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Long-term and varied land use has had a major influence on the vegetation in rural Norway, and the traditional open landscapes are now being replaced by forests. In the present investigation, we assess and quantify structural vegetation changes caused by changes in land use and climate. Up-to-date actual vegetation maps from three rural study areas were compared with interpreted historical vegetation maps and potential natural vegetation (PNV) models. Our findings indicate that the present vegetation structure is strongly influenced by land use. In the studied sites, 56–66% of the areas presently have another vegetation type than expected from a natural state (PNV). The mean turnover of vegetation types in the study areas during the past 35–40 years was 25%. Our study highlights that the influence of land-use needs to be accounted for when considering the effects of climate change.


Det pågår en omfattende gjengroing med skog i åpne kulturlandskap i Norge. Dette vil påvirke en rekke verdiområder, blant annet kulturminner, landskapsopplevelser og biologisk mangfold. Nær 16% av Norge kan gro igjen med skog dersom utviklingen fortsetter.


De norske landskapene gror igjen og dette innvirker på en rekke verdiområder. Artikkelen diskuterer spesielt forholdet mellom gjengroing i kulturlandskapet og reiselivet i Norge.

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The purpose of the study was to explore and compare three different methods for modelling potential natural vegetation (PNV), a hypothetic natural state of vegetation that shows nature's biotic potential in the absence of human influence and disturbance. The vegetation was mapped in a south-central Norwegian mountain region, in a 34.2 km2 area around the village of Beitostølen, in 2009. The actual vegetation map (AVM) formed the basis for the development of PNV using three different modelling methods: (1) an expert-based manual modelling (EMM), (2) rule-based envelope GIS-modelling (RBM), and (3) a statistical predictive GIS-modelling method (Maxent). The article shows that the three modelling methods have different advantages, challenges and preconditions. The findings indicate that: (1) the EMM method should preferably be used only as a supplementary method in highly disturbed areas, (2) both the RBM and the Maxent methods perform well, (3) RBM performs especially well, but also Maxent are more objective methods than EMM and they are much easier to develop and re-run after model validation, (4) Maxent probably underestimates the potential distribution of some vegetation types, whereas RBM overestimates, (5) the Maxent output is relative probabilities of distribution, giving higher model variation than RBM.

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Landscapes reflect both historic and current cultural and socio-economic activities of human societies. Accordingly, as human societies change, the landscape changes as well. Agriculture is the main driver of landscape changes in the Czech Republic. Therefore, it is necessary to devote special attention to agricultural practices and define simple but effective steps to improve landscape mosaics towards a sustainable development. In this study, regional information about historic changes in landscape structure was studied to (1) identify the trends in land use/cover development since 1940 to 2010 and (2) determine the impact of land use change on the resulting heterogeneity of the landscape. The overall purpose was to find areas of compromise which would allow strengthening of landscape structure and thus stabilize its functions. We specified trends of land use/cover development in 15 catchments with varying agriculture intensity. We digitalized aerial photographs from 1940, 1960, and 1990 and orthophotomaps from 2010. Then, we used a heterogeneity index to define landscape heterogeneity in all catchments and time horizons. The results of our research confirmed increasing tillage effort in intensively cultivated areas, support of secondary succession processes in marginalized areas, and overall increase in forest area. Our study found that simplification and homogenization of the landscape mosaic took place in all studied areas, with the steepest decline found in areas with high agriculture intensity. However, linear vegetation proved to be a suitable starting point for a targeted effort to increase heterogeneity and thus seemed to be crucial for sustainable development of landscape functions in agroecosystems.


Vegetasjonskart gjev eit bilete av den mosaikken av vegetasjonstypar som det naturlege plantedekket består av. Ein vegetasjonstype er ei karakteristisk samling planteartar som vil gå att på lokalitetar med like veksetilhøve. Ei oversikt over utbreiinga av vegetasjonstypar gjev oss på denne måten informasjon også om variasjonen i økologiske faktorar (klima, næring og vatn i jorda, snødekke og kulturpåverknad) i eit område. I tillegg kan kvar vegetasjonstype tilleggast eigenskapar med omsyn til ulik ressursutnytting og bruk (beite, slitestyrke for ferdsel, artsmangfald m.m.).