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The leaf blotch disease complex (LBD) frequently reduces yield of wheat in Norway. In visual assessments field symptoms can be difficult to attribute definitively to specific causal agents, and may be caused by any or all of the following three pathogens: Stagonospora nodorum (teleomorph: Phaeosphaeria nodorum) causing Stagonospora nodorum or glume blotch (SNB), Septoria tritici (teleomorph: Mycosphaerella graminicola) causing Septoria tritici or speckled leaf blotch (STB), and Drechslera tritici-repentis (teleomorph: Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) causing tan spot (DTR). There is no broad resistance to all three pathogens in commercially relevant wheat  varieties. We analyzed 9 years of historical data on severity of LBD in the field and 36 years of historical data on post-harvest SNB infection of wheat kernels. Overall, correlation between leaf severity and seed severity over years was low (r=0.5). However, during the last 4 years correlations between SNB seed infection and severity of LBD increased (r=0.825). LBD severity varied signficantly with geographic location and increased exponentially on the last 3 leaves betweeen BBCH stage 70 and the last assessment at BBCH stage 89. An improved understanding of environmental and host developmental factors as they affect each member fo the LBD complex in the field will be essential to screening for quantitative and durable resistance to LBD.


The leaf blotch complex is one of the most important yield limiting disease on wheat in Norway. It is caused by three pathogens, Septoria tritici ( Mycosphaerella graminicola), Stagonospora nodorum ( Phaeosphaeria nodorum), and Drechslera tritici-repentis (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis). The symptoms of each of the pathogens are similar and easily confused with leaf senescence, making it difficult to assess the true disease severity and thus hampering breeding for leaf blotch resistance. To reduce unnecessary pesticide use and the risk of pesticide resistance developing in the fungal populations, timing of disease control measures are based on forecasting models. The degree of a leaf blotch epidemic is determined by initial inoculums, precipitation, temperature, time, availability of susceptible hosts and the degree of susceptibility. During the last 20 years, the start of the growing season as marked by a soil temperature of 5C, has advanced by 1-1.5 days per year (Rafoss, 2009), indicating an increase in the length of growing seasons. The trend for warmer and wetter growing seasons is predicted to continue in the future. It is of high relevance to the wheat industry to understand the impact of these changes on leaf blotch diseases in the field to optimize disease forecasting and management. We have collected data on leaf blotch severity in the field and weather conditions at different wheat growing areas in Norway over the last 10 years. Based on this data, we do not see a general increase in disease severity over the last decade. However, the data shows that there are local shifts in maximum disease severity; areas that support high disease severity and areas that support very little. Given the amount of initial inoculum and availability of susceptible hosts are comparable between the different wheat growing areas, the local climate per site becomes the determining factor for the epidemic.  We studied the effect of relatively small, local differences in precipitation, temperature, and start of growing season on leaf blotch development in the field. The analysis of local shifts in climatic conditions and their relation to disease development allows us to estimate the effect of the changing climate on leaf blotch disease in the future.



I gjennomsnitt for forsøkene disse tre årene har Cycocel 750 gitt bedre resultat både på legde og avling enn Cerone. Cycocel 750 har gitt et resultat nesten på høyde med bruk av soppbekjempingsmidlene avlingsmessig, men har gitt et noe bedre resultat mot legda. Dersom det var satt inn en behandling med Cycocel, hadde en ikke noe igjen avlingsmessig for å behandle med Cerone i tillegg. Soppbekjemping har gitt en meravling, og det er verdt å merke seg soppmidlenes effekt på legden. Kombinasjonen av Cycocel 750 og en soppbekjempelse har gitt det beste resultatet avlingsmessig, og reduserte risikoen for redusert falltall. Tidlig i sesongen, på det tidspunkt en skal behandle med Cycocel, vet en lite om hvordan sesongen vil bli. Rugen er lang og normalt vil det være aktuelt med en behandling med Cycocel. Forsøkene har også vist relativt store og lønnsomme utslag for en tidlig soppbekjempelse. Begge disse behandlingene har gitt avlingsøking, mindre legde, høyere falltall og lettere tresking. I mindre frodige åkre vil ofte en tidlig behandling med et soppmiddel som har virkning mot stråknekker være vel så viktig som 2 ganger vekstregulering.VekstreguleringOgPlantevern.pdf


Bruken av VIPS har økt i de seinere årene. Behovet for et slikt system som kan vise utviklingen av planteskadegjørere og fungere som beslutningsstøtte vil øke i åra framover på grunn av endringer i klima, endring av skadegjørerne, endret dyrkingsteknikk og færre tilgjengelige plantevernmidler.