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A wide range of forest products and industries have been examined in life cycle analyses (LCA). Life cycle data are essential for identifying forestry operations that contribute most to carbon emissions. Forestry can affect net CO2 emissions by changing carbon stocks in biomass, soil and products, by supplying biofuels to replace fossil fuels as well as by establishing new forests. The transport of forest products is crucial to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We conceptualize the chain from seed production, silviculture, harvesting, and timber transport to the industry as a system. Inputs to the system are energy and fuel, the output represents GHG emissions. The reference functional unit used for the inventory analysis and impact assessment is one cubic meter of harvested timber under bark. GHG emissions from forestry in East Norway were calculated for the production of one such unit delivered to the industry gate in 2010 (cradle-to-gate inventory), showing that timber transport from the forest to the final consumer contributed with more than 50 % to the total GHG emissions. To assess uncertainty of model approaches, the LCA was conducted with two different models, SimaPro and GaBi, both using the Ecoinvent database with data adapted to European conditions.