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Mattilsynet har i samarbeid med NIBIO undersøkt nivåene av visse naturlige giftstoffer (plantetoksiner) for å få mer data og kunnskap om nivåene i utvalgte matvarer. Dette gjelder plantetoksinene tropane alkaloider i kornbasert mat og urtete, og pyrrolizidin alkaloider i te og urtete. I 2019 fant vi tropane alkaloider i form av atropin i 2 av 10 frokostblandinger og atropin og skopolamin i 1 av 5 urtete. Funnet var over den foreslåtte grenseverdien for tropane alkaloider i urtete. Det ble påvist pyrrolizidin alkaloider i 9 av 15 prøver av te og urtete. En av urteteene (merket ammete) hadde nivåer over den grenseverdien som nylig ble fastsatt for pyrrolizidin alkaloider i urtete i 2021. I 2020 ble det påvist tropane alkaloider i form av skopolamin i 2 av 5 prøver maismel, og pyrrolizidin alkaloider ble påvist i 18 av 25 prøver av urtete. Ingen av prøvene hadde nivåer over den foreslåtte grenseverdien for tropane alkaloider i maismel eller over grenseverdien som nylig ble fastsatt for pyrrolizidin alkaloider i urtete i 2021. Der det er gitt grenseverdier for disse giftstoffene i mat vil resultatene bli fulgt opp overfor selger av produktene og inngå i den offentlige kontrollen av reguleringen på matområdet. Der det ikke er gitt grenseverdier, vil resultatene bidra inn i kunnskapsgrunnlaget for vurdering av ny regulering av disse giftstoffene i mat.

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Helminth parasitic infections are common in small ruminants in Norway; infection is usually treated with anthelmintic drugs, but anthelmintic resistance is an increasing problem. It is necessary to identify strategies to reduce the use of anthelmintic drugs and mitigate the impact of anthelmintic resistance. Condensed tannin (CT)-rich forages have been shown to reduce the helminth burden in small ruminants, but these forages have limited cultivation potential in Scandinavia. A good source for CT in cold climatic regions may be the bark of several commercially utilized tree species. In the present study, we determined the content and characterized the type of CT in bark extracts of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), spruce (Picea abies L.), and birch (Betula pubescens). Extracts of selected bark samples were tested for their anthelmintic efficacy against the ovine infectious nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta. Total CT content was higher in the bark from younger (10–40 years old) pine and spruce trees; it decreased with tree age in pine, whereas it remained relatively stable in the bark of spruce and birch. Pine trees consisted of 100% procyanidins, whereas prodelphinins were present in most spruce (4–17%) and all birch samples (5–34%). Our studies clearly showed that there is variation in the anthelmintic activity of water and acetone extracts of bark samples collected from various sites around Norway, as this was measured with two independent in vitro assays, the egg hatch and larvae motility assays. The anthelmintic activity of some extracts was consistent between the two assays; for example, extracts from the three samples with the highest CT content showed very high activity in both assays, whereas the extract from the sample with the lowest CT content showed the lowest activity in both assays. For other extracts, activity was not consistent across the assays, which could be attributed to the susceptibility of the different stages of the parasitic life cycle. We demonstrated that bark extracts from commercially used trees in Scandinavia have the potential to be used as alternatives to anthelmintics. Further work should focus on refining the associations between bark extracts and anthelmintic activity to identify the best strategies to reduce the input of anthelmintic drugs in livestock production systems.


Resultatmål for prosjektet har vært å finne fram til et optimalt biofilter til oppsamling og rensing av avrenningsvann fra arealer hvor det håndteres plantevernmidler og parkeres/vaskes sprøyteutstyr. Et biofilteranlegg bestående av stablebare kassetter fylt med en blanding av jord (25 %), kompost (25 %) og halm (50 %), og en betongplate (vaskeplatting) med oppsamlingssystem ble anlagt i 2017 med midler fra Forskningmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri. Biofilteret er undersøkt for (1) Effektivitet for rensing av plantevernmidler, (2) Kapasitet gjennom flere års drift, og (3) Nedbrytning og binding av plantevernmidler i biomiksen i biofilterkasettene. Denne utprøvingen er gjennomført i 2018–2020 med midler tildelt fra Landbruksdirektoratet over Handlingsplan for bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler (2016–2020).

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Pesticides in agricultural surface water runoff cause a major threat to freshwater systems. Installation of filter systems or constructed wetlands in areas of preferential run-off is a possible measure for pesticides abatement. To develop such systems, combinations of filter materials suitable for retention of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic pesticides were tested for pesticide removal in planted microcosms. The retention of six pesticides frequently detected in surface waters (bentazone, MCPA, metalaxyl, propiconazole, pencycuron, and imidacloprid) was evaluated in unplanted and planted pot experiments with novel bed material mixtures consisting of pumice, vermiculite, water super-absorbent polymer (SAP) for retention of ionic and water soluble pesticides, and synthetic hydrophobic wool for adsorption of hydrophobic pesticides. The novel materials were compared to soil with high organic matter content. The highest retention of the pesticides was observed in the soil, with a considerable translocation of pesticides into the plants, and low leaching potential, in particular for the hydrophobic compounds. However, due to the high retention of pesticides in soil, environmental risks related to their long term mobilization cannot be excluded. Mixtures of pumice and vermiculite with SAP resulted in high retention of i) water and ii) both hydrophilic and hydrophobic pesticides but with much lower leaching potential compared to the mineral systems without SAP. Mixtures of such materials may provide near natural treatment options in riparian strips and also for treatment of rainwater runoff without the need for water containment systems.

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Difenoconazole is a widely used triazole fungicide that has been frequently detected in the environment, but comprehensive study about its environmental fate and toxicity of potential transformation products (TPs) is still lacking. Here, laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the degradation kinetics, pathways, and toxicity of transformation products of difenoconazole. 12, 4 and 4 TPs generated by photolysis, hydrolysis and soil degradation were identified via UHPLC-QTOF/MS and the UNIFI software. Four intermediates TP295, TP295A, TP354A and TP387A reported for the first time were confirmed by purchase or synthesis of their standards, and they were further quantified using UHPLC-MS/MS in all tested samples. The main transformation reactions observed for difenoconazole were oxidation, dechlorination and hydroxylation in the environment. ECOSAR prediction and laboratory tests showed that the acute toxicities of four novel TPs on Brachydanio rerio, Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum are substantially lower than that of difenoconazole, while all the TPs except for TP277C were predicted chronically very toxic to fish, which may pose a potential threat to aquatic ecosystems. The results are important for elucidating the environmental fate of difenoconazole and assessing the environmental risks, and further provide guidance for scientific and reasonable use.


Many greenkeepers and authorities are concerned about the environmental risks resulting from pesticide use on golf courses. We studied leaching and surface runoff of fungicides and metabolites during two winter seasons after fall application of boscalid, pyraclostrobin, prothioconazole, trifloxystrobin and fludioxonil in field lysimeters at NIBIO Landvik, Norway. The applications were made on creeping bentgrass greens (5% slope) that had been established from seed or sod (26 mm mat) on USGA‐spec. root zones amended with Sphagnum peat or garden compost, both with 0.3‐0.4% organic carbon in the root zone. The proportions of the winter precipitation recovered as surface and drainage water varied from 3 and 91% in 2016‐17 to 33 and 55% in 2017‐18 due to differences in soil freezing, rainfall intensity and snow and ice cover. Detections of fungicides and their metabolites in drainage water were mostly within the Environmental Risk Limits (ERLs) for aquatic organisms. In contrast, concentrations in surface runoff exceeded ERLs by up to 1000 times. Greens established from sod usually had higher fungicide losses in surface runoff but lower losses in drainage water than greens established from seed. Presumably because of higher microbial activity and a higher pH that made prothioconazole‐desthio more polar, fungicide and metabolite losses in drainage water were usually higher from greens containing compost that from greens containing peat. Leaching of fungicides and metabolites occurred even from frozen greens. The results are discussed in a practical context aiming for reduced environmental risks from spraying fungicides against turfgrass winter diseases.


Future weather patterns are expected to result in increased precipitation and temperature, in Northern Europe. These changes can potentially cause an increase in plant disease and insect pests which will alter agricultural practice amongst other things the used crop types and application patterns of pesticides. We use a Bayesian network to explore a probabilistic risk assessment approach to better account for variabilities and magnitudes of pesticide exposure to the aquatic ecosystem. As Bayesian networks link selected input and output variables from various models and other information sources, they can serve as meta-models. In this study, we are using a pesticide fate and transport models (e.g. WISPE) with specific environmental factors such as soil and site parameters together with chemical properties and climate scenarios that are linked to a representative Norwegian study area. The derived exposure of pesticide of the study area is integrated in the Bayesian network model to estimate the risk to the aquatic ecosystem also integrating an effect distribution derived from toxicity test. This Bayesian network model will allow to incorporate climate predictions into ecological risk assessment.


Plantevernmidler er et viktig verktøy i dagens plantevernpraksis i jordbruket for å sikre gode avlinger. Miljørisikoen knyttet til det enkelte plantevernmiddel vurderes nøye før det godkjennes for bruk, men langvarig overvåking er nødvendig for å avdekke de faktiske miljøkonsentrasjoner og - effekter etter forskriftsmessig bruk av plantevernmidler. Sveriges nasjonale miljøovervåkingsprogram for plantevernmidler startet i 2002. Hovedmålet med programmet er å følge langtidstrender i påvirkningen av jordbrukets plantevernmiddelbruk på kvaliteten av overflate- og grunnvann, samt å bestemme miljøkonsentrasjonene av plantevernmidler i sediment, luft og nedbør. Formålet med denne evalueringen var å vurdere styrker og svakheter ved overvåkingsprogrammet, samt behov for endringer i den praktiske gjennomføringen, rapporteringsprosedyrer og målsetningen med programmet. Denne evalueringen vurderer også behovene hos de aktuelle sluttbrukergruppene for programmet som inkluderer svensk landbruks- og miljøforvaltning, rådgivningstjenesten i landbruket, bønder og bondeorganisasjoner mv.