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This study is based on a certain case with the largest Norwegian Forest Association (Viken Skog BA) as timber seller and Haselstad Bruk AS buyer of saw logs. The objective of the study is to adopt a more effective, accurate and market-oriented timber production system in the south-east of Norway using bucking-to-demand. A bucking simulator called OptApt is further developed with the addition of a function for near-optimal bucking-to-demand, to evaluate this bucking regime in relation to the traditional bucking-to-value approach used under Norwegian conditions, which means large variations in forests when it comes to dimensions and quality between, but also within, regions and stands. ....


Med utgangspunkt i større nedbørsmengder og høgre temperatur enn normalt hausten-vinteren 2006-2007, drøftar artikkelen kor mykje nitrogen som er tapt med grøfte- og overflateavrenning på Vestlandet. Høg temperatur fører til større mineralisering av organisk bunde nitrogen i humusmateriale (mold) og husdyrgjødsel. Det vert tilrådd å gjødsla med 1-1,5 kg nitrogen meir pr dekar enn det ein normal gjødselplan legg opp til.


Numerous fungicide applications are often needed to control powdery mildews in greenhouse-grown crops, and consequently there is an increasing demand for alternative means to control them. In commercial greenhouses, attack of powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii in cucumbers and P. pannosa in cut roses was controlled by weekly sprays of C-Pro CE601, a dilution of grapefruit seed extract (GSE). The raw material of GSE, delivered by Citricidalâ, is a glycerolic extract from seed and juiceless pulp of grapefruits (Citrus paradise). In both cultures C-Pro at 2000 ppm achieved as good control as treatments with penconazole or triforine. The mean level of attack by powdery mildew on leaves of cut roses one week after the last of three weekly treatments, was 9.8, 12.9 and 40.5 % for penconazole, C-Pro (2000 ppm), and untreated, respectively. In cucumbers, there was less difference between the untreated control and the different treatments, but for all times of assessments, C-Pro and triforine were better than untreated (P = 0.001). There was no significant difference in cucumber between C-Pro and triforine. Phytotoxicity symptoms like leaf twisting and rolling in roses (cv. Jade and Cezann) and dark green leaves and indications of growth retardation in cucumbers (cv. Ventura) were observed at the higher concentrations used (3000-4000 ppm). Thin layer chromatography of C-Pro CE601 has previously shown presence of benzethonium chloride, a synthetic antiseptic agent. Further research is necessary to determine if the observed effects of the product tested are due to natural compounds or if it is merely due to a synthetic preservative agent added. Our results revealed that C-Pro might be a supplement or even a replacement to some of the current fungicides used against powdery mildew.


Etter at Gusathion og Lebaycid ikkje fekk forlenga godkjenning har kontroll av viktige skadedyr i både frukt og bær vorte vanskeleg. Frå 2007 er skadedyrmiddelet Calypso 480 SC (thiacloprid) godkjent i kjernefrukt, steinfrukt, bringebær, jordbær, solbær, rips og stikkelsbær. Dette middelet kan redusere skade av mange viktige skadegjerarar framover.

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Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus leks have repeatedly been reported to be located in old forest. However, two conditions may have biased this widely held view. First, leks are known to be continuously used over several decades, and therefore might have been established when forest stands were younger. Second, stand -replacement logging (clearcutting) was not widely applied until the 1950s, leaving even-aged regenerating stands too young for leks to have been established in the latter part of the 20th century. Here we report eight cases of lek formation in young plantations from south-central Norway. Stand age ranged within 2646 years when display activity started. At six of the sites, we confirmed that females were regularly feeding on pine trees in winter prior to lek establishment, and at four of these sites displaying males were observed courting the females in late winter. These findings support the hotspot model of lek formation put forward by Gjerde et al. (2000), and it offers promising options for managing capercaillie leks in commercially utilised forests.


available, especially in Norway. The objective of the present research was to estimate C losses from cultivated peatlands in West Norway by three independent methods: 1) long-term monitoring of subsidence rates, 2) changes in ash contents, and 3) soil CO2 flux measurements. Subsidence of cultivated peat soils averaged about 2.5 cm y-1. We estimated that peat loss and compaction were respectively responsible for 38% and 62% of the total subsidence during a 25-year period after drainage. Based on this estimate the corresponding C loss equals 0.80 kg C m-2 yr-1. The observed increase in mineral concentration of the topsoil of cultivated peat is proportional to their C loss, providing no mineral particles other than lime and fertilizers are added to the soil. Using this novel approach across 11 sites, we estimated a mean C loss of 0.86 kg C m-2 y-1. Soil CO2 flux measurements, corrected for autotrophic respiration, yielded a C loss estimate from cultivated peat soils of 0.60 kg C m-2 yr-1. The three methods yielded fairly similar estimates of C losses from Norwegian cultivated peatlands. Cultivated peatlands in Norway cover an estimated 63 000 ha. Total annual C losses from peat degradation were estimated to range between 1.8 and 2 million tons CO2 y-1, which equals about 3-4 % of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from Norway.


Dynamics of soil organic matter is an important factor of soil quality. A long-standing view is that recalcitrant molecules of plant residues contribute more to long-term storage of organic carbon than more soluble plant residues. This view is currently being questioned, and parts of our recent studies will be presented that support the need for reconsideration of the topic.


Cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., are known world wide as parasites of cereals and grasses. Surveys in Norway have revealed that nematodes belonging to the H. avenae complex occur throughout the country. The cereal cyst nematode species so far recorded in Norway are H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. pratensis, H. bifenestra and H. hordecalis. Within H. avenae the pathotypes, Ha 11 and Ha 12, "Ha- Knislinge", "Ha- Ringsåsen" and "Ha- Våxtorp" have been encountered. H. filipjevi is represented by the pathotype "West" HfW (Holgado et al., 2007). In cereals, peaks in cyst nematode populations and damage occur every 20-30 years, and seem to occur simultaneously throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula. We do not have reliable information on the mechanisms behind these wide spread fluctuations. Crop rotation and the use of cultivars with resistance are important measures for controlling cereal cyst nematodes, but require detailed information on the occurrence and density of species and pathotypes in the fields (Holgado & Andersson 2005, Holgado et al. 2005, 2006ab). In field soils Ha 11,/12, "Ha-Våxtorp" is often found together with HfW. Resistant cultivars are normally resistant to only one of two species or pathotypes in mixed field populations. Consequently the use of resistant cultivars will lead to an increase of the nematode species or pathotype capable of reproduction, which results in peaks of damage distributed in time. Failure in recognizing the time span of this dynamic may leave the farmer without access to appropriate cultivars when damage occurs. Different species and pathotypes of cyst nematodes may occur simultaneously on the same plant root (Holgado & Magnusson, 2007). This would be an unlikely event without mechanisms reducing competition. Differences in temporal, spatial and physiological niche dimensions between species would support diversity. A better knowledge of key-differences in niche parameters of cereal cyst nematode species would allow for an active management of specific populations, and stabilize their population densities at levels below the threshold of economic damage. Management of niches is management of diversity, and this would allow for an optimal selection of cultivars. In this way the unexpected peaks in cereal damage can be avoided to the benefit of a more stable and sustainable production. The dynamics and principles of coexistence of species in mixed populations need a stronger emphasis in management systems for cereal cyst nematodes.


Cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., are known world wide as parasites of cereals and grasses. Surveys in Norway have revealed that nematodes belonging to the H. avenae complex occur throughout the country. The cereal cyst nematode species so far recorded in Norway are H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. pratensis, H. bifenestra and H. hordecalis. Within H. avenae the pathotypes, Ha 11 and Ha 12, "Ha- Knislinge", "Ha- Ringsåsen" and "Ha- Våxtorp" have been encountered. H. filipjevi is represented by the pathotype "West" HfW (Holgado et al., 2007). In cereals, peaks in cyst nematode populations and damage occur every 20-30 years, and seem to occur simultaneously throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula. We do not have reliable information on the mechanisms behind these wide spread fluctuations. Crop rotation and the use of cultivars with resistance are important measures for controlling cereal cyst nematodes, but require detailed information on the occurrence and density of species and pathotypes in the fields (Holgado & Andersson 2005, Holgado et al. 2005, 2006ab). In field soils Ha 11,/12, "Ha-Våxtorp" is often found together with HfW. Resistant cultivars are normally resistant to only one of two species or pathotypes in mixed field populations. Consequently the use of resistant cultivars will lead to an increase of the nematode species or pathotype capable of reproduction, which results in peaks of damage distributed in time. Failure in recognizing the time span of this dynamic may leave the farmer without access to appropriate cultivars when damage occurs. Different species and pathotypes of cyst nematodes may occur simultaneously on the same plant root (Holgado & Magnusson, 2007). This would be an unlikely event without mechanisms reducing competition. Differences in temporal, spatial and physiological niche dimensions between species would support diversity. A better knowledge of key-differences in niche parameters of cereal cyst nematode species would allow for an active management of specific populations, and stabilize their population densities at levels below the threshold of economic damage. Management of niches is management of diversity, and this would allow for an optimal selection of cultivars. In this way the unexpected peaks in cereal damage can be avoided to the benefit of a more stable and sustainable production. The dynamics and principles of coexistence of species in mixed populations need a stronger emphasis in management systems for cereal cyst nematodes.