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Rotkjuke er den soppen som volder størst skade i skogen. Dersom man kan forstå hvordan rotkjuka bryter ned ligninet og cellulosen i ved, kan sannsynligvis denne kunnskapen brukes til å lage bioetanol av cellulosen i celleveggene fra trær og andre planter. Svaret kan ligge i arvematerialet til denne soppen, som nå er i ferd med å bli fullstendig sekvensert.


The coastal heathlands of central and northern Norway are part of the Atlantic heath formation, stretching along the European coastline from Portugal to northern Norway. In south-north direction, the heathlands strech about 3600 km, 1/3 of which is along the Norwegian coast. In Norway the heathlands never form large and homogenous areas. They are broken up by mountains, ridges, vallys and fjords. There is often a mosaic of open heaths and other types of open landscape elements, like bare rocks, mires, grassland, farmland, lakes etc.


Colletotrichum acutatum vart funne ved undersøkingar av epleknoppar før bryting om våren. Colletotrichum acutatum er årsak til lagersjukdom bitterrote på eple og smitte på knoppar kan vera ei smittekjelde om våren.


Colletotrichum acutatum fins på alle dei viktige frukt- og bærartane våre og på fleire artar av prydplanter og ugras, men gjer størst skade i kirsebær og eple. Soppen er ei utfordring, fordi han har mange vertplanter, kan leva på enkelte plantedelar utan å utvikla symptom og fordi symptoma ofte ikkje vert synlege på fruktene før etter hausting.


In Norway exterior wood structures have traditionally nearly exclusively been made of treated and untreated Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris. In recent years there has been a tendency that other tree species, like various domestic hardwoods and imported species have been used in exterior above ground applications, often unfinished. For several wood species, especially hardwoods, information regarding the durability in use class 3 is lacking. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate natural durability of Norwegian wood species for above ground applications comparing two non-standard above ground tests with the European standard tests for soil contact (EN 252) and lab performance against basidiomycetes (EN 113). The European standard tests EN 113 and EN 252 gave quite similar results, and they also corresponded well with the natural durability classification in EN 350-2. The two non-standard above ground tests differed to some extend from EN 113, EN 252 and EN 350-2. The results indicate that natural durability classification for one single wood species can change depending on use class. However, the field trials need a longer period of time before a final classification can be performed. Four species not included in EN 350-2 were classified in this study: Juniperus communis (1), Salix caprea (5), Sorbus aucuparia (5) and Populus tremula (5).


City planners need practical methods to assess and compare the sustainability of different alternatives for urban infrastructure. This article presents the consequences of selecting different methods to normalize the values of sustainability indicators, and the influence of selecting different indicators and different weighting techniques. A nature based sewerage system is compared to a conventional system. The article demonstrates that the method used to normalize the indicators, the choice of relevant indicators and the weighting technique have considerable influence on which system is found to be the most sustainable. By selecting particular indicators, weighting and normalization methods, it is possible to prove that virtually any infrastructure system is more sustainable than any other alternative system. Such a biased approach is difficult to reveal unless the most careful, expert scrutiny is applied. Because of this fact, it is of paramount importance that the consequences of different evaluation methods are discussed and sensitivity analyses are carried out honestly and objectively on the critical parameters. An evaluation process made in this way will enable those parts of the analysis that generate disagreement to be identified, and decisions taken on what is important and unimportant.