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In cases where snow is contaminated such as e.g. along highways and airports due to de-icing agents and other contaminants, it is important to be able to predict the zone of infiltration since this will determine the potential for retention and degradation in the unsaturated zone. The infiltration processes was monitored using time-lapse electrical resistivity measured in shallow electrodes in a glacial deposit near Oslo airport. TDR measurements were used to calibrate changes in water contents with changes in electrical resistivity values. In the first snowmelting event (April, 2006) there was hardly any ground frost, while in the second event (March, 2007) ground frost caused redistribution of meltwater and focussed infiltration


Forest stands are the basic planning units of managed forest landscapes, and the structural composition of these units is important for conservation of biodiversity. We present a methodological approach for identification and mapping of important structural and environmental features of forest stands. Based on an analysis of habitats of red-listed species and a synthesis of results from research on spatial distribution of forest species, we developed a habitat inventory approach (Complementary Hotspot Inventory, CHI) that is currently used in forestry planning in Norway. The CHI maps fine-scale hotspots for 12 habitat types that are further classified according to positions along main environmental gradients (productivity and humidity). Consisting of different substrates in different environments, these habitats to a large degree support different species assemblages. By incorporating both the hotspot and the complementary approach, the CHI produces data tuned for later conservation measures. The high spatial resolution of data facilitates the use of conservation measures at different spatial scales, from single-tree retention to forest reserves. Avalidation test of habitats identified by CHI showed that the density of red-listed species was four times that of randomly selected old forests.


Comparisons of complete chloroplast genome sequences of Hordeum vulgare, Sorghum bicolor and Agrostis stolonifera to six published grass chloroplast genomes reveal that gene content and order are similar but two microstructural changes have occurred. First, the expansion of the IR at the SSC/IRa boundary that duplicates a portion of the 5 end of ndhH is restricted to the three genera of the subfamily Pooideae (Agrostis, Hordeum and Triticum). Second, a 6 bp deletion in ndhK is shared by Agrostis, Hordeum, Oryza and Triticum, and this event supports the sister relationship between the subfamilies Erhartoideae and Pooideae. Repeat analysis identiWed 19- 37 direct and inverted repeats 30 bp or longer with a sequence identity of at least 90%. Seventeen of the 26 shared repeats are found in all the grass chloroplast genomes examined and are located in the same genes or intergenic spacer (IGS) regions. Examination of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) identiWed 16"21 potential polymorphic SSRs. Five IGS regions have 100% sequence identity among Zea mays, Saccharum oYcinarum and Sorghum bicolor, whereas no spacer regions were identical among Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum, H. vulgare and A. stolonifera despite their close phylogenetic relationship. Alignment of EST sequences and DNA coding sequences identified six C"U conversions in both Sorghum bicolor and H. vulgare but only one in A. stolonifera. Phylogenetic trees based on DNA sequences of 61 protein-coding genes of 38 taxa using both maximum parsimony and likelihood methods provide moderate support for a sister relationship between the subfamilies Erhartoideae and Pooideae.


Being a farmer in Northern Norway is challenging in many ways. In the last 20 years a greater attention has been given on area conservation, also influencing the farmer in many ways. In order to reach IUCN"s goal of conserving 15 % of the land area in Norway, it is necessary to conserve also private property as national parks. Increasing the conservation of outfields affects property owners in many ways; the conservation regulations define which initiatives can be taken in an area, the use of the area for forestry might be regulated, the national park status might attract even more people. All of these factors are mentioned as considerations regarding area conservation in Norway. In this paper we will present some preliminary results from the project Protected Areas as Resources for Coastal and Rural Business Development (PROBUS). The research question in this paper will be the following: How can farmers continue their activities or create new activities in conserved areas in Northern Norway? Some of the themes addressed will then be the different incentives relevant for farming in conserved areas, formal regulations that regulate farming in conserved areas, the possibilities for supplementary activities related to tourism and outdoor activities, and the interplay between the possibilities and the limitations with farming in conserved areas.


Det vart gjennomført forbrukartestar med fire nye plommesortar. Forbrukarane syntest "Reeves" og "Jubileum" hadde finaste utsjånaden. Men smakspoenga for "Reeves" var låge. "Excalibur" fekk høge smakspoeng, sjølv om forbrukarane ikkje syntest plommene såge fine ut. Basert på kjemiske analysar av viktige kvalitetsfaktorar var det ikkje uventa at "Excalibur" fekk høge smakspoeng, og smakspoenga for "Jubileum" og "Victoria" var middels. "Avalon" fekk derimot høgare og "Reeves" lågare smakspoeng enn ein hadde venta. "Excalibur", Jubileum" og "Avalon" er minst like gode eller betre enn standardsorten "Victoria". Fruktkvaliteten hjå "Reeves" er dårlegare enn hjå "Victoria".


The control of Alopecurus geniculatus, Poa annua and Poa trivialis using iodosulfuron (Hussar/Hussar OD) was investigated in field experiments in the seed harvest year in timothy (Phleum pratense), and in the sowing year and seed harvest year in smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) and red fescue (Festuca rubra). Iodosulfuron (10 g a.i. ha-1) usually had good effect on Poa trivialis and Alopecurus geniculatus. As for Poa annua the effect on seed contamination was better than on weed coverage in the field. Early application improved weed control in the seed harvest years, and iodosulfuron was shown to perform well at low temperatures. The herbicide often delayed timothy development, but caused seed yield reduction only in two out of eight experiments, both with moist soil at treatment. The visual damage increased with increasing rates and use of additives (alcoholetoxylate or rape oil). A questionnaire investigation among timothy growers in 2004 showed that farmers using Hussar had 43% lower contamination of P. trivialis in cleaned seed yield and 20% lower yield than the farmers not using Hussar. In some trials in timothy and smooth meadow-grass, the new formulation Hussar OD gave slightly more damage than the old formulation Hussar. While well-established timothy crops seem to tolerate some visual damage without seed yield reduction, the risk of yield reduction in first year crops can usually be avoided by splitting the application into 5 g a.i. ha-1 at 14 days intervals. In smooth meadow-grass and red fescue established without cover crop, repeated applications of 5 g a.i. ha-1 in the sowing year resulted in better control of P. annua and significant seed yield improvements compared to application only in the seed harvest year. Both Hussar and Hussar OD have off-label approvals for members of the Norwegian Seed Growers Association.