse av baneavisingsmidler. I overvann (St. N og S) mot Vårnes- og Unnebergbekken ble det påvist lave konsentrasjoner av glykol (PG) og formiat (Fo) i enkelte prøver. Ved fiskeundersøkelsen i juli 2023 ble det ikke registrert ørretunger på stasjonen (R 3-4), rett nedstrøms lufthavna. Antatt årsak var lekkasje av husdyrgjødsel til bekken. Rett nedstrøms, ved Stavnumveien, var det normal tetthet av ørretunger (72 fisk/100 m2).


Microbial source tracking (MST) has been recognised as an effective tool for determining the origins and sources of faecal contamination in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Thus, it has been widely applied in environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys to define specific animal- and human-associated faecal eDNA. In this context, identification of and differentiation between anthropogenic and zoogenic faecal pollution origins and sources are pivotal for the evaluation of waterborne microbial contamination transport and the associated human, animal, and environmental health risks. These concerns are particularly pertinent to diverse nature-based solutions (NBS) that are being applied specifically to secure water safety and human and ecosystem well-being, for example, constructed wetlands (CWs) for water and wastewater treatment. The research in this area has undergone a constant evolution, and there is a solid foundation of publications available across the world. Hence, there is an early opportunity to synthesise valuable information and relevant knowledge on this specific topic, which will greatly benefit future work by improving NBS design and performance. By selecting 15 representative research reports published over 20 years, we review the current state of MST technology applied for faecal-associated contamination measures in NBS/CWs throughout the world.