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Det finnes flere ulike metoder og prosesser for varmebehandling av trevirke, også kalt termisk modifisering. Trevirket varmes opp til 160° C eller mer og under forhold med redusert oksygentilgang.


Wood protection by means of electro pulsing Electric fields have been evaluated for the protection of wood against attack by wood-destroying fungi. We could show that a low-pulsed electric field (PLEOT) had an inhibiting effect on wood destroying fungi compared with the tested reference power sources alternating and direct current. The study examined the suitability of PLEOT for use in wood preservation and evaluated the use of different wood and fungi species, different wood dimensions, the use in ground contact, as well as the test setup in the laboratory and the installation of the technology in the field. Different wood species could be protected by means of PLEOT against degradation by white and brown rot. Additionally, the degradation of wood could be stopped after four weeks establishment of the fungi. The use of PLEOT in ground contact resulted in lower weight loss of PLEOT-protected samples compared with untreated samples.


Overview of the chemical suppliers' perspectives and impact on innovation in the wood treating industry Methods: Personal Interviews Data Source: 14 interviews of managers in three chemical companies and three of their customers Key Findings: 1) Managers of companies manufacturing wood preservatives see their customer base as highly conservative and lacking innovation. 2) Big box retailers have an important impact on innovation in the wood treating sector. 3) Chemical suppliers are important for both product