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Presentation at the scientific conference of the agrotechnical fair in Kielce: New Techniques and Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture.


In 1998 the new main airport of Norway was opened at Gardermoen, 40 km north of Oslo. The Gardermoen aquifer is the largest rain fed unconfined aquifer in Norway. The national pollution authorities demanded from the airport that there should be no pollution of the groundwater (e.g. from de-icing chemicals and jet-fuels) and the groundwater balance should be maintained. Several studies were conducted in order to examine the general geology in the area, unsaturated and saturated flow and transport. In this article, potential pollutants caused by winter operations will be discussed. Potassium Format (KF) is used for the de-icing of runways and Propylene Glycol (PG) is the active component of the de-icing chemical used for airplanes. Field monitoring of infiltration of meltwater using electrical resistivity was employed to characterise meltwater infiltration patterns at Gardermoen in 2001 (French et al., 2002B; French and Binley, 2004) and 2006. The formation of impermeable ice cover on the ground below the melting snowcover was observed at the field site in years with ground frost, while no ice was formed in 2006 when no ground frost was present until the last month of winter. More homogeneous infiltration conditions in 2006 were also confirmed by insignificant ponding at the airport site.


Characterizing ecosystem-atmosphere interactions in terms of carbon and water exchange on different time scales is considered a major challenge in terrestrial biogeochemical cycle research. The respective time series currently comprise an observation period of up to one decade. In this study, we explored whether the observation period is already sufficient to detect cross-relationships between the variables beyond the annual cycle, as they are expected from comparable studies in climatology. We investigated the potential of Singular System Analysis (SSA) to extract arbitrary kinds of oscillatory patterns. The method is completely data adaptive and performs an effective signal to noise separation. We found that most observations (Net Ecosystem Exchange, NEE, Gross Primary Productivity, GPP, Ecosystem Respiration, Reco, Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD, Latent Heat, LE, Sensible Heat, H, Wind Speed, u, and Precipitation, P) were influenced significantly by low-frequency components (interannual variability). Furthermore, we extracted a set of nontrivial relationships and found clear seasonal hysteresis effects except for the interrelation of NEE with Global Radiation (Rg). SSA provides a new tool for the investigation of these phenomena explicitly on different time scales. Furthermore, we showed that SSA has great potential for eddy covariance data processing, since it can be applied as a novel gap filling approach relying on the temporal correlation structure of the time series structure only.


The effectiveness against soft rotting micro fungi and other soil inhabiting micro-organisms was tested according to ENV 807 using different treated Scots pine sapwood and beech wood samples. The treatments differed in basic material, solvent, depolymerization agent, viscosity and post treatment. The chitosan treated Scots pine samples showed improved performance against soft rot, whereas a large amount of untreated pines sapwood samples failed during the test. The different chitosan treatments showed only slight differences in performance during the test.Further results of ongoing field tests should give more information about the life performance of the treated samples.


The complete sequences of the chloroplast genomes of H. vulgare, Sorghum bicolor and A. stolonifera are presented. The sizes of the H. vulgare, Sorghum bicolor and A. stolonifera chloroplast genomes are 136,462, 140,754 and 136,584 bp, respectively. The genomes include a pair of IRs of 21,579 bp (H. vulgare), 22,782 bp (Sorghum bicolor) and 21,649 bp (A. stolonifera) separated by a small single copy region of 12,704 bp (H. vulgare), 12,502 bp (Sorghum bicolor) and 12,740 bp (A. stolonifera) and a large single copy region of 80,600 bp (H. vulgare), 82,688 bp (Sorghum bicolor) and 80,546 bp (A. stolonifera). Comparisons of complete chloroplast genome sequences of Hordeum vulgare, Sorghum bicolor and Agrostis stolonifera with six published grass chloroplast genomes reveal that gene content and order are similar but two microstructural changes have occurred. First, the expansion of the IR at the SSC/IRa boundary that duplicates a portion of the 5" end of ndhH is restricted to the three genera of the subfamily Pooideae (Agrostis, Hordeum and Triticum). Second, a 6 bp deletion in ndhK is shared by Agrostis, Hordeum, Oryza and Triticum, and this event supports the sister relationship between the subfamilies Erhartoideae and Pooideae. Repeat analysis identified 19- 37 direct and inverted repeats 30 bp or longer with a sequence identity of at least 90%. Seventeen of the 26 shared repeats are found in all the grass chloroplast genomes examined and are located in the same genes or intergenic spacer (IGS) regions. Examination of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) identified 16"21 potential polymorphic SSRs. Five IGS regions have 100% sequence identity among Zea mays, Saccharum officinarum and Sorghum bicolor, whereas no spacer regions were identical among Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum, H. vulgare and A. stolonifera despite their close phylogenetic relationship. The genome information will facilitate the development of CP technology for those crops to improve their agronomic traits.


Foredraget ga en gjennomgang av forskning og utvikling på molte ved Bioforsk Nord Holt. Gjennomgangen la vekt på kommersialisering og nytteverdien av kunnskapen. I tillegg ble prosjektet BARENTSHERBS presentert. Hovedmålet med dette prosjektet er å studere effekt av miljø og arv på kvantitativt og kvalitativt innhold av adaptogene stoffer i artene reinrot (Leuzea chartamoides), rosenrot (Rhodiola rosea) og Serratula coronata. Genbanker og dyrkingsfelt er også etablert i alle deltagerlandene; Finland, Russland og Norge. BARENTSHERBS prosjektet er finansiert av Barentssekretariatet og Interreg IIIA.


The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of clover species in grass-clover silage and of concentrate supplementation on milk fatty acid (FA) composition. Trifolium repens (WC) and Trifolium pratense (RC) grown in mixture with grasses were preserved in round bales and fed to autumn calving dairy cows during the first 12 weeks of lactation. Milk produced on RC silage had a higher proportion of polyunsaturated FAs (3.09 vs. 2.84%, P


The objective of this study was to examine the effect of clover species on milk fatty acid (FA) composition. Lactating dairy cows were allocated to two groups and fed grass-clover silage containing either white clover (WC) or red clover (RC), without or with concentrate supplementation. No significant interaction of clover species with concentrate supplementation could be observed. RC milk had significantly higher proportion of polyunsaturated FAs (P<0.001), particularly C18:3n-3 (P<0.001), and contained a higher n-3/n-6 FA ratio (P<0.05) than WC milk. It is concluded that RC silage, independent of concentrate supply, yielded milk with more beneficial FA composition than WC silage.